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“The Science,” “The History,” The Actual Lying

When the world talks about “the science,” they are distinguishing that from faith, and true faith doesn’t contrast with science.  I pastored in the San Francisco Bay Area, and this was a regular type of person I encountered, that was, you know, more of a scientist, as a reason not to listen to scripture.  If you dig not very deep, you find that these scientists don’t want to be challenged.  They don’t have science.  We have obvious points on this.

When Darwin looked at a cell, it was at the most a blob to him.  He didn’t see what was in a cell.  If he could see that, he would have seen irreducible complexity.   For one cell to survive, all the necessary parts of it needed to exist at one time.  The cell could not have evolved.  Then since Darwin, we know about DNA in a cell, that exceedingly complicated evidence of design exists there in that strings of characters need to be arranged in a very precise way in order to perform a function.  The amount of information is so vast that an accurate sequence could not have happened by chance.

There is no evidence that man evolved.  So called scientists point to microevolution, a bacteria adapting and changing to survive, which in the end is still bacteria.  Then they dishonestly project that occurrence to macroevolution without either seeing it or finding it in the fossil record.  There would be bounteous presence of transitional forms of evolution between such as invertebrates and the vertebrates.  We don’t see these links.  They are missing links.

Furthermore, science says life begins before birth in the mother’s womb.  Science shows no evidence of the “gay gene.”  Science shows distinct differences between men and women.  They are not equal.  Science shows someone has incentive to work harder for something he wants that he knows he is allowed to keep.  All of these are also biblical.

What about “the science” of climate change?  With all the other science denial of the scientists, it’s hard to trust their science without obvious proof and without context.  The Bible is science and it provides a different future and ending than the climate scientists give.

I turn to “the history.”  The story of Jesus is just as well attested as Julius Caesar.  The difference would be that there are many more ancient copies accounting for Jesus and sources close to when he lived than there is for Caesar.  In other words, Jesus is more greatly witnessed and even by more people than Julius Caesar.  I’m not doubting the existence of Caesar.

The problem with the story of Jesus for historians is not the amount of evidence, but the nature of what it says.  A bias exists against the history of Jesus because of the supernatural.  That is the same with creation origin in science.  They suppress the truth in unrighteousness.  Where is the science?  Where is the history?

Schools can’t teach science or history.  The news media doesn’t report science or history.  They leave out everything that is in the Bible that is science and history.  They replace it with much that is not science or history.  As a result, it’s all a big lie.

Wrong ideas, falsehoods, are held up by lies.  What people call the science and the history are not true.  The same people who tell these lies are also the main sources for news today.  They are the people that require churches not to meet or sing and shut down places of business and schools.  They tell us that the police are brutal and uniquely so to racial minorities.  They say that looters, rioters, and vandals are mere protesters.

When the federal government moves to stop the crime, the liars call for states rights.  As the criminals wreak havoc, the same liars complain about no federal intervention.  The liars are silent during record employment.  The liars are loud in declaring record loss of jobs especially from their own state shelter-in-place and economic shut downs.  A small percentage of the death toll represents those who died only from the virus.  What of any death tolls kept in any place in the world are accurate in telling the true story?  I don’t know of any.

I suggest to anyone reading this — get back to the Word of God.  God’s Word is truth.  It is true science in a world of speculation and lies.

1 Comment

  1. So true. Keep our minds clear with God's excellent words to help us with discernment, and to receive comfort so we can comfort other believers, and encourage unbelievers to repent and trust Christ. We are deep into the last days. Two thousand years of Satan working his deception.

    Throw out the evangelical type books, which only confuse, and go deep into the Word of God (KJB). Let it dwell in us richly.

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