Home » Kent Brandenburg » My Vaccine, Etc. Take

My Vaccine, Etc. Take

This is my take on the Covid-19 vaccine, etc.

In 2020-21 Brother Ross has written everything on vaccines and conspiracies on his day on Fridays.  I wish they weren’t controversial, but I knew they would be and I know they are. I allowed all of them.  I’m fine with the position he takes.  He’s never explained, but I think I know why he wants to write on this subject so much.  I’ve supported him. So, I haven’t written on the subject.  I don’t want to write on it.  But I’m going to write about it now.  I think I should.

I understand why people won’t take the vaccine.  There are several reasons for it in no necessary order.  As I write these, I’m not looking up anything in research.  These are off the top of my head.  Each of these, I believe, is a reason.

One, the vaccine isn’t like anything else produced.  It’s a new technology.  How can we be sure about this particular technology?

Two, the vaccine was rushed through without the usual testing.

Three, the government has been lying from the start.  When I say, government, I want you to understand that I don’t mean all of the government, mainly the unelected bureaucracy with cooperation of the media.  All things have not been the same as it relates to the government, but the swamp is large.

The government wasn’t honest about China.  It wasn’t honest about masks.  It wasn’t a pandemic.  The fear of a “pandemic” helped botch the 2020 election and made it easier to cheat.  With total respect for those who died and those who knew people who died, people died at a lesser rate by definition than a true pandemic.  Yet it was called a pandemic.  The media has pushed the lies of the government.  The government still lies on a daily basis.

The government used the pandemic to shut down and threaten churches.  It’s still doing it in countries less free and without a Constitution like ours.  The vaccine has been a political hard ball.  It’s tossed all over the place to cause political damage in a dishonest way.  When people were dying in the last administration, fast balls thrown at the head every minute at the President.  Now when it’s spreading like wildfire and this President makes multiple errors, the media is silent.  He wears the mask like a chin strap in public, coughs all over people, coughs into his hand, breaks every one of his own rules.

By the way, if you can’t understand why people don’t trust their government and in a big way, then please read Victor David Hansen’s recent column at American Greatness, entitled, “The Truths We Dared Not Speak in 2021.”  This government is a clown car, trying to force people to put something in their body that they don’t want, except it’s not a fun clown car but one that is weaving all over the road with two wheels hanging over a cliff.  Think about a clown and then think of President Biden and then Jen Psaki. It’s not a difficult reach.  Put her hair on his head.  It’s difficult to parody, (1) because it is its own parody without changing anything, and (2) it’s a nervous laugh because they are dangerous.

Four, the vaccine has the worst side effects I’ve ever seen.  I admit that I haven’t taken many prescription drugs in my lifetime, but these are some weird reactions.

Five, President Biden opposed the vaccine until he became president and now he wants everyone vaccinated.  He is willing to mandate it for anyone that he can.

Six, people are getting fired for not getting the vaccine.  People are having their positions threatened.  Some see themselves as marked people because they aren’t cooperating.

Seven, the vaccine sets a pattern of government control that reminds people of passages in Revelation where the Antichrist takes over.  It isn’t the Antichrist and it isn’t the mark of the beast, but the Antichrist won’t allow those to buy or sell without the mark, and the present government has pushed a vaccine passport.  When I was in San Francisco, held over there trying to get to a funeral, a coffee shop asked to see my vaccination card or I couldn’t get a coffee there.

This government locked everything down and would monetary fine those who broke their arbitrary, non-representative rules, and then the main executives of the rules broke them themselves with total hypocrisy.  They also allowed leftist protestors to break them without interdiction or discouragement.  Now they let people illegally into the country, who are breaking their Covid rules.  They don’t really care about stopping the disease, not with the conviction of someone who really believed it was serious.

Eight, I’ve thought that a health crisis would be the basis for breaking down the boundaries and distinctions between governments.  It was Rahm Emmanuel, Chief of Staff for President Obama, who said, “Don’t let a crisis go to waste.”  Some seem to revel in the crisis.  It creates great situations to pass a biggest spending bill for all of history.

Nine, the government says the vaccination works and then requires masks and social distancing as if the vaccination doesn’t work.

Ten, Israel does a study saying natural immunity is better than a vaccination and our government gives no equal favor to natural immunity.  It is essentially silent on natural immunity.  This itself is a sort of lie.

Eleven, politicians by nature make money from Pharmaceutical lobbyists, which seem to be involved.  The more vaccinations, the more money to corrupt lobbyists.  The cost is spread over everyone who pays taxes.  What a boon!  The give-away system itself is corrupt.  This is a form of corporatism.

Twelve, cheap drugs that could help Covid patients aren’t allowed those drugs.  They are safe, legal, and inexpensive, so why aren’t they allowed?  Why are they being attacked in the media?  Many testify to being helped by them and yet in many cases, the medical community doesn’t have them when they are needed.  These are the same people saying to get a vaccine.

Thirteen, the wrong people are putting unreasonable pressure on people to take the vaccine.

Fourteen, other ideas besides the vaccine are not easily accessible.  When someone has a criticism, it’s being censored in social media and on the mainstream media.  Why is that?

Fifteen, more people look to the government for help, adding just a little bit or even a lot more dependency on big government.

Sixteen, just one more booster, no one more, just a second, you’ll just need one more.

Seventeen, this works at 95%, sorry to tell you now it’s at just 25% efficacy.  They really didn’t know how long the efficacy would last.  It looks like they’re trying the vaccine out on us.

Eighteen, people aren’t sure if aborted baby materials weren’t used in experimentation to create the vaccine.

I’m going to stop at eighteen.  I could write thirty or more.  What I wanted you to know was that I understand your concerns.  If you didn’t get the vaccine, you’ve got reasons.  I think especially cumulatively, people see what I’m writing.  They know it.  Even if they trust the vaccine, they don’t want to support this.

With this list of eighteen, if you want to get the vaccine, you should be at liberty to get it.  I don’t agree with writing that calls it genocide and a death shot.  Good people support getting the vaccine.  I got the vaccine and a booster.  My parents got the vaccine and the booster.  I didn’t push the vaccine at all, but if someone asked me, I told them why I got it.  No pressure.

I had my reasons for getting the vaccination, that I believe are legitimate reasons for getting it.  I’m not ashamed for getting it.  It wasn’t so that I could travel, like someone lied.  I didn’t need it to travel.  I don’t think people should be shamed for getting the vaccination.  It’s a liberty issue.  Because it is a liberty issue, I believe Brother Thomas can write about it with liberty.  It’s obviously not a liberty issue for some.  You should think about the principles in his conspiracy series.  He cares about scripture more than most people I know.

I thought the reward outweighed the risk.  I thought the vaccination was a risk.  Not getting the vaccination, I believed, was a greater risk.  To me, getting it was a greater reward.  It should not be causing division in churches.  For sure, it should not be a church discipline issue.   I know several unaffiliated Baptist churches where a majority of the people received the vaccination.

When I list of the worst things happening in 2021, I think those on the list should be taken into consideration.  With my eighteen reasons people could legitimately use for not getting vaccinated, that doesn’t mean I think the vaccination issue gets into the top five or even the top ten.  That doesn’t mean the vaccination issue and others like it aren’t important at all.  I’ve never written that.  I did not make that point at all.  However, if you don’t think my top five were important or even true, be my guest for making the case that there are bigger issues than the five I wrote.  Feel free to argue the vaccination into the top five.  Do not rehash what has already been written under other posts.


You can comment, but I’ll shut it down if I think it’s uncivil.  On this post, I have the right to delete any comment without giving you a reason.


  1. I would rank the collusion of biologists against true science, the obvious science of the irreducible complexity of the cell and DNA evidence toward an explanation of intelligent design, ahead of vaccination as well. It strikes against God as Creator like same sex marriage and gender fluidity do.

  2. Actually, both sides are wrong in many aspects. Some think the vaccine is a life-saving device that everyone should take. Conversely, some people think that the vaccines are not safe. I propose a third option: Who cares?!

    Whether the vaccines are useful or not or harmful or not is not the point. The point is that you are being disobedient Christians if you don’t take the vaccine – no matter your view of them. What gives YOU the right to think you own your body? That’s pretty arrogant. Joe Biden owns your body. To think that you have the right to say what you can put or NOT put into your body is the height of arrogance and disobedience. We have a moral duty to obey the government and get the vaccines. If we happen to think that getting the vaccine is useful to our health, that’s just icing on the cake. The main reason we need to take them is not for our health, but to obey our government. Whether or not it harms or helps us is secondary. The main focus is to obey the government.

  3. I have no idea what has already been written in other posts because I haven’t been to this blog in months don’t have time at the moment to read it thoroughly. But I did read this blog entry.

    Kent, I can’t tell if you are punkin’ us (as the kids say), or if your comment was meant to actually be a serious reply. But for some reason, I don’t think you are being serious.

    First, you probably are technically correct. I am not a chemical engineer, but one with some experience behind him or her probably could figure out a way to use the vaccine as floor wax or a dessert topping. A bird feeder could also technically be used as a goal post in a game of soccer, but I don’t think that is really relevant. But again, I doubt if you meant your comment to be taken seriously.

    You make some interesting points pro and con vaccine. However, you are completely missing the point. Again, the point is NOT whether the vaccine is a life-saving device, a life-taking device, or completely useless as neither good nor bad for one’s health. While those are interesting things to consider and debate, we as Christians should NOT debate this issue because there is only one response that is right: to take all mandatory vaccines. What gives us the right to think we have some right over our own bodies more than Joe Biden does? As Christians, we are to obey governmental auhorities, and if they tell us to inject something or to not inject something into our bodies, our only response should be to say “Yes.”

    (As a technicality, I suppose Joe Biden does not own our bodies: the American taxpayer does.)

    Do you debate whether to obey the speed limit or not? Same issue. A moral person does not argue that, “If I drive 65 mph in a 30 zone, I’ll get to work faster.” And conversely, they don’t argue that, “I think 30 is too fast. I’m going to be obnoxious and drive 10 mph.” No, we don’t argue and debate whether a law is right or wrong or good or bad. Our only duty is to obey it.

    • Actually Stella,

      I thought you were joking, so I was playing along. Sorry. If Joe Biden told us to get the vaccine, since we have separation of powers, it would go to Supreme Court and it looks like mandates on the vaccine are losing. I don’t think that’s the only issue. The big discussion here has been should anyone even take the vaccine. I say it’s a liberty issue, but I know why it is that people aren’t taking it. Maybe your take is the main one, but I don’t think it is. Thanks for dropping by.

    • I thought you were joking, too. That means that those who obeyed Hitler, the Popes, & the Inquisitors were righteous? Ro 13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

      NOT A TERROR TO GOOD WORKS, BUT TO THE EVIL. Try doing good and see if you have praise of these bureaucratic gangsters & central banking cronies. It’s corporatism bypassing our Constitution, & the equivalent of the ‘living’ Bibles on the Vaticanus/Sinaiticus/Septuagint corrupted, revisionist foundation that we are seeing. Truth rejected allows for revisionism & law for sale or determined Darwinistically: survival of the fittest, most wicked, cruel & cunning. Men now revise/consciously evolve/lie/steal at will.

      We know healthcare workers quitting in droves over the reactions they are seeing, the treatments they are not permitted to give which they know work, which are legal, & which they also know are saving lives when used privately & in small institutions without globalist admin or dependency. We do not know why the reactions strike as they do & not universally, but then, we’re not allowed to test to find out, or even to question either. It’s like having a cup of wine with the Borgia’s at this point, & no witness for Christ or the word to accept the cup. Rather, it makes a mock of Christ who gives us the witness of evident truth & conscience, to yet presume & deny personal choice & responsibility.

      This may be judgment on those who compromised scripture & denied Christ for jobs & preferred treatment, bowing to Dole’s deal etc, not questioning illegitimate science or governance more diligently, vigilantly & less hypocritically ….a call to repentance; but nowhere does God’s word say our bodies are owned by any world leader other than Christ. We render unto Caesar the things that are his. Not even a spouse has the right to commit bodily harm while calling that ‘submission’, unless one confuses the Lord Jesus Christ with Allah, or some other idol or devil of men.

      We’re talking about physical violation here, resulting in death & disability…..for a profit scheme, not in witness for Jesus. Not speed limits or taxes or a stand for Christ, his Gospel & the scriptures.

  4. George Calvas commented and suggest watching the Joe Rogan (with a disclaimer on the language) interview with Robert Malone. Malone claims to have invented the mRNA technology for the vaccines. He’s a critic of mass vaccination with these vaccines. He’s been criticized too for his criticism. He’s also being censored by Google and other social media.

    What do I think of Malone? Two things. First, he should be considered. Two, he easily could be an illegitimate source. He’s not making money off his early work on this. He’s not getting credit on it. He easily could be sour grapes criticism. He can’t get notice any other way. He sounds like that to me both when I’ve heard him and read him. He’s got a kooky quality to him combined with a chip on his shoulder. I didn’t listen to much of that interview, but I knew it was occurring. Even he’s not saying he’s anti vaccine.

  5. I don’t want to get into another long discussion, but Robert Malone did not invent mRNA vaccines.



    I wonder if those promoting him have checked both pro and anti-sources, or, again as it happens here over and over and over again, shame and folly is happening:

    Prov. 18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

    • I’ve read enough to say that he claims it, not say that he actually did. I would say he worked in the field. George didn’t say he invented mRNA. I’m just telling people why he’s even mentioned. I think it makes him more credible to many that he’s being shut down by Google. I think the statement, transparency is the best antiseptic.

  6. Dear Bro Brandenburg,

    I agree that he is more intelligent and more credible than numbers of others.


  7. Someone emailed me and said that I wrote this in third person because of my fear and lack of bravery. I want everyone to know that I wrote it like this because I think this is most persuasive, zero on lack of courage and bravery. This approach is way more effective than name calling and potshots.

  8. I guess my question is what are the vaccine trooosters going to do now that we’ve been seeing a seismic narrative shift coming from The Powers That Be? I mean, we’re seeing that the “conspiracy theorists” were basically right about everything for the past two years. But when and where will the vaxx supporter hysteria end? I mean, we literally have people out there who are convinced that 8000 unvaxxed Trump supporters a day are dying from Omicron, even though Omicron is a nothingburger and is preferentially evading the vaccines to infect vaxxed people.

    Where does it all end? When will there be an acceptance on the part of the really hardcore ideologically pro-vaxx people that they were wrong and that they created an atmosphere of fear and hysteria that has actually made the effects of the pandemic worse than they would have been otherwise? Shouldn’t there be some kind of punishment for the intentional misinformation that was being spread by “official” sources?

  9. Hello there, Tim!

    In accordance with the principles here:

    Proverbs 18:13: He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

    Proverbs 18:17: He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.

    Proverbs 14:15, 18: The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. … The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

    Deut. 13:14: Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain …

    Job 29:16b: [T]he cause which I knew not I searched out.

    could you please let me know what the strongest arguments you read against your assertions here were, and why the anti-arguments were stronger than the supporting arguments?

    Could you also please give a logical, scientific explanation for how having antibodies to the delta version or another earlier version of COVID through either vaccination or through getting COVID could make you MORE likely to contract the omicron version of COVID, after you present the strongest sources you have read both pro and against that assertion? Does having antibodies to one strain of measles make you MORE likely to get a different strain of measles? This kind of extraordinary claim is one for which, surely, you have extraordinary evidence, and it should be one for which you have clearly looked at both sides of this claim and can refute the strongest arguments against it being nonsense.

    Certainly if you want to talk about “punishing” people publishing “official” sources of information you have information that will stand up in a court of law against thousands of scientists and researchers who publish studies on the effectiveness of vaccines in articles on PubMed.

    When Trump says the vaccines were one of the greatest accomplishments of his presidency, is it really supporting Trump to oppose the vaccines?

    Since over 95% of new COVID cases in the USA are now omicron, it will be truly wonderful that it is a “nothing burger,” and deaths from COVID and serious illness are all about to come to an end. Seeing COVID deaths drop to zero or almost zero in the very near future will be fantastic; I’m glad that I won’t have to hear about any more unvaccinated godly Christians I know dying from COVID. And once the deaths drop to zero, public pressure to lift restrictions will surely cause them to come to an end.

    You have not yet responded to my questions to you from a previous post, but perhaps that was because the comment section closed before you were able to do it. Here are the questions again. I look forward to your answers. Here they are again for your ease of reference. The pictures of the checks paying these people off, etc. will be very helpful.

    Dear Tim,

    Here is one of many:


    Please explain specifically, with evidence that would stand up in a court of law, that the specific doctors are lying, how all these people:

    From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) – both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S.M.), Pfizer, Collegeville, PA; Associação Obras Sociais Irmã Dulce and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Bahia (E.D.M.), and Centro Paulista de Investigação Clinica, São Paulo (C.Z.) – both in Brazil; Global Product Development, Pfizer, Peapack, NJ (S.R.); Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati (R.W.F.); Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore (L.L.H.); BioNTech, Mainz (ÖT., U.Ş.), and Medizentrum Essen Borbeck, Essen (A.S.) – both in Germany; Tiervlei Trial Centre, Karl Bremer Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa (H.N.); Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey (S.Ü.); and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management, Pfizer, Groton, CT (D.B.T.).

    are conspiring on it without the truth getting out, or what other clear proof that they are lying, manipulating data, etc. when they say the study shows 95% effectiveness of the vaccine for the specific purpose in the trial. Of course, we need proven, written documentation, not allegations from someone in a video.

    Here is one on misuse of VAERS:


    and here is a readable and accessible one with specific anti-vaxers misuse of VAERS:


    If you could, say, point out 10 documented, provable factual errors in each of the articles above and how those documented, proven errors, backed by evidence like double-blind trials, show that they are lying in those specific articles, that would be great.

    The Science Based Medicine blog is about medicine and being skeptical. Of course, many people who are skeptical about conspiracy theories are also atheists because they are (wrongly) skeptical about God and about the miraculous. We should be aware of that bias, just like we should be aware of bias by conspiratorial sources, but while it does take a miracle for the resurrection of Christ to take place, and there is good reason to think that miracle happened, if it takes a miracle for a conspiratorial claim to be true we had better be really sure that the miracle happened. Also, I don’t deny Einstein’s theories of relativity because Einstein rejected Christianity, but recognize that they are the best current explanations of lots and lots of facts in physics. If a higher percentage of people who write on the Science Based Medicine blog are atheists than in the general population, or if Christian doctors or other theists are excluded from their articles–and I am assuming you have proof that they are, and will share it–doesn’t mean the site has no useful stuff on medicine, and it is easier to comprehend for people without advanced medical knowledge than the New England Journal of Medicine.

    After dealing with those, it should only take a few minutes to explain the sources you already looked at before making your initial claims. Before you publicly made the claim here that over 10,000 vaccine-related deaths have come from the COVID vaccine, what sources skeptical of that claim did you yourself read before you published it here, and why did you conclude that those sources you read first were not making valid arguments? That should be no new work since you presumably already did that research before publishing this claim of the deaths as true.

    • Hi,

      I’m going to let Tim answer and maybe Thomas if he still wants, and that’s it. This is not what I wrote about in my post. I get it though. I closed comments on the other one, so sneak around to write here. I’m not accepting any more comments but Tim and then maybe Thomas. That is, unless someone actually comments on my post here.

  10. I agree with this article. I have an acquaintance who is a midwife in Australia. She said that the amount of still born babies in the last year has increased dramatically. All from mothers who have received the vaccine. Thomas can quibble at that but don’t tell me my eyes are lying.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
