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The What is Truth? blog: How Has It Blessed You?

The What is Truth? blog is approaching 1,500,000 hits as I write this post (and possibly will be over that number when you are reading it.)  Praise the Lord for this impact for the glory of the Triune Jehovah and the spread of the truth of His Word!
Of course, What is Truth? is run by Pastor Kent Brandenburg, long-time faithful pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in El Sobrante, CA.  Bro Thomas Ross also posts on the blog on Fridays.  The posts on the blog seek to reflect the Biblical position of the church and pastor that run it–namely, obedience to everything in the Bible out of love for its Divine Author, who has redeemed the sinful men who write on it by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
How long have you been reading the posts at What is Truth?  What posts have been the greatest blessing to you spiritually?  Which ones have you shared with others?  Why do you like to read the posts on this blog?  How have they helped you in doing ministry for the glory of God?  Please feel free to explain in the comment section.
If the posts are a blessing to you, I would encourage you to share them with others, link to them, etc.  That will help even more people to hear the truth.
Also, in addition to posting your thoughts and the way What is Truth? has blessed those you seek to minister to and you individually, I would be interested to see if you can guess what posts have received the most hits.  Do you want to guess what the top three are or the top five?  I will plan to post the answer to that question if we get a decent number of guesses.
By the way, there are many people who this blog has impacted who do not comment on it and do not want anyone to know that they are reading it.  I praise God for the influence of the What is Truth? blog even on people like this–the blog is still spreading the salt of the Word around even in many places where those who are ashamed of unpopular truth do not want to acknowledge it.

If you guess what the top posts are correctly, THIS BLOG WILL GIVE YOU




… nothing in particular as a giveaway, since Bethel Baptist Church does not practice promotion and marketing techniques like the world does to attract people, but instead seeks to preach the gospel to every creature and let the Holy Spirit and the Word of God do what giving out toys, candy, and coffee cannot.  (You can pat yourself on the back, though, if you want to.)

You will get what truly is an exceedingly special prize, though.  You will know more of the truth (John 14:6; 17:17).  So will your friends if you share this blog with them.


  1. I'm grateful for all the Bible I have learned reading here for several years.
    It has drastically changed my evangelism, my view of the local assembly, etc.

    Thanks for all the effort of putting the information out there.
    Jim Camp

  2. Dear Kent and Thomas,

    I have been reading "What is Truth?" for over ten years now. Words can't express the difference your writings have made in my life and in my understanding of God's Word. I could name many, but to name a few, I recall a series from several years ago called "The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism". Prior to reading this series, I already had a TR position, but this series really strengthened my confidence in God's words, because it made so clear why the Scriptures lead us to this position. I had read a lot on the subject of versions, but this really got to the heart of the issue.

    Moreover, this series taught me much more than the Bible issue. It taught (as I recall) the importance of faith and the sufficiency of scripture in all matter that pertain to life and godliness. Again, I generally believed these things, but my understanding was really bolstered.

    More recently, I have been extremely blessed by the writings about repentance, Keswick, and sanctification. About 5-6 years ago, I began to recognize that something didn't sit well with me about how sanctification was being preached by many independent Baptists, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was on the path to ordination at the time, but I knew that I had no business being ordained if I didn't understand sanctification properly. So, I began to pray (based on Philippians 3:15 and others) that God would help me to understand His thinking on this issue. Unfortunately, I could not find much writing out there that tackled the issues of Keswick theology. It wasn't long after this that this began to become almost a theme on this blog. I was sad to realize that so many people have been negatively affected by this theology, but so glad to be able to now move forward in truth and teach and preach the truth with confidence.

    When you don't get many comments, don't think that means it's not having an effect. Often times I would really like to comment, but I just don't have time. So much more could be said, but thank you, and keep writing. It is very much needed.

    In Christ,
    Mat Dvorachek
    (Romans 1:16)

  3. I have been reading for a few years and have been tremendously blessed. I'm really appreciate the focus and desire to obey God's Word. Thank you so much for your influence on my life and in my home.

    Jeremy P.

  4. Hi Kent and Thomas

    Let me also add my appreciation for the sound teaching of this blog. Having previously spent years with IB churches that were revivalist, quick prayerist, pragmatic, and universal in ecclesiology, I have come to see the errors that are unquestioningly followed in most IB churches here in Australia. This blog has been a great help to me in setting forth a scriptural and historic Baptist position in many of these areas.

    In particular, I have found especially helpful posts on Baptist ecclesiology (local and perpetual), separation, conservative worship, evangelism, repentance, Lordship salvation, preservation of Scripture, and Biblical dress standards.

    The robust exchanges in the comments are also insightful.

    As for which posts have received the most hits, the one on deleting your Facebook account is probably the most popular (I think Kent has mentioned this previously). After that, I would guess the series on leaving Fundamentalism.

    Please keep up this important work!

  5. Thanks Mat, Jeremy, and Brendon.

    Hmm … very smart, guessing which posts have the most hits based on things actually posted. We will see if that is correct.

  6. I can say that I am a better Christian and a stronger Baptist because of this blog. There is much to thank the Lord for in here. Thank you, Pastor Brandenburg, and Bro. Ross for cranking out articles and opinions based upon the Bible.

    I love the series on the Church of Christ/Haffley debates (especially the videos). This dog don't hunt, this one doesn't even bark. Oh yes! I am smiling and shaking my head even as I type this, seriously, good times! I guarantee you, Haffley never saw that one coming – – huh, is that right, Mr. Ross!

    I thought "Havahd" joining the audience was something else.

    Frank Turk's back and forth with PB was informational.

    Although, and not directly related, Sharper Iron not allowing PB to interact but constantly linking in and having discussions is bizarre. Do they allow PB to interact now? I don't keep up with it, just curious. If so, then ignore this paragraph.

  7. All those who commented,

    I didn't put Thomas Ross up to do this. This was on his own. I saw it was coming and didn't stop it, but thanks for the comments. If we had a, I hate this blog, comment section, it might be more comments, but I don't think it is because there isn't a lot of people who think positively. Whether they do or not, what matters is, is this the truth here? That's what we want out of this.

    Thank you.

  8. I have also been blessed and challenged by what I've read on this blog. I am grateful to those who put in a lots of hard work to make it happen.

    E. T. Chapman

  9. Mr. B. or PB, as the other person just called you. I found this site from Sharp Iron or whatever it's called. The thing that I find odd is that this seems to be a site that mainly deals with theological issues, yet once in awhile it veers off into health topics. What?? What does that have to do with anything. As far as I've seen, whenever this site talks about health it is not dealing in truth and is spouting off the same old Big Pharma lies. But to give you credit, I won't call you a liar because I can't know that. You may actually believe what is portrayed here in the "health" section and think you are giving out legitimate information. I'm not trying to be unkind when I say that, so please don't take it that way. My intention is in no way to be rude or unkind. I just think you are way, way off in your health section and discredit alternative cancer therapies as "conspiracy theory". The real "conspiracy theory" is the AMA and big pharma, not the other way around. Other than this diversion, I enjoy the site and I'm sure we agree with much in other areas.

  10. Dear Anonymous,

    The articles about people preserving their lives by using Biblically-based scientific medicine are in obedience to the Sixth Commandment. Perhaps you should evaluate whether you are thinking Biblically here when you reject evidence for conspiracies not based on the facts in God's world.


    Q. 135. What are the duties required in the sixth commandment?
    A. The duties required in the sixth commandment are all careful studies, and lawful endeavors, to preserve the life of ourselves721 and others722 by resisting all thoughts and purposes,723 subduing all passions,724 and avoiding all occasions,725 temptations,726 and practices, which tend to the unjust taking away the life of any;727 by just defence thereof against violence,728 patient bearing of the hand of God,729 quietness of mind,730 cheerfulness of spirit;731 a sober use of meat,732 drink,733 physic,734 sleep,735 labour,736 and recreations;737 by charitable thoughts,738 love,739 compassion,740 meekness, gentleness, kindness;741 peaceable,742 mild and courteous speeches and behaviour;743 forbearance, readiness to be reconciled, patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, and requiting good for evil;744 comforting and succouring the distressed and protecting and defending the innocent.745

    Q. 136. What are the sins forbidden in the sixth commandment?
    A. The sins forbidden in the sixth commandment are, all taking away the life of ourselves,746 or of others,747 except in case of public justice,748 lawful war,749 or necessary defence;750 the neglecting or withdrawing the lawful and necessary means of preservation of life;751 sinful anger,752 hatred,753 envy,754 desire of revenge;755 all excessive passions,756 distracting cares;757 immoderate use of meat, drink,758 labor,759 and recreations;760 provoking words,761 oppression,762 quarreling,763 striking, wounding,764 and whatsoever else tends to the destruction of the life of any.765

  11. Mr. KJB,

    I'm not sure where you are getting your footnotes from. I'm not seeing any footnotes that equate to the numbers in your post.

    In any event, the modern cancer-pharmaceutical-industrial complex is not all it's cracked up to be. Am I saying that all doctors and pharmacists are engaging in fraud? Of course not; that would be a ludicrous statement. But what I am saying that many doctors, pharmacists and members of the general public are naive to the fraud and deception perpetrated by the industry and seem to think that the accepted structure is without malice. After all, the pharmaceutical industry and the elite of the world certainly don't want to bleed me dry financially and would never even think of such outlandish concepts as population control, would they?

  12. For those who are interested, the top seven posts (top five and two bonus) at the What is Truth blog since its founding are:

    1.) "History and Deuteronomy 22:5, part 1."


    2.) "Why to Delete a Facebook Account."


    3.) "How Does Levi's Feast Apply to Evangelistic Methodology?"


    4.) "Oasis of Hope in Tijuana, Mexico: Scamming Desperate Cancer Patients with Quackery."


    5.) "Rock and Rap Music Are Becoming a Non-Issue in Fundamentalism part 2."


    6.) "The Pharisees to the Left: Little Faith, Weak Minds, Poor Arguments, But With a Loud Fanfare."


    7.) "Deconstructing Jack Schaap."


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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
