Home » Kent Brandenburg » The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One     Part Two



Many agree today the world is a much more homogenous place.  Tremendous oneness also existed at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.  That Babel represents the original Babylon, how the Bible also explains the world will end with a final Babylon.  It makes sense that we are looking at the iterations of a final Babylon, based upon the spread and influence of one world everywhere.

When I was a child, I never heard of homosexuality.  Even with it in the Bible, I would not have known what it was.  It never arrived at least in public in my tiny Indiana town.  That kind of information did not travel easily to small, rural American communities.

The world since removed barriers to information that brought more conformity and similarity everywhere.  Satellites and the coverage of optic fiber all over the world connect everyone.  The natural impediments of my childhood disjoined people from one another.  Almost everyone has a phone that interconnects through many forms of communication and image.

The easiest microcosm of globalism is a big city.  Urban areas condense people into such close proximity that spread and disseminate thinking and views.  The greatest distinctions in the United States delineate the rural country from the urban.  Many blue cities populate red states.  These dense convocations of population percolate into one petri dish of characteristic customs and conventions.

World System

The world system campaigns and propagandizes against rejection of immorality.   It institutionalizes the faith of secularism in its one world religion with tolerance its prime directive.  The goal seems a herd mentality with the flock, pack, or fold moving unwittingly down the broad road.  Everything once unacceptable becomes the new norm and now anything not the new norm becomes unacceptable.  The world plays its own soundtrack like elevator music signaling this new normalcy, keeping everyone treading toward the abyss.

The citizens of the world system look for the mirror image of Paradise, a form of utopianism.  They promulgate this utopia through what they call “progress” and “progressivism.”  You can see what they see as the end of a naturalistic and humanistic process in something like Star Trek.  Gender gone.  Patriarchy gone.  Everyone wears the same uniform or dress.  No more roles and if roles exist, they do through a role reversal.  Women replace men.

Everyone knows they need something beyond the natural.  The supernatural offered, however, is sensuality, passion, or ecstasy.  It poses as the supernatural and an out of body experience.  The feeling replaces God.  This affords the god of this world the sovereignty as God.  People submit to him as if he is God.

The False Prophet

Crucial to the one world agenda of Satan and Antichrist is the work of the cooperating figure, the false prophet.  Revelation 16:13 says:

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

In the end, Revelation 19:20 says:

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.

Globalism encompasses political and religious Babylon, both.  God created man to worship.  Ultimate control of men necessitates more than the political power, but also religious.  The largest part of world history chronicles the combination of church and state in nations and empires.

Universal Church

The false prophet works toward one world religion.  On the other hand, the New Testament church is local.  Ekklesia, the word translated “church,” means assembly.  An assembly is local only.  Individual churches create a division, which provide a necessary check and balance against world power.

An important aspect of globalism is the idea of a one world church.  This formed out of the paganism of Greek philosophy.  Plato emphasized the idea as reality rather than the substance.  The church of Rome inculcated this philosophy into its understanding of church and the kingdom, spiritualizing the meaning of both.  Out of this came the Roman Catholic Church, “Catholic” meaning universal.  Roman Catholicism originated the concept of the universal church, which correlates to the one world church.

The Reformation did not reject the universal church, but embraced it.  As a result, the universal church became the predominant belief of Protestants and then evangelicals.  They say, the true church is universal and mystical.  The local church is only a visible manifestation of the one, true church.  This substantiated a one world church.

A one world church accords with “ecumenism.”  “Ecumenism” is “the principle or aim of promoting unity among the world’s Christian Churches.”  Even further than ecumenism is “interfaith dialogue,” which pushes further for a one world religion, akin to the goal of the false prophet.

Crucial to ecumenism and interfaith dialogue is the devaluing of doctrine and especially doctrinal differences.  Scripture teaches one doctrine.  Ecumenism requires the acceptance of many different doctrines or practices as acceptable.  To do this, religious institutions or churches put the emphasis somewhere else, such as experience and community.

More to Come

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
