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The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One     Part Two     Part Three


Separation of Powers

Whom we call the founding fathers of the United States designed into the government checks and balances and separation of powers.  They also formed a system of federalism that divided power between the states and the federal government.  Their understanding of man’s sin nature grounded their desire to limit the concentration of power in one entity.  James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, in Federalist 51 wrote:

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

The states could impede the nation and one branch could obstruct another in the tendency of consolidating power.  Even within the legislative branch, the Senate could thwart the House of Representatives and vice versa.

Private Property Ownership

God founded private property ownership.  Even though He owns everything, He designed the concept of ownership itself.  When Israel entered the land, God divided up the property among twelve tribes.  Then among the tribes, families received their own pieces.  God also established with laws rights of private property.

Dividing land by boundaries could separate and check evil.  You can see this in the concept of landmarks in the Old Testament.  Proverbs 22:28 says:

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.

Fathers set these landmarks, which is a smaller governing unit.  Under fathers were sons and grandsons.  Bigger than fathers were clans and larger than clans were tribes.

You probably notice how that globalists attack the family unit.  When Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village,” she sees the elimination of basic separation.  Heavy taxation inclines toward government ownership of property.  You hear this in a statement, like President Obama famously said, “You didn’t build that.”  The government has ownership of what it contributed toward building.

Globalist Agenda

Public Education

The fathers of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, saw educational reform an efficient mechanism for social control.  Public education standardized curricula and centralized the disbursement of funds.  It restricted competition.  Public schools seized on the influence of making children wards of the state.  Education then became a department of the executive branch of the federal government.

Common Language

Nations have languages.  God confused the languages at Babel to cause separation.  The United States is an English speaking country.  Requiring English represses globalism.

Obscure Sex or Gender

In a rudimentary way, obscuring differences in gender eliminates a significant substructure of separation.  On the way to one world is one sex or gender.  Each sex has a role and eradicating those roles also erases a God-ordained boundary.

Common Currency and Free Trade

On a larger scale than federalism and the separation of powers, nationalism checks globalism.  The elimination of borders portends the loss of God-designed natural separation.  Even if it is not physical boundaries like the line between the United States and Mexico, it is economic ones like separate currencies and cultural ones like unique ways of life based on founding principles.

Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:21), “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  Globalists pour their efforts into a life of physical things.  They are materialists who prioritize the natural universe and the planet.  Most of them don’t care about national boundaries.  They don’t want separation of powers.

National boundaries prevent greater wealth.  Globalists don’t want trade protectionism and economic isolationism.  They want unfettered ability to have and take.   Free trade means buying and selling across borders with little to no intervention or inhibition.  Worldwide companies grow more powerful making it more difficult for solely national, state, and local businesses to compete.  Fewer companies control more until only a few men can control everything, like an Antichrist and his handpicked, loyal subordinates.

To gain more power and stay in power, globalists gladly offer limited security to the masses.  They market protection and a very basic quality of life.  Adherents trade freedom and opportunity for safety.  Greedy globalists also play on greed by offering a certain stipend and free education and healthcare.  Without compliance, occupants or residents lose privileges and finally life.


To keep safety and security means control of communication.  Censorship becomes the rule with few exceptions.  Censorship says “no” to preaching the gospel.   Jesus said the truth shall set you free indeed.  The Antichrist will round up and destroy those speaking the truth.

Antichrist Versus Christ

The human leader of a future one world government is the Antichrist.  He’s called the Antichrist (1 John 2:18).  In that way, he has something in common with Christ.  Christ will rule the world.  The Antichrist wants this just as the power behind him, Satan, wants this.  Globalism fails because of sin.

On the other hand, Christ saves from sin.  He brings world peace.  Everyone lives in harmony one with another with safety and security.  However, the kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth comes only through Christ, not the Antichrist.  Until Jesus sets up His kingdom on the earth, all globalism rebels against His plan.


Democrats Most Astonishing Hate of Democracy

The Symbol of the Reichstag in Germany

A pivotal moment in Hitler’s rise in Germany came from the Nazi burning of the Reichstag.  They started the fire, put it out, and then blamed it on the Communists.  Democrats in the United States steal this act in a campaign to destroy democracy.  The Nazis convinced a large portion of the German population that the Communists burned down their Parliament building.  Even their courts wouldn’t disagree.

The Democrats, which have the related word “democracy” imbedded in their name, similarly point the finger at Trump as an authoritarian or totalitarian.  His policies looked and still look exponentially more democratic than the finger pointers.  He would like the government out of most of the business of Americans.  Evidence abounds for this, but let me first take a small step back.


The United States isn’t a democracy.  James Madison in Numbers 10 and 14 of the Federalist Papers makes this point quite well.  But let’s set that aside for now.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that a Constitutional Republic is a form of democracy.  A website called “Principles of Democracy” writes:

Freedom of speech and expression, especially about political and other public issues, is the lifeblood of any democracy. Democratic governments do not control the content of most written and verbal speech. Thus democracies are usually filled with many voices expressing different or even contrary ideas and opinions.

Citizens and their elected representatives recognize that democracy depends upon the widest possible access to uncensored ideas, data, and opinions. For a free people to govern themselves, they must be free to express themselves — openly, publicly, and repeatedly; in speech and in writing.

Freedom of Speech and Democracy

Wikipedia for “Freedom of Speech” reads:

Freedom of speech is understood to be fundamental in a democracy.

Democrats censor their opposition more than anyone and with unending examples.  They are similar to the presence of Islam in any country.  While Moslems are in a small minority, they cry for human rights, but the moment they take charge with less than a majority, they eliminate unfavorable voices.

Oligarchy followed democracy in Greece.  Democrats control a vast majority of the public square in America.  I include in that schools, media, and even government.  They gladly censor opposing viewpoints.  The Democrat controlled institutions don’t allow the truth of the Bible.  Unless Christians privately fund their own museum, you won’t see a creation account in public.  Democrats label many biblical truths, “hate speech.”


Democrats use both hard and soft censorship.  By hard censorship, I mean official and legal disallowance of a place and opportunity to speak.  It may be the loss of a job, because the Democrats don’t hear a statement of support for same sex activity.  That turns the non-speaker, who would like to say something against the activity but doesn’t, into enemy status.

By soft censorship, I mean an avalanche of public repudiation and ridicule until speakers do not receive opportunities to speak.  It’s also moderating who speaks.  The establishment offers a phony, a fraud, as the representative of the alternative point of view, who goes along with the official or permitted position.  Very little to nothing comes in a way of supporting the alternative position.

A historic label for soft censorship is the “kangaroo court.”  The J6 Committee is a good example of this, but they abound in every state in either blue states, districts, or regions.  They also exist in red areas with blue strongholds.  The committee cherry picks their own rubber stamps to represent opposition.  Opposition is actually major support with a fake label of opposition.  I would hope everyone knows this, but I’m afraid it fools just enough of the disengaged.

Other Examples

The J6 Committee parallels with the internet.  You read about the “algorhythms.”  The oligarchs of the tech industry force opposition or non-supportive speech into an uninhabited hinterland.  They are whole national forests of trees that fall and no one hears, so they don’t make a noise.  Only approved speech moves into a hearing zone.  Yes, people published something, but no one is reading, because no one is seeing.

The Hunter Biden laptop is a good example too.  I say these are just examples of what is now normal.  Any supportive tweet or internet entry of the laptop goes unseen, censored as disinformation.  The censorship itself is the disinformation, much like the Russian collusion operation.  I think this is the least of it though.  It’s a censorship industry.

The industry removes the bad news about the favored issue or person.  Right now, it has the ability to project a pro-Hamas experience, despite a relatively powerful coalition for Israel.  Pro-Palestinian protestors crowd the White House and knock down a protective fence with little coverage from the media.  The industry does not parallel or hearken to anything insurrectionist.

Massive Scale Elimination of Democratic Values

As I write on this subject, the most massive scale about which I speak is in education, where for years, the Bible, God, righteousness, and creation and the like are kept out of the massive state school complex even in red states.  No one can take a male headship position in anything close to a public square.  Can you imagine a professor at a major university who takes open biblical views?  It doesn’t happen except in private.  You must pay to hear the truth told.

I would agree that the Bill of Rights and especially the first amendment is the essence of democratic values.  When do you read anything from the left defending free speech anymore?  Democrats don’t write about their love for the first amendment. The closest is a totalitarian support of smut for small children in public schools and genderless bathrooms.  These are not about the protection of speech or opportunity to have a voice.

Pent-Up Voices

The J6 crowd came to a rally and then walked to the capital out of a long pent-up frustration of censorship.  Yes, better means of expression exist.  The high percentage of silencing from the left came to a logger head.  That group that day did wrong things.  This is not what-aboutism.  I see that day as the equivalent of throwing snow balls at the Old State House in Boston in 1770.  The censorship industry, I’m afraid, because of its reaction, has not seen the worst.

We could hope that people care enough to do something about the actual attack on democracy from the Democrat Party.  So far, I see it as a peaceful embrace of those who would allow free speech.  It seems most represented by an ability to oppose masks and vaccinations.  Still, do positions exist for scientists with an opposing view?  Are there safe places of employment in hospitals and in medical schools with an alternate view?  I’m saying this is just representative, because the worst relates to far more important issues of truth.

Democrats have a burning Reichstag type hatred of democracy.  The Nazis opposed burning the Reichstag.  But they burned it.  The Democrats don’t mind burning everything down to get their way.  They don’t care if you vote or not.  They don’t even want you able to say what they don’t want to hear.

The Requirement of Censorship with the Separation of Church and State: The Truth of the Bible Requires Institutional Adherence

Recent Twitter Files reveal widespread and coordinated censorship there.  Where vile language acceptable, those speaking truth have lost their jobs.  Long before, state institutions censored the most important truths in human history without recrimination.

Before you continue, I offer you a guide.  This post will move outside of most people’s box.  I ask you not to delve into the establishment clause of the first amendment of the United States Constitution.  Before you jump to practical ramifications, consider the truth of the post.

The Truth, the Logos

When you read Genesis 1 in the Bible, you are reading the account of the beginning of all time, space, and matter.  Everything originates with God out of nothing.  That is the explanation for everything.  It does not even exist without Him, but He also sustains it.

The Bible record is truth as well as is the truth.  Scripture presents itself as the truth.  Jesus, God the Son, said to His Father God in John 17:17, “Thy Word is truth.”  It might make you feel good and help your life, but that is just a byproduct of its truth.  It works because it is the truth.  The truth is one, because God is one.  Nothing in this record contradicts any other part.  God does not deny Himself.

God created man in His image and with His likeness.  He intended man to reflect Him in his nature.  Men should treat and look at the world in every aspect like God would.  They should follow what God says, the truth, for and about everything.  God expects men to view the world, see it, like He does.

Modernists speculate a fully naturalistic origination and continuation of all things.  They opine this as progress from the superstition of ignorance.  In fact, the premoderns had it right.  It never was a natural world.  The Greeks were right in their concept of cosmos, which they called logos, an intelligence that permeated all space and matter and in contrast to random and chaotic naturalism.

People in John’s day understood his Logos in John 1:1, who He said was Jesus Christ, was the source for this cohesion, intelligence, and order.  Paul wrote that in Christ were hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3) and that by all things consisted (1:17).  That was the Logos.

No Bifurcation of Truth

Paul was also emphatic in the truth of Christ’s bodily resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).  Jesus showed Thomas the wounds in His hands.  He was one, whole Person.  A physical body was the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  Both body and spirit glorified God.  This contradicted a pagan dualism, that separated truth into separate spheres of the spiritual and physical.

This New Testament presentation matches the Old Testament concept of truth, “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7).  Every aspect of knowledge falls under the purveyance of God’s truth.  Even though someone may divide the truth into various fields such as government, economics, math, and biology, it still is one cohesive, orderly truth proceeding from the one mind of one God.

Whatever field or region under the sovereignty of one truth splinters from the one, or whenever it does, it becomes distorted, superficial, meaningless, and subjective.  The greatest advancements today in philosophy and science come in what Stephen Meyer calls “the return to the God hypothesis.”  The universe is fine tuned.  A cell is irreducibly complex.  In philosophy, only God explains the existence of everything that exists.  It’s impossible for something that exists not to have a reason for its existence.

Separating the truth from government, art, music, and economics, leaves any one in chaos and moral relativism.  The gospel does not stand apart from all the truth of the Bible.  And the gospel itself cannot and should not be divided into separate components of different degrees of subjective value.  For instance, it is good for social reasons and perhaps psychological ones but not to reconcile to God and appease His holy wrath.

Religion the Truth, Equal with Facts

The state is good with religion as long it isn’t the truth.  If it becomes the truth, it is equal with facts, science, math, and engineering.  True religion cannot just stop with the true definitions of a man and of a woman.  Next it says you go to Hell if you reject Jesus Christ.  Even worse it limits your marijuana use.

Much of the philosophical conversation today revolves around what I here write.  One faction, even considered conservative now, bemoans the loss of Western Civilization and its advantages.  It is the water in which we swim, even if no longer Judeo-Christian ethics.

Classically liberal intellectuals warn readers and listeners.  They won’t like the disappearance of Christianity, hearkening Nietzche’s prophecy about the death of God in the 19th century.  However, if you remove the resurrection, ascension, and second coming of Christ, the consummation of all things in the future literal, physical reign of Jesus Christ, you eradicate all of Christianity.  It is a whole that cannot be separated into disjunctive parts.

Total Truth

For a long time Christians self-censored by backing away from total truth (the title of Nancy Pearcey’s book).  They stopped bringing the truth to all the subjects and every institution, all ordained by God.  The dismissal of one is the dismissal of all.

A moral statement is either true or false.  True moral statements come from the Word of God.  If Jesus did not rise from the dead, nothing else the Bible says is true.  Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 15.  You cannot chop the Bible up like that.  The moral values become meaningless without the truth of the history and the scientific declarations.

The table of nations in Genesis 10 is the truth.  The prophecies of Daniel 11 are the truth.  What scripture says all over about men and women is the truth.  These are not subjective and relativistic.  They are objective.  They are true.  All these writings should be taught everywhere as truth, not in religion class as an alternative along side the lies of other religions.

The separation of church and state, which is not in the United States Constitution, necessitates censorship.  Anything church related is only church related and stays in the church.  Only state stuff belongs in the state, which as many of you know, includes everything in the world, including biblical issues like marriage and parenting practices.  Then the state labels all of theirs science and facts and outside of the state, unless cooperating with the state, subjective, private, and even conspiracy.  If it is truth, it is your truth, subjective truth, which is fine as long as you keep it outside of institutions.

Take Moses into the Supreme Court Building

For awhile the state has been fine with a sculpture of Moses with the two tablets on the Supreme Court building.  It is a decoration.  It is a ritual.  Maybe it’s even an archetype into which you read whatever you want.  They cannot use it as grounds for decision making, even if its self-evident truths form the basis for logic, argument, and morality.

Perhaps a government and big business or oligarchical complex now joins in widespread censorship.  Let’s just say that complex does censor the citizenry of the United States and other Western countries.  Christians already censored themselves by segregating themselves away from God’s world and keeping the truth away from its institutions, whose very existence arises from that truth.

God requires more than talking about the truth at church.  He requires adherence to the truth in every institution.  This is the teaching of all nations.  True discipleship requires national adherence.  Churches at least should adhere, but their goals are further than that.  They want the knowledge and dominion of His truth everywhere.

Fight Google’s Censorship!

Is Google still your default search engine? If so, you are helping an anti-Bible, anti-morality, pro-sodomy, pro-perversion, anti-God company with every search you make.  They also intend to censor you and to eliminate your voice if they can.  For example, if you search for “Homosexuality is wicked,” the top result (as of when I wrote this article) is an article that laughably claims that sodomy is not condemned by Scripture, and other pro-sodomy articles are in the top page of results. If you search on the search engine DuckDuckGo, the top result is an article entitled “Five Biblical Reasons Homosexuality is Worse than Most Other Sins” and practically every other article on the first page is anti-sodomy, with the anti-sodomy articles being stronger against this perversion than the ones on Google. Do you really think that the top results on Google are unbiased, or is Google putting a heavy thumb on the scale? If you search for “scientific creationism” on DuckDuckGo, the first page includes links to the Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis. Neither website is on the first page in a Google search. Do you think that is by chance? If you search for “Hunter Biden China collusion,” the top result on DuckDuckGo is an article from the leading conservative organization National Review entitled “A Collusion Trail: China and the Bidens.” On Google, National Review does not appear anywhere on page one and this article is at the very bottom of page 2. Chance? Oh, no!


Google censors Bible truth


DuckDuckGo is not specifically conservative–it just doesn’t have the leftist bias of Google. DuckDuckGo just puts up what most people actually are searching for when they do Internet searches. While some interaction with wicked companies is unavoidable, breaking your tie with Google here is easy. Open your “preferences” file in the browser(s) you use right now (it may be some dots in the top right corner of your browser, or it may be in a menu) and change the default search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo. Do it on your phone. Do it on your laptop. Do it on everything. Google wants your data to make money, but it doesn’t want your beliefs. It wants to destroy them. Stop giving Google money with your Internet searches, and resist Google’s censorship of God’s truth. It takes about five minutes. Do it now.




  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
