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King James Only extremists: Abraham & Moses spoke English?

James White, in his book The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations? (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2009) writes as follows:

There are small groups who go even further, claiming that the KJV was written in eternity and that Abraham, Moses, and the prophets all read the 1611 KJV, including the New Testament. These individuals believe that Hebrew is actually English, and when discussing religious topics they will not so much as use a single word not found in the KJV. (pg. 28)

Have you ever seen or heard of someone like this?  Dr. White provides no written or other sources that these people exist.

The only individual I have ever met taking this view was when I was preaching in a church in North Dakota shortly after coming back from fighting for the Brits in Waterloo. This KJVO extremist rode into Grand Forks, ND, coming to church in his cowboy hat and boots, his rifle in one hand (to defend himself against the Jesuits) and a slurpee in the other (in case the sermon got long and he became thirsty), across the Golden Gate Bridge (it had recently been extended somewhat through a federal grant) on the back of Big Foot, accompanied by Little Red Riding Hood and Mary Poppins (both first-time visitors to church).  This King James Only man not only thought that Abraham and Moses spoke English, but that the Scofield Reference notes in his Bible were written by the Apostle Scofield, one of the men who accompanied the Apostle Paul on his missionary travels.

Other than this King James Only person, I have never once in many years as a KJVO person in KJVO churches met or heard of such people. Have you? Surely James White is not exaggerating or creating a caricature here. I might start to exaggerate or caricature myself if I had to read a lot of Gail Riplinger and Peter Ruckman–their antics might rub off on me as well.  In fact, I surely have committed the sin of exaggerating or caricaturing those who disagree with me at various times in my life. But surely that did not take place here.  Right?

If you have actually met such people, please let me know about it in the comment section.  If you have a shred of evidence for their existence that is in writing, that is much better.  I may not be able to answer comments myself, however, until after my debate with Dr. James White this Saturday is over, Lord willing.  Also, I am looking for comments that evaluate his claim, not that hurl insults at him (or at anyone else). Thank you.


TDR (note: I switched this week with Dr. Brandenburg; I am posting today, he should post this Friday, Lord willing.)


  1. By the way, my wife and I really did see Bigfoot in a campground in North Dakota. We both got a picture with it. It is true.

    There was a big camper-trailer in the campground called “Bigfoot.” We got a picture with the camper-trailer. So Bigfoot is real.

  2. I’ve never anyone who believed the King James Bible was inspired or superior to the original languages. I have meet hundreds of people who believe the King James is the best translation of the right inspired and preserved original words for English speaking peoples. These people don’t always seek out the technical reasons why they believe the King James, they just believe it by faith. These same people I think can become defensive when caricatured as the James White KJVO Man. I’ve noticed modern Bible proponents I have ever encountered (in my limited experience), all strawman pro-King James people as Ruckmanites or the KJVO Man, and that is really their only argument. Their other arguments deliberately ignore verbal plenary preservation presuppositions and are therefore fallacious. Their position’s primary thrust is a bully tactic, ironically.

  3. I tried watching the debate but could not find any stream.

    Hopefully a video recording will be available soon.

  4. The debate was recorded but not live streamed. In answer to the prayers of His people and for His glory and His cause and His Word, I believe it went well. I will definitely let everyone know when it is live. Thank you for everyone who prayed about it, and please feel free to pray about the video editing as well.

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  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
