Home » Kent Brandenburg » Mark Ward: KJVO “Sinful Anger,” the “Evasion” of the Confessional Bibliologians, and Success

Mark Ward: KJVO “Sinful Anger,” the “Evasion” of the Confessional Bibliologians, and Success

Mark Ward wrote, Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible, which I read.  He’s taken on a goal of dissuading people from the King James Version to use a modern version of the Bible.  He also has a podcast to which someone alerted me when he mentioned Thomas Ross and me.  I checked back again there this last week and he did one called, “Is My Work Working?”  In it, he said he received three types of reactions to his work.


Ward said he received more than 100 times praise than anything else.  The next most reaction he said was “sinful anger” from KJV Onlyists.  Last, he received the least, helpful criticism from opposition.

Critical text proponents very often use KJVO behavior as an argument.  It does not add or take away from Ward’s position.  Ward reads his examples of “sinful anger,” and well more than half didn’t sound angry to me.  They disagreed with him.

My observation is that critical text advocates do not have better conduct.  They disagree in a harsh manner and with ridicule.  Ward himself uses more subtle mockery, sometimes in sarcastic tones.  It just shouldn’t come as a point of argument.  Many in the comment section of his podcast use sinful anger.  Ward does not correct them or point out their sinful anger.  It seems like Ward likes it when it points the other direction.

In these moments, Ward talks about his own anger.  He finds it difficult not to be angry with these men.  Why even mention it?  Just don’t talk about it at all.  Deal with the issue at hand.  I’m not justifying actions of Ruckmanite types.  They’re wrong too.  Both sides are wrong.  This is an actual argument though of critical text supporters — how they are treated.  It comes up again and again, because they bring it up.


Ward says that few to almost none answer a main argument of his book, which he’s developed further since it’s publication.  They don’t concede to his “false friends” with appropriate seriousness.  He says they don’t think about false friends.  He provides now 50 examples of these that appear many times in the King James Version.  He includes the confessional bibliologians in this, which would be someone who believes in the superiority of the Textus Receptus of the New Testament.  Their position might be perfect preservationism, Textus Receptus, confessional bibliology, or ecclesiastical text.  He used the confessional title, referring to men like Jeff Riddle.

I’ve answered him in depth.  Ward is just wrong.  Hopefully calling him wrong isn’t considered sinful anger.  “He said I was wrong!!”  King James Version supporters all over buy Bible For Today’s Defined King James Version.  It provides the meaning of those words in the margin.  Lists of these from King James Version proponents are all over the internet, and books have been written by KJV authors (the one linked published in 1994) on the subject.

Ward says that every time he brings that up to Textus Receptus men, they sweep it away like it doesn’t matter, then turn the conversation to textual criticism.  That’s a very simplistic way of himself swatting away the Textus Receptus advocate.  They turn to textual criticism because the critical text and the  Textus Receptus are 7% different.  Many words differ.  That matters more.  It also denies the biblical doctrine of preservation.

The members of churches where men preach the KJV hear words explained.  Sure, some KJV churches rarely preach the Bible. Talk about that.  Where men preach expositional sermons from the KJV, relying on study of the original languages, they explain words to their people.  They care.  I have been one of those and the KJV doesn’t hurt our church in any way.  Personally I read the KJV Bible twice last year and this year I’m on pace for one Old Testament and two New Testament.


Is success how much praise one receives for what he does?  Is that the measurement?  That is a very dangerous standard of success.   That is what Ward uses as his standard in his video.  In Jeremiah 45:5, God told Baruch:  “And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not.”  We don’t succeed when we receive praise.  We succeed when we are faithful to what God said, whether we’re praised or not.  Seeking for praise is discouraged in scripture.  Many faithful Bible preachers received far more harsh treatment than Ward.  It’s not even close.

True success is finding what God says and doing it.  It’s not success to turn a church away from the King James Version to a modern version, even if Ward supports that outcome.


  1. Men generally don’t want to seek God and do what his word says. God gets the glory and man does not, the natural man doesn’t like that, the natural man wants the glory. The new man wants to seek God and do what his word says, that is a reasonable expectation. From my Bible reading this morning, “…avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.” (Titus 3:9-11) I believe Mark Ward is doing harm and needs to be rejected. But I don’t think it’s knowingly. I think he has been cursed to believe his own “wisdom” since he has rejected God’s. Which makes me wounder about him. The only other option would be he is doing this “knowingly,” which I think would be hard to prove.

  2. I was saved when I was 12 years old
    At a missionary Baptist church
    We used only King James Version and still do
    Kjv teaches
    We are all sinners and if we die in our sins without
    Accepting Jesus Christ as lord and savior
    Yes lord I am a sinner
    I ask for redemption for my sins
    Jesus please forgive me if my sins
    I ask for your forgiveness and he is faithful
    To forgive his grace thru faith
    He gave me the Holy Spirit
    The Holy Spirit is god
    God the father
    God the son
    God the Holy Spirit
    Are one and the same
    The trinity
    Jesus came from heaven thy the Virgin Mary
    Jesus was in the form of man but truly god
    He came to die on the cross for our sins
    He was sinless
    The spotless lamb
    The only one who could do that
    He died
    Arise on the third day
    A Sunday
    He was seen by many
    Before he ascended to heaven and left the apostles
    And disciples The comforterWhich is the Holy Spirit
    And even the apostles and disciples did not understand what Jesus was telling them until they finally received the Holy Spirit which is God within damn
    The very moment that we asked forgiveness and redemption from our sins god’s grace through faith we receive the Holy Spirit and we are immediately saved forever and forever something we can never lose
    Who can understand God if they do not have the Holy Spirit
    Jesus came to earth to die on the cross for our sins
    And Jesus came to establish Christianity not any religion
    No religion can save
    Baptism does not save
    Only receiving redemption from our sis Grace through faith and receiving the Holy Spirit
    Are we saved
    And when he died on the cross the veil of the temple was split which means we no longer need to go to Priest we go directly to God through Jesus who is a perpetuation to God.
    Therefore scholars are scholars but scholars are also men and have bias and also As I remember someone telling me how can you tell the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet
    The answer was read the Bible and like I said I only use the Kjv, so I did and that was probably about 13 years ago but ever since then I read one chapter every day which takes about 3+ years and now I am on the sixth time
    And before I start reading that chapter I will pray to God to give me the wisdom, his wisdom and give me the strength and the courage to do his will and not my way I’ll be done
    Each time I read it I learn more and more.
    When I was young and grew up my role models were a truly good Christian family and they loved God so and were very humble
    They were also very intelligent and one son became a physicist and another son became a mechanical engineer but my friend winfred Baker Who was truly just as smart as they were but he was called to become a Baptist minister and he also did missionary work and he now has his own church and he even writes. Sunday school lessons
    I felt very inferior to them in intelligence but they never ever made me feel that way they were very humble
    I knew from an early age that God called me to be a physician but I was not exactly the best student but then I started around the 11th grade to start using the potential God gave me
    But the timeline of God was different than mine and I started out in premed but changed to pharmacy because I did not know anyone in the medical profession to be a role model of any kind but it did not want to do a four year premed degree and have no job at the end of that so I went into pharmacy and after about eight years God’s timeline started end it took several years but I was finally admitted to medical school and have been a family medicine position for 30 years now and still practicing
    But I am very aware that I cannot heal anyone only God can heal and strongly believe that God works through me to help others
    My absolute faith is in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and no man
    When I first started going to college I did not continue going to church but that did change and wild and medical School My wife and I started going to a Sunday school very near the medical school and I loved it so much to give fellowship and to learn and to converse with fellow Christians and says that time I do go to church and go to Sunday school
    Currently I have been going Do a Southern Baptist church and I still use the king James version although they might use the NIV, ESV or whatever but I don’t even use the new king James version because they change words and words change meaning
    One example
    I was reading a Sunday school lesson and the author Of that lesson said that we had it all wrong that the love of money was a root of all evil and not the root of all evil
    I read my king James version and it said the root of all evil but my Sunday school teacher wife said that it was on a semantics which got me to thinking, I cannot ever stop thinking but I said if that is True then let us change this verse then let us change this verse two and a
    Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to my father except to me now let’s change that to an AA so it must mean there are other ways
    But certainly that wasn’t the only changes that were made they would take out verses and change contacts and the NIV was started in the 1970s and it’s already been changed three times and the ESV was written around 2001
    We certainly have the old testament which was written by true prophets but they were written is better stated as they recorded what God gave to them and then the New Testament we have Jesus himself and I say we have three books of the Bible
    Old Testament, New Testament and revelations and I say that because revelations has yet to be fulfilled as it will be the second coming of Christ but nevertheless it will be fulfilled
    That brings me to king James whose father was killed when he was eight months old and his mother was a Catholic as I recall and had him killed but she was very promiscuous and she was in prison and about eight years later Queen Elizabeth had her executed but she never tried to convert king James to Catholicism
    He was raised by two very Christian man
    You really have to read a true story of king James because they kept calling him a homosexual when he was not he was married to a woman who he loved very much and even wrote poems to her and they lived together and had many children
    But God does use Man to do his work and God works through them but the Bible was given to us by God
    And King James did use three different sets of scholars which were all very educated but they were in separate place and they finally came together to iron out any differences
    But the common mistake is to say they use the textus reception
    But that was not true they used William Tyndale who defied England and the bishop because it was a crime punishable by death to translate the Bible into English
    Catholics only started about 400 or so years after the death of Jesus and they started in Rome
    And they were always political and a part of the Roman government and actually persecuted Christians
    But William Tyndale would not even let his picture be printed because they would know who he had to leave England and went to Germany but had to hide out several times and his whole life was dedicated to translating the Bible into English so that even the farmer could understand so that we could all read the Bible for who could really understand Latin Greek or Hebrew certainly not me
    So he had it about 90% completed when a friend betrayed him and he was burned at the stake by I would say the Catholics because they did not want us to understand the Bible and keep it in Latin
    It is mighty arrogant of the Catholics to think they’re the true church and the only true church and that God establish them
    He establish no religion
    Jesus establish Christianity
    So William Tyndale did not even get married because his whole life is dedicated to getting the Bible translated intoSo that we could all understand
    So I would truly encourage everyone to read the true life of King James and also of William Tyndale
    It was very fortunate during the time of Tyndall that the printing press was invented and that was the first book to me used by the printing press to print the first book in the Bible
    So William Tyndale did not write the Bible he just translated God’s word into English no man wrote the Bible it was translated not changed by Tyndall
    King James was a very loving man who did not persecute anyone in fact he stopped the Spanish war and there was no wars during the time of king James
    So my strong belief is that God used king James the Christian man who raised him up true scholars and William Tyndale to translate the Bible into English
    furthermore Babis Anabsptist Were persecuted by the Catholic Church and never was a part of the so-called reformation which was Martin Luther and others but as anyone can see the want to broke off from the Catholic religion through the reformation are always designed the same in a vertical Organization where someone at the top makes decisions for those at the bottom but the Baptist Church is horizontal meaning that each church is independent and make their own choice who is going to be the pastor to Deacon and so on but of Course they have an organization so that they can work to do missions and charity work of course but they have lost their way and trying to be more of a woke organization which I can no longer accept
    I will go back to a church that uses only the king James version
    Which I feel is the only true Bible that he is God‘s word not man’s
    My absolute faith is in Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior and I no Man
    I never realized it when I became a physician that my life is no longer my own as I had to put my patience above myself and have certainly missed many family functions because of my duty to the patients but my duty is to Jesus Christ and I do not belong to the AMA are they a AFP which have really turned into organizations that support anti-Christ
    Positions and in fact only a small minority oppositions actually belong to the AMA or AAFP
    Because they do not represent the values are physicians
    In fact I did graduate from medical school and What is in the top 10% of my class but that was because I was so scared that I would harm someone that I had to learn everything that I could but God has been with me all the way and I am by no means rich and never even thought about being rich as money does not mean anything to me and asked Jesus promised he would supply our needs and I can absolutely agree with that as I have never had a lack of water food shelter or anything my needs have always been met
    Who needs more than they need
    But Baptist are not protestants as we never were part of the Catholic religion
    In fact the pope thinks he is some sort of God but there is only one God as we know
    And I know of no true Christians like badness at least I would have to say probably most badness bad of course there are always the outliers has ever persecuted anyone in fact they have given their lives and mission work and charity and no one can be a Christian and hate anyone
    We are to witness to others whether we are a pastor or a Christian
    I do not want to see anyone go to hell no One and it hurts me to think that people continue to reject God and refused to accept him
    God created all of us and he created everything and we all came from Adam and Eve
    Today commonly people say that the original sin was slavery
    Not so
    The original sandwich actually when Lucifer tried to take over God‘s position in heaven and 1/3 of the angels went with him but God did throw them out of heaven because he will not allow sin to be in heaven
    And it was Satan who was very sad lol through the serpent thay. Convinced Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and ever since that we know Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden of Eden and the tree of life was protected by cherubunder Because if they ate out a tree of life they would live forever
    And of course the world became a different place and became so sinful that God wanted to destroy everything but Noah was A absolutely person who loved God and he was used to build the ark and the whole earth was flooded and everyone and everything that lived on land died. Except those that were on the arm
    Actually that was the end of the dinosaurs that live down that lived on land and that can absolutely be proven as The dinosaurs are layered in mud
    No such thing as the big bang theory there is no way that could be true it had to be created and was created by God like and John chapter 1 and verse one said that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the second verse states that everything that was created was created by God and nothing that was created was created by anyone but God
    The big bang theory can never explain the randomization that we see on earth and the heavens and the universe
    That certainly would take a very big leap of Believe
    I commonly tell people that the universe yes to drive the genius is crazy
    But just a joke I think it is a curse of mine to be able to pick up things on what people say and turn it into something funny to make them laugh but never in a mean spirit
    There is only one race the human race we all came from Adam and Eve but there are different cultures
    God only chose Israel as his people to keep them perfect to spread The gospel throughout the world however as we all know the Jews have over and over started believing in other gods so to Speak and there are only Jews and gentiles
    Believers and unbelievers
    God did not love the use anymore than he did the Gentiles
    And I tell people all the time how are you can tell the difference between a Jew and a messianic you
    The Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and they messianic jews did accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
    Jesus came first to establish Christianity not to be any sort of warrior to destroy all the Jews enemies but the second coming of Jesus Christ and revelations will end up causing the apocalypse
    Revelations is a excellent chapter but no one can understand revelations unless they have read the rest of the Bible
    Oh Jesus is second coming the first to arrive will be the one Who were beheaded for Jesus
    And the second to meet Jesus and the air will be those who are still alive and are Christians
    That is outside of the time when one of the weakest angels Of all and Binds satan and the gates to hell are open and he is thrown into hell for 1000 years
    The rapture is when Jesus takes the ones who were beheaded for Christ and the Christians that are living and puts the sign of God on their foreheads And no one can touch them
    That is the time when there will be one world order but only after those who are not believers of Jesus Christ even though they have a chance to repent they will not repent but they 144,000 are the 12 tribes of Israel who will finally accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and do what they were supposed to do and the The first place to preach the gospel throughout the world
    However at the end of the millennium are 1000 years the devil will be released from hell and that is when the final battle occurs and satan and all his minions will be cast into hell forever and ever and ever
    That is also the time when everyone who are dead whether Christian or not Christian will arise and of course Jesus wins the Apocalypse happens and of course Satan and his minions lose and Jesus wins
    That is when he will create the new heaven and a new earth like in revelations 20 because the sin Also occurred in heaven when Lucifer tried to take over so there will be no more sees two separate us
    The new heaven and a new earth will come together and Jesus is the bridegroom and the rest of the people of God are the bride
    And this is the when God the father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit will reign forever and ever and there will be no more hunger no more tears no more thirst and Will be a beautiful and a wonderful perfect place where there will be streets of goad and mansions and the Beautiful waters will have the trees of life which bear fruit every month.
    There will be no more darkness as God is the light and as it says in the Bible the new heaven and earth that come together will have if I’m right about 12 gates that represent the 12 tribes of Israel but never again will. There will be no pain no suffering and we will joyfully worship Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forever and ever
    Today we keep on talking about scholars, certainly just like they were true prophets and false prophets there are scholalse Scholars but But we really don’t need these so-called scholars except to help us to know the true word of God but why do we need scholars when we have received the Holy Spirit through salvation which is God and direct perpetuation between us and God so we have direct access to God through Jesus Christ
    And I don’t even use the new king James version because they change the word a to The which are two different words they is definitive and a means there’s other ways
    So I will keep with the king James versionI and andIn AaronAaron A is I believe it is inerrant word of God and I am sorry I am trying to speak but this system is not wanting to work but but please excuse the inerrant twor an The inerr and messing up my message but anyway God is our creator and I will continue to use the king James version because I believe it is inspired by God and all other versions are like the s sac

    Satan who is always trying to confuse us
    God bless
    I only Christians go to heaven but we are given free will as humans because God does not want us to be forced to love him he wants us to choose him

  3. I have been in the thick of the “KJV Only” debate for many years, examining all sides, and I’ve concluded that for all the data, evidence, and arguments, it all comes down in the end to one simple thing: faith. I can’t “prove” that the KJV has the better/original readings, or that its translation choices are always perfect. And the scholars — on either side — can’t really prove anything either, no matter how much they know about languages and the textual evidence of the manuscript tradition and the many variants. All I know is that when I read the KJV, I feel the voice of God speaking to me. Conversely, when I read other translations, I don’t. At least not to the same extent. Sure, it could be purely subjective on my part. Maybe I’m “fooled” by the lofty and authoritative sounds of the Elizabethan language. But I know I’m not alone in that judgment. Hundreds of thousands of other Christians — from all parts of the world, speaking all different languages — feel the same way. This sort of consensus of the faithful must be taken seriously, and not flippantly dismissed. The KJV is and will remain important to millions of Christians. Not only does it not NEED to be replaced, but I’m convinced that it CAN’T be replaced — that’s how good it is. Every English Bible that has come off the presses since the KJV was first published in 1611 has proven itself to be inadequate in some way, and incapable of replacing the KJV. Why is that?

    I ran across Mark Ward a few years ago when I was researching this matter. There’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way. He comes across as arrogant and smug and puffed up by his scholarly knowledge. He seems dead set on getting people to stop reading the KJV, and that bothers me. He speaks of it as a generational thing — that he and others who are on board with him should work for change, to capture the next generation for the modern texts. What is his real agenda? What are his true motives? I don’t know, only he can answer that. But what I do know is that multiple Bibles in one language equals confusion, because no two read exactly alike, and in some places, they flat-out contradict one another. Either that matters or it doesn’t. Maybe we don’t have a perfect or even “best” Bible. Maybe the message is more important than individual words. Maybe the original and true Bible is forever lost in the mists of time and we’ll never be able to hold in our hands a single book that we can say confidently, “this is the complete and infallible word of God.” These are the conclusions that the arguments of people like Mark Ward and James White tend to lead to, in my opinion, whether they recognize it or not. I don’t think genuine Jesuits working for the Vatican to destroy the basis of Sola Scriptura could have done any better of a job. But that’s another matter entirely.

    In conclusion, IF there’s no objective authority to which we can appeal; if what Bible you read (and what canon and variants you accept) is just a subjective choice after all, then the very least that Mark Ward and his ilk can do is grant people like me the right to our subjective decision to read and trust the King James Version of the Bible. What are “false friends” for him, are “true friends” for me.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
