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Raise a Godly Family in an Ungodly Area–Is it Possible?

 If one is in Oklahoma, there are pages and pages of Baptist churches in the phone book. (Phone book? What’s that? But I digress.)  In the San Francisco Bay Area, there are many, many fewer churches that even preach a true gospel, much less take a stand for all the truth in the Bible.  Sometimes, in relation to a post like “Evangelize the Bay Area of California!,” some people say, and more people think, something to the effect: “I’m glad you are wanting to do that, but I could never do it.  I want to raise my family for God, so we will live in a conservative area, try to move some place rural or stay rural if we are, and never, ever go to a place that is liberal and godless like San Francisco.”  Is this a Biblical way of thinking?  Do we see this sort of thinking in Scripture?

It is true that if one wants to live a comfortable and easy life, coasting along living the American Dream, doing so in a conservative and more God-and-Bible friendly area is easier.  Taxes are likely to be lower; people are more likely to be friendly; everything is nice and pleasant.  But where does Scripture say life is about having things nice and easy?  Where do “nice and easy” and “take up the cross and follow Me” meet?

Revelation 2-3 records Christ’s commands to seven first century (Baptist) churches. One of these churches was “where Satan’s seat is,” and where “Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth” (Revelation 2:13).  Sounds like a really, really rough place.  A lot worse than San Francisco, in fact.  No martyrs in San Francisco recently.  So because the church was in a wicked part of the world, Christ told the congregation that they shouldn’t be in a big, bad city, where Satan’s seat was.  He told them to go to some rural place and live the American Dream.

Oh wait, sorry, that isn’t in the text anywhere.  Didn’t Christ want the families at that church to be able to raise their children for God?  Didn’t He know that you can’t do that in a city “where Satan’s seat is”?

In the book of Acts, the Apostles and their helpers really, really wanted those who received the gospel to raise their children for God, of course.  Therefore, we see the pattern that they sought out the areas that were the most likely to have Biblical values and went there first, leaving those in the big, bad cities to perish in their sin.

Oh wait, sorry, that isn’t what they did–they went to the cities first, and even when the Apostles had to flee because of riots, they didn’t tell the church members there to leave their city and go somewhere things were easier.

So this idea that you can’t raise your children for God in areas that are hostile to the Bible is not in Revelation 2-3 and not in the book of Acts.  Is it in the epistles? Nope.  In the Gospels? Nope.  So does it have any basis in the Bible?  None at all.  It is just made up.  The closest you can get to it is that if someone is actively trying to kill you or cause you bodily harm Christ teaches that you can run away.  Also, if you go to a wicked place for worldly purposes unconnected to the glory of God and leave godly influences behind to go there (Genesis 18-19), you should expect bad things to happen. Those are both totally different than refusing to go to a liberal part of the United States to help a strong church or plant a church because there is more open evil in the world than in some nice, rural, conservative, Bible-friendly area, maybe in the Bible belt or in the heavily Republican South.

What does matter to raising a godly family is having a strong church that is seeking to obey all of Scripture for the glory of God, and where both parents are actively serving.  If you want to raise your family for God, make sure that you have a church like that.  Make sure that you have your kids in a strong Christian school or homeschool that is actively seeking to disciple them with close parental involvement, and that you and the school are consistent in the use of the rod and of reproof.  If you think you can put your kids in public school because you live in a conservative area, so everything will be fine, you are bonkers.  Do the above to raise a godly family.  If God is giving you the desire to help evangelize for the purpose of seeing new churches established in a part of the USA that actually needs them really, really badly–in other words, those liberal parts where nobody or almost nobody is preaching the gospel–do not refuse to go because of this made-up idea that you can’t raise a godly family there.  It isn’t true.  It is a lie, a Satanic lie to confuse people on what is necessary for godly child-rearing and to prevent the Great Commission from being fulfilled.  Certainly someone in a weaker church in a more conservative part of the country is more likely to lose his children to the devil than someone in a stronger church in a more liberal part of America.

At least in my experience, people who have adopted this non-Biblical idea usually limit their restriction on moving to liberal areas to the United States.  Going to a mission field is OK, even if the place is very wicked.  If they were consistent, they would apply this idea to foreign countries as well, which would be the end of world missions.  The large majority of the world is more corrupt and with less Biblical influence than remains even in San Francisco, Massachusetts, and other parts of the USA where we still have First Amendment protections and other constitutional privileges as citizens that are not present in the overwhelming majority of the world.

It would be great if some of the people in the Baptist churches on every corner in the Bible belt and in other nice, Bible-friendly areas would get out of their holy huddle and move to parts of the USA and to the rest of the world where the vast majority of the population has never heard the gospel even one time.  They should be earnestly desiring to move to places like that and start preaching the gospel to those that have never heard it (Romans 15:20).  Maybe the default position should be to help there, and only stay in their nice and comfortable place if it is clearly God’s will that they stay instead of going.

So if you have it in your mind that you would never go somewhere like the San Francisco Bay Area because it is liberal with little Biblical influence, you are not thinking Scripturally.  Instead of wanting to avoid going there because of a made up idea that raising a family for God is impossible in such a place, ask the Lord of the harvest what He would have you to do and where He would have you go, knowing that as you actively take up your cross and follow Christ you will have the best chance possible to raise the next generation to do the same.

Oh, and by the way, while the idea that you can’t raise children for God in a liberal area is not in the Bible, at least you have the Catholic philosophy of monasticism and Ellen White, the cult leader and prophetess of Seventh-Day Adventism, on your side.  In her allegedly “inspired” book Country Living, Mrs. White made statements such as:

“[God] wants us to live where we have elbow room. His people are not to crowd into the cities. He wants them to take their families out of the cities, that they may better prepare for eternal life” (17.1).

“Get out of the cities as soon as possible, and purchase a little piece of land, where you can have a garden, where your children can watch the flowers growing” (17.3).

Aww, isn’t that sweet.  Too bad it isn’t in the Bible anywhere. If you follow the Bible instead of Ellen White, take up the cross, follow Him, and help to preach the gospel to everyone in the areas where nobody is doing it.  God will help you raise your family for Him there.                           TDR

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
