Home » Kent Brandenburg » The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

The Real Dovetailing of Future Antichrist Agenda and World Power Now

Part One     Part Two     Part Three    Part Four


The Antichrist could live on this earth right this moment.  I’m not speculating.  It’s just possible.  If he is alive, he sees a world that dovetails nicely with his agenda.  That’s not good.  But how is it happening?


One way it happens is by sheer denial.  Men come here anonymously and take potshots with the language of “conspiracy theory.”  Guess what?  Satan has a conspiracy against God and it shows up on earth.  Earth is where almost all of it occurs, say ninety plus percent.  Humanity is the target, but even that ultimately opposes God as the target.

Denying the Satanic and Antichrist agenda even occurs is part of the conspiracy.  Satan wields his useful idiots to keep people in their lemming-like condition.  It isn’t just naturalists following the pied piper.  It’s also aggressive amillennialists and postmillennialists, who spiritualize the Antichrist and prophetic passages, and minimize globalism.


The Lord Jesus, the Christ, the true Messiah, will rule the world some day and maybe soon.  Outside of the future rule of Jesus Christ with His might and elimination of most of His enemies, the design of God is division and separation, not something “one world.”  The Antichrist will rule a short one-world government until Jesus returns.

The plan of God to impede apostasy in this age requires boundaries.  It observes the era before the worldwide flood where the imagination of mankind was evil continually.  Post-flood, when the world began in the same trajectory, God confused languages and set boundaries between peoples as an impediment to a fast spread of wickedness.  What are the boundaries that create the barriers against the proliferation of a one world government and religion?  What are the indicators that world power now under the ruler of this world undoes these restraints?

Not necessarily in this order, but these are instruments of Satan by which he advances his goals through the world system that dovetail with the future agenda of the Antichrist.  Genuine, biblical Christians shouldn’t support them.  They contradict the plan of God.


God wants borders.  He doesn’t say how many, but borders hold back the expansion of Satan’s plan.  The federalist system of the United States creates more of these borders between states.  Even within the states, counties and then towns allow more distinction and possible protection.  Within the states, they model the national federalist system.

Only with borders and protecting those borders does a nation keep out corrupting influences.  Maybe the invaders are in fact more pure than the country they invade.  That doesn’t make sense, because it would say that they are leaving somewhere better for somewhere worse.  Alternative categories of intruders might have other motives than melting into the melting pot.  They come with the purpose of wreaking havoc.

If a nation does not consider its way of life worth preserving, maybe it isn’t worth preserving.  Maybe it can’t keep itself well, because it doesn’t understand its own values and purposes.  It doesn’t know what it stands for anymore.  This makes it “easy pickins'” for predatory or parasitical people.


As much as states or nations keep their borders, the media gets into homes through the airwaves in many different capacities.  You know this.  A person could control the media.

Organizations propagate lies and moral filth easier than ever.  Satellites and the internet are two inventions that make this far more effective.  Everyone can have their receivers with them at all times, the cell phone.  New technology already exists that could make it even easier for the whole world to hear and see the same sounds and image all at once.


People more than ever don’t use cash.  They use cards and their phones.  Everyone could lose all their money all at once.  With computers, perhaps artificial intelligence, someone using something could control the entire economy all at once.

Perhaps you’ve swiped a card and it doesn’t work.  You call on your cell phone to reinstate your card.  One person could shut it all down at once unless you cooperate with a certain agenda.  I understand that now you have some recourse, but that could easily change.

All of this technology is very convenient.  I love mobile banking.  But I also know what it means for the future.  I can’t tell you what to do, but the world went from gold to paper to digital currency.  Each of these steps made it easier for a future Antichrist to control the whole world.


The government controls the healthcare in many countries.  It starts with incredible amounts of regulation that become much easier during Covid in 2020-21.  Governments all over the world required little and short tested vaccines.  Some might call this a dress rehearsal for future times.  Can a centralized power make everyone wear a mask?

Doctors study long and at great sacrifice to get their license.  Sometimes doctors pay with student loans.  They need employment to pay them back.  They have pressure not to lose their jobs.  It’s easy to fit into a medical conglomerate that toes the line of correct medicine.  If they resist, they lose their job and inherit a record that inhibits finding another job.

The establishment punished doctors who spoke up during Covid.  They lost good jobs, high paying ones.  This exerts top down control over medicine.

Corporate medicine effects the consumer.  The customer of medical care many times needs it.  Or someone in his family really needs it.  When someone you love is dying, you might do things you would not ordinarily do.

More to Come

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
