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Search Results for: worship


WHAT IS TRUTH, TOPICAL INDEX, U to Z (as of January 2019)
All Articles and Essays Written by Kent Brandenburg unless otherwise Noted
(J) for Jackhammer article [all of my articles from Aug 2006 to Feb 2011]
(T) for Thomas Ross article

United States History

Will of God

Word of Truth Conference (Bethel Baptist Church)

World History



WHAT IS TRUTH, TOPICAL INDEX, P to T (as of January 2019)
All Articles and Essays Written by Kent Brandenburg unless otherwise Noted
(J) for Jackhammer article [all of my articles from Aug 2006 to Feb 2011]
(T) for Thomas Ross article

Pandering (as a Strategy or Technique)

Parachurch Organizations


Parenting:  Spanking

Pastoring and Pastoral Qualifications


Personal:  Blogging

Personal:  Church

Personal:  College

Personal:  Family

Personal:  Trip to Europe (UK, Italy, France — May/June 2018)




Politics (Government)
A Case Study on Fake Tolerance (part onepart two)








Religious Freedom


Salvation (the Gospel)

Salvation:  Atonement
Salvation:  Lordship and Repentance
Salvation:  Old Testament

Salvation:  Saving Faith


Sanctification:  Keswick/Revivalism (Perfectionism)

Sanctifications:  Means or Instrumentality

Sanctification:  Motivation

Sanctification:  Reformation

Sanctification:  Sin

Sanctification:  Time





Scripture:  Application

Scripture:  Authority

Scripture:  Canonicity

Scripture:  Inerrancy

Scripture:  Inspiration

Scripture:  Interpretation
How to Come to Positions on Issues (link to sermon by Kent Brandenburg)

Scripture:  Perspecuity

Scripture:  Preservation
Jon Gleason’s Series on Preservation of Scripture:  part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7, part 8

Scripture:  Sola Scriptura

Scripture:  Sufficiency

Scripture:  Textual Criticism

Scripture:  Versions

Separation Or Unity

Separation:  Primary or Secondary Doctrine (Ranking Doctrines, Adiaphora)

Service (Ministry)

Service:  Faithfulness

Shame (see Conscience)

Social Gospel, Social Issues

Social Networking and the Internet

Soul and Spirit (the nature of Man)



Spirit Filling

Spirituality (Ecstasy, Soft Continuationism)





Suing Other Christians



Theology:  Historical

Theology:  Proper


Tithing (Giving, Offering)

Trials, Temptations, and Tests




WHAT IS TRUTH, TOPICAL INDEX, K to O (as of January 2019)
All Articles and Essays Written by Kent Brandenburg unless otherwise Noted
(J) for Jackhammer article [all of my articles from Aug 2006 to Feb 2011]
(T) for Thomas Ross article


Law and Grace


License (see Legalism above)

Links to Articles or Videos


Love (and Versus Sentimentalism)

Marriage and Marriage Roles (Complementarianism)

Marriage:  Obtaining a Life’s Partner






Modernism and Postmodernism

Morality and Amorality




Music:  Psalm Singing

Music:  Standard


WHAT IS TRUTH, TOPICAL INDEX, F to J (as of January 2019)
All Articles and Essays Written by Kent Brandenburg unless otherwise Noted
(J) for Jackhammer article [all of my articles from Aug 2006 to Feb 2011]
(T) for Thomas Ross article


False Teachers


Family:  Elderly





Gender or Sex


Gospel (see Salvation)

Government (see Politics)


Great Commission

Hafley-Brandenburg Debate on Eternal Security

Part OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelve

Healing and Sickness
Health Issues

Hell (Lake of Fire)




Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit:  Continuationism or Soft Continuationism

Holy Spirit:  Baptism of the Spirit

Holy Spirit:  Testifying

Husband-Wife Relationship



Intolerance, Tolerance, and Relativism

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ:  Christmas (Birth of Christ)




WHAT IS TRUTH, TOPICAL INDEX, A to E (as of January 2019)
All Articles and Essays Written by Kent Brandenburg unless otherwise Noted
(J) for Jackhammer article [all of my articles from Aug 2006 to Feb 2011]
(T) for Thomas Ross article
Brett Kavanaugh: Alcohol and the Party Culture
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part one
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part two
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part three
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part four
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part five
Is Prohibition of Alcohol Demonic?
“Not Given to Much Alcohol” and Abstaining from Alcohol
One Stop Shop on Prov 23:31 and “When It Is Red”
Reviews of Two Books on Wine and the Bible (T)
The Hypocrisy of Marijuana Opposition from Alcohol Supporters


An Apology for Anger


Do Animals Have Souls and Spirits? (T)

Armor of God


Apologetics (Defense of Scripture or the Truth)

Archaeological Evidence for the New Testament (T)
Archaeological Evidence for the Old Testament (T)
Archaeological, Historical, and Prophetic Evidence for the Bible (T)
Atheist Compliments on Daniel (T)
Bart D. Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? Useful Quotes for Christians, part 1 of 4 (T)
Bill Nye’s Disqualifying Ignorance or Lies about the Bible
Bock and Wallace, Reliability of the New Testament
Canaanite DNA and Fake News
Dan Barker / Thomas Ross Debate, “Prophecy and Archaeology Validate the Bible as the Word of God.” (T)
Dan Barker – Thomas Ross Debate Transcript, “The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact.” (T)
Did New Testament Christianity Borrow from Mithraism? (T)
The Earliest Portions of the Hebrew Bible: the Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls (T)
Getting Past Your Lying Eyes
Evidence that the Bible and Christianity Are Not Scientific
Initial thoughts on my debate with Shabir Ally at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater (T)
The Inspired Books of Seventh-Day Adventists, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Muslims, and Others (T)
Is the Bible Enough Evidence?
Is the Canon Really The Most Major Issue in Dealing with Roman Catholics? (T)
Jordan Peterson: The Lowering Standard of Acceptance
Learn About Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and African Tribal Religions in Scholarly Christian  (T)
The Merneptah Stele: Proof for Israel’s presence in Canaan (T)
Moses: Named in Archaeological Record in a 15th century Hebrew Inscription (T)
Muslim Covering of Women Isn’t a Good Argument against Islam
“The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact”: the Dan Barker – Thomas Ross Debate (T)
Perspective (T)
Presuppositionalism, the Fool, Irony, and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture
Proof that the Bible is the Word of God from the Book of Daniel (T)
The Relationship of Faith and Science or Faith and Thinking
A Review of the Dan Barker – Thomas Ross debate, “The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact” (T)
Shabir Ally / Thomas Ross Debate: “The New Testament Picture of Jesus: Is it Accurate?” (T)
Should Naturalistic Explanations Overrule Scriptural Ones?
The Testimonies of Josephus to Jesus Christ Vindicated, part 1 of 2 (T)
The Testimonies of Josephus to Jesus Christ Vindicated, part 2 of 2 (T)
The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible in Arabic (T)
Testimony of the Quran to the Bible  part one (T)
The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible, part two (T)
The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible, part three (T)
Unbelieving Arguments That Don’t Add Up


American Idol
The Biggest Reason Apostasy Is Occurring at a Prolific Rate
A Case Study in Preparations for the False Prophet and the One World Church
Another Jesus (J)
Avalanche toward Gomorrah
Concocted Christianity
The Directions Toward Apostasy — How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Getting There
Do Christians Like the Whole Bible?
Doctrine Is Not the Biggest Challenge to the Gospel in the Church Today
THE EJECT BUTTON—Zichterman and Beckwith Learned Their Lessons a Little Too Well
Jesus Isn’t a Rorschach
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
A Paradigm of Evangelical Unbelief (J)
The Role of the Attack on Spanking in Worldwide Apostasy
You Know You’re Too Intelligent to Entertain Christianity If….


Archaeological Evidence for the New Testament (T)
Archaeological Evidence for the Old Testament (T)Archaeological, Historical, and Prophetic Evidence for the Bible (T)
The Earliest Portions of the Hebrew Bible: the Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls (T)
The Merneptah Stele: Proof for Israel’s presence in Canaan (T)
Moses: Named in Archaeological Record in a 15th century Hebrew Inscription (T)

Argument:  Biblical

A True Statement on Dealing with a Disagreement on an Issue
Allegations: Schismatic, a Bad Name, and Arrogance
Can You Prove It From Scripture?
Discourse on Discourse (J)
The Genius of Name-Calling
The They-Just-Talk-About Dodge (Dodge #1 in the Dodge Series)
Today’s Arguing that Isn’t Concerned about the Truth
When a Classification Slanders
Winning through Losing (J)


Doubt, Lack of Willingness to Believe, and Atheism
Important Thoughts for Human Beings   part one
The Seeds of Delusion


Imagined Monsters

Attributes of God (and the Nature of God)

Applying Holiness, part one
The Covenant Name of God: Jehovah or Yahweh? (T)
Dumbing Unity Down and Excluding God
Expectations of God
God Has to Be God
God Has to Be God, pt. 2
God Has to Be God, pt. 3
God Has to Be God, pt. 4
Jehovah: The Meaning of the Name (T)
Laughter: If Two Galaxies Collide and No One Was There to Hear It, Did They…
Sovereignty over Sovereignty (J)
The Sovereignty People: Actual Trusting in God’s Sovereignty and Not Lipservice
Who Is Sovereign Over Sovereignty


Power Blogging
Power:  Use or Abuse


Baptist Confessions and the Preservation of Scripture: A Video
The Baptist Distinctives Are Not the Bible
The Historic Baptist Doctrine of Receiving Christ as both Savior and Lord and the So-Called 
Keswick Preaching and then Practical Perversion: the Unaffiliated
Lordship Salvation, or the So-Called Free Grace Gospel (T)
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 1
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 2
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 3
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 4
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 5
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 6
The Most Divisive of All Independent Baptists: Let’s Think about It
The Problem among Independent Baptists with the Gospel
The Problem among Independent Baptists with the Gospel, pt. 2
Southern Baptist Evangelism and Unregenerate Evangelicals
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis, pt. 2
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis, pt. 3
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis, pt. 4

Baptist History

The Anabaptists Did Not Get the Trinity From Constantine, and the Ancient Arians Were Bloody Persecutors
Did Anabaptists Believe in Justification by Faith Alone?
The Falsehood of English Separatism
French Protestants and the Waldenses: The Church and the Text of the New Testament, pt. 1
French Protestants and the Waldenses: The Church and the Text of the New Testament, pt. 2
The Historic Baptist Doctrine of Receiving Christ as both Savior and Lord and the So-Called Lordship Salvation, or the So-Called Free Grace Gospel (T)
Theology and Baptist History As It Dovetails with World History
A Trail of Blood
The Two Book Approach and English Separatism
The Waldenses Controversy

Beauty (Orthopathy)

Beauty, Worldly Lust, Effeminate and Truth in the Real World
An Irretrievable Irony
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
The Revision or Redefinition of Art, Related to False Worship

Belief and Practice

The Priority of What the Bible Doesn’t Say
Why Believe or Why We Should Believe What We Believe


Are You Stupid If You Believe the Blood of Christ Isn’t Merely Human?
“Blood. . . Part and Parcel of the Programming We Receive as Christians”
How Does the Blood of Christ Come into an Explanation of the Gospel or Salvation?
Is MacArthur Off on the Blood? If So, How Far Off? pt. 1 (J)
Is MacArthur Off on the Blood? If So, How Far Off? pt. 2 (J)
The Story of the Blood Issue (from my Perspective)


How God “Calls” a Man to the Ministry


Are Calvinism and the TULIP Dangerous Errors? (T)
Games Calvinists Play to Keep the System Breathing: Exhibit A – Foreknowledge
Games Calvinists Play to Keep the System Breathing, Part Two
Jockeying for the Most Spiritually Dead or Most Spiritually Unable Position
Limited Atonement or Unlimited Atonement? Calvin Was Right About the Extent Of the Atonement – everyone ought to agree with him on it (T)
Personal Thinking About Calvinism
“Saviour Of All Men”: What Does It Mean?
The Sovereignty People: Actual Trusting in God’s Sovereignty and Not Lipservice
Trampling the Tulips
WHY I’M NOT A CALVINIST (part one): Romans 9 (J) (Here at WIT, part one)
WHY I’M NOT A CALVINIST (part two): Romans 9 (J) (Here at WIT, part two)
Why I’m Not a Calvinist (part three)


Does Uncertainty Come from Certainty?
Doubt, Lack of Willingness to Believe, and Atheism
Is Certainty Hubris?
The Path to Postmodern Subjectivity Comes Through Fear, Pragmatism, and, Yes, Covenant Theology
The Root of Uncertainty: Not Can’t, Not Don’t, But Won’t
The Self-Centered Hypocrisy of Nuance
The Strategy of Doubt
Uncertainty Now Considered Supreme Form of Christianity
Unattainable: A Certain Very Important Thing that God Promised Is Impossible with God to Evangelicals and Many Fundamentalists

Cessationism-Continuationism (Ecstasy, Soft Continuationism) [See Spirituality]

Actual Sensing of the Holy Spirit or God and then the More Prominent Fake Kind, Which Is a Lie
Does the Holy Spirit Lead Believers by Talking to Them Directly?
Erroneous Reliance on Circumstances as Evidence of the Holy Spirit’s Leading
Exploring Unacceptable Degrees of Normativeness of the Book of Acts
Extra-Scriptural Divine Talk: A Common Ground for Almost All False Religion
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 1 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 2 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “Try the spirits” and the rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 3 of 3 (T)
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God, pt. 2
Greater Works: What Are We to Expect?
Hearing Voices: Extra-Canonical Fallacies (Including James White)
If You Don’t Have God Talking to You, What Then?
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 2
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 3
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 4
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today?
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today? Part Two
The Keswick-Continuationist Prayer Equivalent Everywhere in Christianity
Lead, Guide,and Direct: What is This?
The Oracle of Delphi, Preaching, Power, and Sensing God
Producing Experiences with the Flesh and Calling It the Spirit
Reformed Continuationists: Strange Fire or Not?
Self-Loathing Revivalist Baptist Continuationists
That Which Is Perfect
What Continues Today from Eras of Miracles? Thoughts on the Non-Charismatic Continuationism
Wisdom and Signs: Two Characteristics Rampant in Churches
You Know You’re a Continuationist When….


The Sinful Snooze Button Mortified: The Sheet on Sleep


1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 1 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 2 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “Try the spirits” and the rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 3 of 3 (T)
Producing Experiences with the Flesh and Calling It the Spirit


Overcoming and Chastisement

Christian Liberty

A Biblical Approach to Liberties Versus that of Evangelicals and Many Fundamentalists
Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Church Autonomy and Sola Scriptura
Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Honor of Parents
Disputations about Doubtful Disputations (J)
Evangelicals (and Most Fundamentalists) Are Completely Messed Up About Christian Liberty and Then Mess Everyone Else Up By Pushing Their Perversion
Liberty and Lordship
Moving the Goal Posts on Christian Liberty
The Perversion of God’s Grace from Evangelicals
Romans 14 and Issues Like Social Networking (J)
Taking Liberties that Are Not Ours to Take
The Truth about Christian Liberty


Christmas Carols That Lie (T)
Christmas: Christians Were Against It Before They Were For It Before They Were Against It
The Encyclopaedia Britannica on Christmas (T)
My Position on Christmas
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Christology:  Death

For Whom Did Christ Die?


An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 2
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 3
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 4
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 5
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 6
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 7: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 8: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.1
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.2
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.3
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.4
As the Church Is Subject Unto Christ
The Baptist Distinctives Are Not the Bible
“Body of Christ” Defined
Church Autonomy, Pastoral Authority, Closed Communion, and the Gospel: The Means Becoming the End
Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
The Conference
Correcting False Doctrine Outside of Your Church: Permissible or Encouraged in Scripture?
The Eclecticism of Today’s Churches
Distinctions in Churches and Characteristics of Churches: I Know What Distinguishes Ours
Enablers of a False Gospel and Bad Church
God’s Evaluation of the Judgment of an Individual Church
Horrible and Yet Typical Ecclesiological Explanation
How to Handle Doctrinal and Practical Problems with Other Churches
I Don’t Choose What Distinguishes Our Church, But It Still Does
Judgment Must Begin in the House of God
Judgment Must Begin in the House of God, pt. 2
A Leaky Container and Its Spoiled Contents
The Meaning of the Word Church According to ReligiousAffections.Org
Missing the Mark: 9 Marks Aren’t Enough (J)
Open Letter on the Integrity of the New Testament Church (Gary Webb)
Pastors and Churches That Accept Our Former Members
Repentance and the Baptist Church Constitution (T)
Scripture Repudiates Innovation in and by the Church
Six Positions on Church Music, pt. 1
Six Positions on Church Music, pt. 2
The Start of the Church: Who, When, and What Difference Does It Make?
Unity Beyond the Church
What About Special Music in the Church?
What NT Churches can Do to Oppose Sodomite Marriage, Abortion, and Economic Theft
Where to Live, Life, and the Choice of a Church
Why Am I in a Church like the One I’m in? pt. 1 (J)
Why Am I in a Church like the One I’m in? pt. 2 (J)
Why Am I in a Church like the One I’m in? pt. 3 (J)
A World of Lies Starting with a Church of Lies

Church:  Authority

How Does a Gathering of People Obtain Church Authority?
Is There Any Spiritual Authority Outside of a Church and Other than the Lord Jesus Christ?

Church:  Autonomy

Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Church Autonomy and Sola Scriptura

Church:  Discipline

Observations about Church Discipline from 1 Corinthians 5
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 1 (J)
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 2 (J)
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 3 (J)
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 4 (J)

Church:  Faithfulness

How Faithful Is Faithful to Church

Church:  Growth

The Apology Owed to Jack Hyles and Jack Schaap (J)
The Apostle Paul and Ethics in Evangelism: Exposing the Corruption of Modern Methods
Blessing, Keswick, and Man-Centered Methods
Bribery and Pandering: Ties that Bind Modern Church Growth (that neither Jesus nor the Apostles Used)
Bribery and Pandering: Ties that Bind Modern Church Growth (that neither Jesus nor the Apostles Used), pt. 2
The Burden of Man Centered Evangelism
The Choice Between Regulating Church Growth Methodology by Scripture or by Silence
Church Decrease Movement (CDM): Faithful Numerical Church Decrease
Church Growth Hypocrisy
Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
Concepts in Church Growth Philosophy Which Dumb Down Love
Did He Invite?
Evangelical Mumbo Jumbo: Ziplines and Worship Wars
The Evil Junction of False Gospel, Distorted Sanctification, Success, Church Growth, Second 
Greater Works: What Are We to Expect?
Halfway Measures
How Does Levi’s Feast for Jesus Apply to Evangelistic Methodology?
How Does Modern Church Growth Not Compare to Church Growth in the Bible, part one
How Giving Up or Stopping Door-to-Door Evangelism Will Grow or Build Your Church
I Don’t Think Most Christians Even Know What the Great Commission Is
John 6: Church Growth Methods and Other Sins
John 6: Church Growth Methods and Other Sins, pt. 2
Key for Evangelistic Church
Lure Them In, pt. 1
Lure Them In, pt. 2
Lure Them In, pt. 3
Lure Them In, pt. 4
Lure Them In, pt. 5
One Particular Corruption of Repentance to Accommodate a Methodology, Success, and Numbers
Pandering: The Actual Tie that Binds Most of American Churches
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: Social Justice Panderers
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: His Antidote to Pandering
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 1
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 2
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 3
The Relationship of How Evangelical and Fundamentalist Churches Operate Today to How Our Government Functions
Rick Warren and Jack Hyles: What’s Changed? (J)
Show Time: Making the Gospel About Us (J)
30, 60, 100: Can We Conclude That More Fruit Was Caused by the One Receiving the Seed?
This Is Not Jack Hyles
What Can We Conclude from How Big Churches Get or How Small They Are?

Church:  History and Historic Teaching

An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 2
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 3
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 4
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 5
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 6
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 7: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 8: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
Baptist Confessions and the Preservation of Scripture: A Video
Calvin 500
Children Scribble Scrabbling: Interpretation of History and Reformed Theology
Comments on Luther’s 95 Theses
Did Anabaptists Believe in Justification by Faith Alone?
Epistemology and the History of the Church
The Falsehood of English Separatism
Halfway Measures
History of Doctrine:  Historic Ecclesiology
The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (T)
Selective Reformation
Selective Reformation, part two
Selective Reformation, part three
Selective Reformation, part four
Selective Reformation, part five
Since Jesus Sang in the Church, Well…
Theology and Baptist History As It Dovetails with World History
A Trail of Blood
Were the Reformers Heretics? part 1 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? part 2 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 3 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 4 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 5 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 6 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 7 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 8 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 9 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 10 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 11 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? Appendix Part 1 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? Appendix Part 2 (T)

Church:  Leadership

Are the Qualifications for the Office of the Pastor Also Disqualifications?
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part one
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part two
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part three
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part four
How Did “Old Time Fundamentalists Act When Their Leaders Did Stupid Things”?
How Much Should Church Leadership Be Involved In Governmental or Political Matters?
Intimidating with Bigness

Church:  Local

An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 2
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 3
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 4
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 5
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 6
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 7: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 8: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.1
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.2
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.3
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.4
“Body of Christ” Defined
Container for Truth
Careful Exegesis
Ekklesia Means “Assembly”
Ekklesia Means “Assembly”, part two
Ekklesia Means “Assembly” pt. 3
Flock Teaching
Horrible and Yet Typical Ecclesiological Explanation
Koine Parallels to Ephesians 5:23 Show That NT Only Provides Invisible Support to the Invisible, 
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism, pt. 2
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism, pt. 3
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism, pt. 4
The Meaning of the Word Church According to ReligiousAffections.Org
Thoughts on “People of God: The Church” by Kevin Bauder
Universal Church (T)
The Use of the Singular in the Bible, and the Church

Church:  Membership

Church Membership and the Marriage Covenant

Church:  Ordinances (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper)

Acts 2:38–Baptism Essential to Salvation? (T)
Acts 22:16–Baptism Essential for Salvation? (T)
Baptism:  Why So Far?
Building Tool (J)
Communion (J)
The Lord’s Supper: Close, Closed, or In-Between? (T)
Mark 7:4 & the “washing [baptidzo] . . . of tables:” Baptism is still Immersion in the Baptizing of Tables or Dining Couches
Mark 7:4 & the “washing [baptidzo] . . . of tables:” Baptism is still Immersion in the Baptizing of Tables or Dining Couches, part 2 (T)
Reception of the Elements (J)
Unrestrained Theology (Infant Sprinkling)
What Is the Communion of the Lord’s Table? (J)
Why Closed Communion? (J)

Church:  Pastor

“Having Faithful Children” in Titus 1:6 (J)
Expecting Pastors to Pastor Tentmaking
Unlearned and Ignorant Men

Church:  Planting

Church Planting Foolishness
Our Strategy for Sacramento, California part one
Our Strategy for Sacramento, California part two

Church:  Sufficiency of the Church

Dan, Bethel, and Parachurch Organizations (J)
Looking for Help in All the Wrong Places

Church:  Universal (see Church:  Local)

The Ambiguity, Confusion, Contradiction, and License of Universal Church Practice
Body of Christ Defined
Paul Bunyan in the Bible?
The Use of the Singular in the Bible, and the Church


Are You Obeying the Ninth Commandment in the Blogosphere?
Cutting through the Wrong Messenger to Believe the Right Message
The Engagement of Others on the Modern Versions or King James Version
The Genius of Name-Calling
The Medium and the Message
The Medium and the Message, pt. 2
The Medium and the Message, pt. 3


Gagging at Yukkiness
Is Conscience the Guide for Goodness?
The Absence of Shame in This Country
Vote Your Conscience


Conservatives and Free Speech
Incremental Conservatism?
The Virtue of Nationalism
What Is Conservatism in a Church? Is This Good?


Wonderful Counselor

Covenant Theology

The Covenant of Redemption Should Be a Problem
The Path to Postmodern Subjectivity Comes Through Fear, Pragmatism, and, Yes, Covenant Theology


Attacks or Denials of God’s Creation
Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins in Today’s Modern, Scientific Era? The Ham-Nye Debate
Metaphysical Reality
Origin of the Universe and Life: Random or Designed
A Universe from Nothing
Perfect Preservation of Scripture and Young Earth Creationism
Scan of 100,000 Galaxies and No Alien Life: What’s That Supposed to Mean?
Scrutinizing Scruton in the New York Times


Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 1 (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 2–Ellen White a False Prophet (T)
Luke 23:43: Where Does the Comma Go? Was the Thief in Paradise That Day? “Verily, I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise,” as in the KJV, or “Verily I say unto thee to day, Thou shalt be with me in paradise,” as the Watchtower Society, Seventh Day Adventism, and other annihilationists teach? (T)
Seventh-Day Adventism and Catholicism: Insider Views (T)
Seventh Day Adventism’s Anti-Trinitarianism and its Claim to be the Restored True Church (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 3–SDA anti-Trinitarianism, its teaching that the Father has a body, and its teaching that Jesus Christ had a sinful nature, could have sinned and been annihilated, and is Michael the Archangel (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 4–SDA teaching that Satan, not Christ, pays the final penalty for sin, SDA denial that Christ completed the atonement on the cross, SDA affirmation that people must be saved without Christ as Mediator, and SDA affirmation that people can and must become sinless to be saved (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 5; SDA teaching on an Investigative Judgment and salvation by works; SDA rejection of eternal security and Biblical assurance of salvation; and SDA teaching that the Sabbath, not the Holy Spirit, is the seal of God (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 6; SDA denial of eternal torment in the lake of fire for the heresy of “soul sleep” or annihilationism (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 7: SDA rejection of the Lord’s Day for Saturday Sabbath Worship and its Teaching that Worship on the 1st Day is the Mark of the Beast (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 8; SDA rejection of the succession of true (Baptist) churches, SDA Allegorization of Biblical Prophecy, and a Conclusion to the Whole Matter (T)
Questions for Seventh Day Adventists (T)


The Absence of Shame in This Country
Ann Taylor, Wear the Pants Campaign: The World Gets It, Just Like It Gets Rock Music
Beauty, Worldly Lust, Effeminate and Truth in the Real World
Biblical Evangelism and an Approach to the Possible Success of Bill AB 2943 in California
Brett Kavanaugh: Alcohol and the Party Culture
Capitulation to Meaning Obliviousness: A Case of Berkeley and Oakland
Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
Cultural Issues Are Essential for Evangelicals, Just for Bad Reasons
Culture Decay—The Attack on Standards (J)
Culture Decay—But Who Cares? part one (J)
Culture Decay—But Who Cares? part two (J)
The Culture War: Sacred, Common, and Profane Culture (J)
Deconstructing the Destruction of Youth Culture (J)
Discerning the Required Differences between the Cultures of the Saved and the Unsaved (J)
Dishonoring A Game of Honor
The Duggars: Christianity and Hypocrisy
Embarrassment: Leviticus 18, NY Times, and Albert Mohler
Fundamental Stupidity
Have Pastors Been Lying about the Bible’s Application to Cultural Issues? That’s What Tim Jordan Says
Hillary Clinton, Legal Relativism, and the Church
How Much Diversity Should a Christian Allow and What Is His Responsibility to Error?
I Am Not a Cultural Fundamentalist (J)
Is It Gospel Centered to Ignore or Disparage Cultural Applications of Scripture?
Is It Scriptural To Stereotype Certain Cultures or Ethnicities?
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
My Take on the Support of Same Sex Marriage
Nothing Is Weird Anymore
The Now Irrelevance of Cultural Relativity
Perversion of Justice
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part two)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part three)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part four)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part five)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part six)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part seven)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part eight)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part nine)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part ten)
What the Worship War or Music Issue Really Is About (part eleven)
Race and Culture
Reacquiring a Christian Counterculture pt. 1 (J)
Reacquiring a Christian Counterculture pt. 2 (J)
“Redeeming the Culture” (J)
Repudiating the Fake Playboy Manhood, Partly of Trump
Salvation Is Cultural Separation (J)
Scriptural Realism in Application to Television (J)
Scrutinizing Scruton in the New York Times
Some Cultures Are Better Than Others
The Surrender of a Sanctified Culture (J)
Transcendence, Immanence, and Culture part one
Vulgarity, Meaning, Evangelicalism, Politics, and Hypocrisy
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 1
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 2
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 3
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 4
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 5
Were We Wrong, Can Something Like This Change, or What?
What Is Diversity and Is It Right Now Welcome in the United States?
What Many Professional Athletes Really Think and Other Observations
What NT Churches can Do to Oppose Sodomite Marriage, Abortion, and Economic Theft (T)
What’s the Protest: NFL and NBA Athletes

Death of Church Members

Carlos Lalisan (part onepart twopart three)

Decision Making



Acts 11:26: All Christians are Disciples (T)
Completing the Prescription
I Don’t Think Most Christians Even Know What the Great Commission Is
What Gospel Did Jesus Say to Preach as Part of the Great Commission?

Divorce and Remarriage

Got Controversy? Divorce and Remarriage (J)
Divorce, Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Remarriage, and New Testament teaching (T)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part one) (J)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part two) (J)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part three) (J)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part four) (J)
What I’ve Preached on Deuteronomy 24 (T)

Dress:  Gender Distinctions

Ann Taylor, Wear the Pants Campaign: The World Gets It, Just Like It Gets Rock Music
An Apologetic for Men’s Skirts
Concessions As Root Cause of Same Sex Marriage
Does God Require in Dress Visible Symbols of Both Authority and Submission?
Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, You Capitulated On Gender Design Distinction, So Is the Male Skirt a Church Discipline Issue?
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members, pt 2
1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Headcoverings, and Historical Doctrine
Gender Distinctions and Professing Christians Not Handling the Truth: Revisiting the Case Study of Bob Jones University
Gender Fluidity: The Destruction of the Symbols That Serve to Distinguish One Gender from Another
God Designed Roles, Their Symbolism, and Sodomy
God Expects or Assumes a Separate Visible Symbol of Authority for Men and Subordination for Women
History and Deuteronomy 22:5 (part one)
History and Deuteronomy 22:5 (part two)
“I Don’t See Man Clothes and Woman Clothes” — Evangelicalism and Most of Fundamentalism Agree
The Issue of Designed Gender Distinction: Answering Comments or Questions
John MacArthur on Deuteronomy 22:5
Justin Bieber Wears Women’s Pants
Kooky Alternatives to the Truth, Spontaneous Inventions, That Lead to Same Gender Abomination and Egalitarianism
Modest & Gender Distinct Swimwear (T)
Muslim Covering of Women Isn’t a Good Argument against Islam
Pants and Bible Versions: Do They Matter?
The Pant-Skirt Issue for Dummies (J)
The Seriousness of the Symbolism for Male Headship (part one) (J)
The Seriousness of the Symbolism for Male Headship (part two) (J)
Wear the Pants: The Dockers Campaign
What Does this Verse Mean, and How Does It Apply?  You Tell Me
Why Do Orthodox Jewish Women Exclusively Wear Skirts or Dresses?
Women Wearing Men’s Clothes

Dress:  Modesty

Do Women Bring It On or Ask for It?
Is There An Objective Standard or Line for Modesty from the Bible for Women?
Megyn Kelly and the Concept of the Female Role Model
Modest & Gender Distinct Swimwear (T)

Dress:  Standards

Dress Standards Matter: Case Study Bob Jones University

Dress:  Worldliness

Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members, pt 2
Strange Symptoms


The Bank Crisis for Dummies
Blame for Deficits for Dummies
Cut Church Building Program Costs by Thousands of Dollars and, as an Individual, Save Large Sums; or as a Business, Increase Your Profit Margin (T)
Get 2% or More Back On (Almost) All Expenses, Including Tithing, Giving, Business & Personal Bills, etc. (T)
God-honoring and Bible-based Christian Mutual Funds
Health Care Insurance for Dummies
Health Care Insurance for Dummies part two
Health Care Insurance for Dummies  part three
How to Save Money on Groceries
Inexpensive Prepaid Cell Phone Plans
Investing in Clean, Christian Investments: a “How To” Letter (T)
Is a Progressive Tax Code Constitutional?
Jobs Saved?
Maybe the Two Biggest Recent Economic Lies
More on the Healthcare Fiasco
A Nice House with Limited Income in the Most Expensive Housing Market in the United States
Our Bad Economy for Dummies
Pay $0 / month for Cell Phone Service: FreedomPop
Pay $12 For Unlimited Talk & Text on Your Cell Phone
A Potentially High Interest Investment that Can be done with Christian and Socially Conscious Principles — Peer-to-Peer Lending (T)
Recession in the American Economy and the Greed Cycle
Save Money on the Large Majority of Internet Purchases
Sundries, Including the Debt Ceiling and a P90x Update
Tax Break for the Rich
Use Tax, Sales Tax, the Bible, and Other Financial Matters (T)
“We’re on the Verge of a Great, Great Depression”


A Biblical Philosophy of Education (J)
Brief Review of Annual Summer Training at Logos School, Moscow Idaho (by David Sutton)
College for Church Kids, part one
College for Church Kids, part two
College for Church Kids, part three
Education: State, Church, or Home? (part one) (J)
Education: State, Church, or Home? (part two) (J)
Education: State, Church, or Home? (part three) (J)
Graduation Address from our M.Div Recipient (David Warner)


The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part one
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part two
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part three
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part four
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part five
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part six
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 2
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 3
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 4
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 5
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 6
Getting Past Your Lying Eyes
The Means By Which God Does Talk Today
The Relationship of Faith and Science or Faith and Thinking
Revelation Versus Discovery
We Really Did Know

Eschatology:  Heaven and Earth Pass Away

The Big Bang and the Big One
I Happen to Know How the Earth Is Going to End

Eschatology:  Pretribulational Rapture

Amillennialism and Gentile Arrogance
The Convergence of Aliens and the Apocalypse
Is the Doctrine of Major Doctrines a Major Doctrine? The Rapture as a Case Study
The Lord Jesus Christ Will Catch Up the Saints Before the Tribulation Begins (part one)
The Lord Jesus Christ Will Catch Up the Saints Before the Tribulation Begins (part two)
Not a Big Disappearing Act


Be Still
Concocted Christianity
Covering a Bunch-a Stuff at Once Until I Write Something Really Serious
Demagogue: Sausage Maker
Gift Cards, Decorative Soap, and Other Observations
Gilded Not (J)
Is That a Chihuahua?
Judging Heroes
Nursery Rhymes Are Destroying America
Odd Observations:  Edition 1
Open Mindedness: Relatively New In History — Why?
Orientation: This Side of the Glass
Paul Potts: Not to Be Confused with the Cambodian Dictator
Please Stop
Quiet Thunder (J)
A Really Nice, Gentle, Loving Open Letter, Because That’s What I’m Calling It, to Kevin Bouder (sic)
Religious or Biblical Blogs I Read Even though We Don’t Agree
Things Look Good
Writing a Blog ‘Nat
You Know You’re Fat When
You Know You’re Too Intelligent to Entertain Christianity If….

Eternal Security (Perseverance)

“Abide in Me,” John 15:1-8: Saved or Unsaved, Not Christian or Better Christian
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 1 of 9, Word Study (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 2 of 9, Word Study (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 3 of 9, Word Study Concluded (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 4 of 9, the Lexica (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 5 of 9, Old Testament Background to the Vine Image of John 15 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 6 of 9: Exposition of John 15:1-3 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 7 of 9: Exposition of John 15:4-5 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 8 of 9: Exposition of John 15:6-11 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 9 of 9: Miscellaneous Notes & Conclusion (T)
The Bible Teaches Permanent Justification, Eternal Security, Unconditional Security, and Once Saved, Always Saved
The Book of Life and Eternal Security–do Revelation 3:5 & Revelation 22:18-19 Teach that a Christian may Lose his Salvation?
Eternal Security or Preservation / Perseverence of the Saints Debate: Kent Brandenburg vs. Larry Hafley (T)
Overcoming and Chastisement

Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism

About “Leaving Fundamentalism”
A Circle and a Graph: Evangelical Excuses for Disobedience to God
Ambiguity and Utility: Fundamentals of Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
Are You Woke? The Truth Behind the Evangelical Woke Movement
Attacking the “Fundamentalists”: Bravo to John MacArthur and David Cloud, Bombarded by C. J. Mahaney and Fred Butler
Between Two Worlds: How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Keep Scripture from the World in Which We Live
Big Talk with Little to Show at Evangelical Textual Criticism
A Case Study for Biblical Separation: James White and Michael Brown, According to Phil Johnson
A Catholicization of Evangelical Christianity
Certain Unscriptural Positions of Bibliology Worth Separating Over: Considering Mark Ward’s Call to Separation at FBFI
The Confusion and Heterodoxy of Modern Version Proponents: Revisited in Light of “FBFI and the KJV,” Its Reasons and Debate
The Confusion and Heterodoxy of Modern Version Proponents: Revisited in Light of “FBFI and the KJV,” Its Reasons and Debate, pt. 2
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part one
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part two
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part three
The Convenient Repudiation of Fundamentalists by Evangelical Leaders Now Less Convenient
Corban: Rearing Its Ugly Head Again in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
A Critique of the 2008 Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, Resolution One pt. 1
A Critique of the 2008 Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, Resolution One pt. 2
Cultural Issues Are Essential for Evangelicals, Just for Bad Reasons
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part one
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part two
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part three
David Brooks of the New York Times on Fundamentalism and Religion
Debriefing the Les Ollila Interview
Destructive Fellowship in Fundamentalism
The Directions Toward Apostasy — How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Getting There
The Dishonesty of the Fundamentalist Idea (J)
Ecstasy Rampant in Evangelicalism (and Fundamentalism)
The Elephant in the Room of the Separation Discussion Between Conservative Evangelicals and Fundamentalists
The Epistle to the Galatians and Evangelicalism or New Evangelicalism: Slaves or Sons
The Evangelical Seduction of Two Truths
Evangelicals (and Most Fundamentalists) Are Completely Messed Up About Christian Liberty and Then Mess Everyone Else Up By Pushing Their Perversion
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism and Why We’re In the Shape We’re In
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: Building Ox Carts to Reach the Conclusions They Desire (J)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: Indifferentism (J)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: The Embrace of Neutrality (J)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: Man’s Approval and the Fear of Independence (J)
Evangelical Mumbo Jumbo: Ziplines and Worship Wars
Evangelical or Fundamentalist Pharisaism  part one
Evangelical or Fundamentalist Pharisaism  part two
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members, pt 2
Evangelicals Move the Goalposts on Adiaphora
Extra: An Evangelical Uses the Term “Separatist”
A Follow-Up to Questions for Non-Revivalist Fundamentalism (J)
Fundamentalism Associating with Syncretistic, Pagan Profanity
Fundamentalism, Separation, Charismatics, and Northland
Fundamentalist Floundering, pt. 1
Fundamentalist Floundering, pt. 2
Fundamentalist:  The Movement or the Adjective
The “Fundamentalist Practice of Separation”?
The Fundamentalist Repulsion of Christian Worldview
Fundamentalist Seminary Attacks Centrality of the Church
Fundamentalist Seminary Attacks Centrality of the Church  part two
God Is “Hyper-Fundamental”
Gospel Troubles
Historic Fundamentalism: What is it? (T)
How Did “Old Time Fundamentalists Act When Their Leaders Did Stupid Things”?
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Are Teeming with Ecstatic and Demonic Influence
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Are Teeming with Ecstatic and Demonic Influence part 2
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Have Invented and Continue to Reinvent A Socially Acceptable Impostor and Placebo Christianity
How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Codifying Uncertainty and Doubt (J)
How Would Jesus or Paul Give Evangelicals Their Opportunity to Change?
The Hypocrisy of Contemporary “Conservative” Evangelicalism (J)
I Am Not a Cultural Fundamentalist (J)
“I Don’t See Man Clothes and Woman Clothes” — Evangelicalism and Most of Fundamentalism Agree
Immediate Pop Culture Relevancy
Intimidating with Bigness
The Irony of the Resolved Conference
I Want to Love the Strange Fire Conference — What’s Tough Are Absolute Contradictions
John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Conference
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
Johnny Manziel, Obscenity, and Evangelicalism
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
Lance Armstrong, Yawn: Or the Parallel Between Him and Fundagelicals
Let’s Hear It for an Evangelical Proposal of Separation!
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 1 (J)
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 2 (J)
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 3 (J)
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 4 (J)
A Major Part of What’s Wrong with Fundamentalism (and Evangelicalism)
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting: An Introduction
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part one
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part two
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part three
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part four
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part five
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part six
Postscript to the ETS Meeting
The Myth of ECx Internalism and Grace
The Normalization of Aberrant Behavior Now in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
Obvious Disconnects for Evangelicals and Inerrancy
One Stop Shop for Recent Dabblings on Separation Among Evangelicals, and then a Fundamentalist
Opposing Indifferentism: Why Now?
Opposing the Monster He Helped Create
The Pagan Worldview of Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
A Paradigm of Evangelical Unbelief
Placing Myself in Tyler’s Report Card On Baptist Fundamentalism
Popular Evangelical Historian on Truth Serum about the Church
Preaching the Gospel to New Evangelicals?
Psalm 119, The Hate Psalm, and the Practice of Contemporary Christianity
Questions for Non-Revivalist Fundamentalism
Quirks of Fundamentalism Distract from Its Real Problems
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation, part two
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation, part three
Tabletalk, R. C. Sproul, and the Evangelical Foray into Ecclesiastical Separation
The Relationship of How Evangelical and Fundamentalist Churches Operate Today to How Our Government Functions
Separation Confusion in So-Called Classic , Historical, or Traditional Fundamentalism
So Theological Presuppositions Are Fine with Biblical Criticism After All?
Southern Baptist Evangelism and Unregenerate Evangelicals
The Sword of the Lord, Really The Scoop Shovel of Revivalism
Taking the Minnick Article on Separation for a Test
The Indifference of Contemporary Fundamentalism (J)
Three Take-Aways from John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Conference
Thoughtful Fundamentalists?
Two Obvious Contemporary Theological Contradictions and their Meaning part one
Unattainable: A Certain Very Important Thing that God Promised Is Impossible with God to Evangelicals and Many Fundamentalists
What Do You Think Scripturally of Clarence Sexton Speaking at the National Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Meeting? (J)
What Evangelicals Have on Fundamentalists
When a Classification Slanders
When I Left Fundamentalism part one
When I Left Fundamentalism part two
When I Left Fundamentalism part three
When I Left Fundamentalism part four
When I Left Fundamentalism part five
When I Left Fundamentalism part six
When I Left Fundamentalism part seven
When I Left Fundamentalism part eight
When I Left Fundamentalism part nine
When I Left Fundamentalism part ten
Reviewing Why I Can’t Be A Fundamentalist
You Probably Don’t Really Love Jonathan Edward’s Treatise Concerning Religious Affections If You’re a Conservative Evangelical or Fundamentalist


The Apostle Paul and Ethics in Evangelism: Exposing the Corruption of Modern Methods
Biblical Evangelism and an Approach to the Possible Success of Bill AB 2943 in California
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 1 (T)
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 2 (T)
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 3 (T)
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 4 (T)
The Burden of Man-Centered Evangelism
Church Success:  Evangelism
Complicating Evangelism
Concern over God’s Glory in Evangelism
A Door to Door Evangelism Encounter
Door-to-Door Evangelism: Are There Better Ways to Evangelize than Evangelizing?
Do You Evangelize?
Do You Have to Do Door-to-Door Evangelism?
Does Accommodation to Culture Help Evangelism?
I Don’t Think Most Christians Even Know What the Great Commission Is
A Dust Storm of Evangelism
A Dust Storm of Evangelism, pt. 2
“Evangel”icalism, part two
Evangelizing Biblically (tract by myself posted at faithsaves.net)
Explaining Repentance to an Ignorant Lost Person
Guide to Soulwinning and Personal Evangelism (T)
How Did Jesus Evangelize?  part one (J)
How Did Jesus Evangelize?  part two (J)
How Door-to-Door Evangelism Works
How Does Levi’s Feast for Jesus Apply to Evangelistic Methodology?
How Giving Up or Stopping Door-to-Door Evangelism Will Grow or Build Your Church
I Don’t Like Door-to-Door But I Do Love It
The Ignorance of a Luke 10 Approach
Is the Gospel Being Preached to Everyone Where You Are?
Jack Chick Cartoon Tracts: Use or Not to Use? (T)
Jack Hyles: The Enemy of Soulwinning (part one)
Jack Hyles: The Enemy of Soulwinning (part two)
A Lie to Deny for Evangelism to Thrive
Key for an Evangelistic Church
Nothing Is New In Actual Evangelism: Cleverness Is Bad in and for Evangelism
Personal Motivation to Evangelize
Preaching Repentance
Preaching the Gospel to New Evangelicals?
Questions for Seventh Day Adventists (T)
Reducing Ourselves to Scriptural Evangelism? (J)
Should We Use “Good Things” to Attract Unbelievers for Evangelism?
Should We Use “Good Things” to Attract Unbelievers for Evangelism? part two
Show Time: Making the Gospel About Us (J)
What Can We Conclude from How Big Churches Get or How Small They Are?
What Gospel Did Jesus Say to Preach as Part of the Great Commission?
What Part of “Go” Don’t We Understand? (J)


The Creationist
Evolutionist Science Fair
The Failure of the Naturalistic View of Origins: Not Observable or Repeatable
Origin of the Universe and Life: Random or Designed
Political Candidates and the Evolution Question
Scan of 100,000 Galaxies and No Alien Life: What’s That Supposed to Mean?

Christian Meditation & Recreation

I thought that the following resources on Christian meditation, and on rules for lawful recreation, would be worth a discussion here at What is Truth?  May they be a blessing.
1.) Christian Meditation
I relatively recently listened through the Free Grace Broadcaster‘s issue on Meditation.  (As with many books, instead of sitting down to read it cover to cover, I cut and pasted it into my computer and listened to it while doing other things.)  The articles were the following:
  • A Very Profitable Exercise – Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
  • What Meditation Is – Thomas Watson (c. 1620-1686)
  • The Duty of Meditation – Thomas Manton (1620-1677)
  • The Nature of Meditation – Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664)
  • Occasional Meditation – William Bates (1628-1699)
  • Solemn and Set Meditation – George Swinnock (1627-1673)
  • Dangers of Neglecting Meditation – Edmund Calamy (1600-1666)
  • Helps for Meditating on God – John Owen (1616-1683)
  • Chewing the Bread of Life – Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952)
  • Matter for Meditation – Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
  • A Meditation on Love to Christ – Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
  • Sweet Meditations on Christ – Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
I have not heard a great many sermons on meditation, but it is a clear Biblical duty:
And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide:
and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou
shalt have good success.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth
he meditate day and night.
 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be
acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart
shall be
of understanding.
When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee
in the night watches.
I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the
I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy
¶ Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy
servant did meditate in thy statutes.
My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have
loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes.
 Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me
without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts.
 MEM. O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all
the day.
I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies
my meditation.
Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate
in thy word.
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I
muse on the work of thy hands.
Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe?
where is the receiver? where is he that counted the towers?
Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before
what ye shall answer:


Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that
thy profiting may appear to all.
How faithful are you to the Biblical practice of meditation?  Do you even know what it is, and how it radically differs from Eastern, pagan meditation?
If you have read (or after reading this post, end up reading) the Free Grace Broadcaster above, or have other helpful thoughts on how you practice Biblical meditation, please include them in the comment section below.
2.) Christian Recreation
I am reproducing below Richard Baxter's Directions for Amusements and Recreations.  He has a number of good thoughts.  Any comments of agreement or disagreement, with Biblical argumentation, are appreciated in the comment section.

If you wish to avoid the sin and danger of
unbiblical amusements masquerading as acceptable recreations — you must
understand what acceptable or lawful recreation is, and its legitimate purpose.
No wonder Christians sin, if they do not know what is right!

Without doubt, some amusement and recreation
is lawful, indeed, necessary to some people.
Lawful recreation is the enjoyment of some natural thing, or participation in
some activity which is not forbidden, for the stimulation of the natural
spirits. It may be for the use of the mind, or the exercise of the body. It is
some pleasurable activity or exercise, ultimately intended to fit the body and
mind for their normal duty to God.

Amusement, sport and recreation are special
terms. We do not call arduous labor by such terms, though it may be better for
us and more necessary. Nor do we call every enjoyment by these
terms, for eating and drinking may be pleasurable, and holy things and duties
may be delightful, yet they are never termed sports or recreations. It is
the imaginative faculty that is chiefly delighted by
All of
the following factors are necessary to render an amusement, sport or recreation
lawful, and the lack of any one of them will prove it to be unlawful.
1. The genuine purpose or intention behind
your indulging in it, must be to fit you for your service to God. It must help
you to function better either in your work, or in His worship, or for some work
of obedience in which you may please and glorify Him. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says,
"Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you do — do all to the
glory of God."

A lawful recreation must be a means fitly
chosen and used to this end. If it has no ability to improve us for God's
service in our ordinary callings and duty — then it cannot be to us a lawful
recreation (though it may be lawful to another person to whom it is a real

2. All recreations are unlawful, which
are for their own sakes preferred before our callings.

3. All recreations are unlawful, which
are used only to delight a carnal imagination, and have no higher end than to
please the sickly mind that loves them.

4. All recreations are unlawful, which hinder
and spoil our fittedness for the duties of our callings, and for the service of
God; or, which, putting the benefit and hurt together, hinder us
as much or more than they help us.

5. All recreations are unlawful, which
take up any part of the time which we should spend in greater

6. All recreations that take up more
time than is reasonable for a recreation, are equally unlawful.

7. If an activity is profane, such as
making sport of holy things, it is a mocking of God. It is wickedness demanding
God's heaviest punishment, and cannot be lawful.

8. All recreations which wrong other
people are unlawful. (This includes the activities of stage players and
comedians who ridicule others to their injury.)

9. It is also sinful to make fun of the
sinful ways of others, or to act them ourselves, which is common with comedians
and other profane wits.

10. Immoral, obscene stage plays and
recreations are unlawful, in which filthiness is represented without due expression
of its odiousness, or with obscene words or actions. To Christians, Ephesians
5:3-4 applies: "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual
immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper
for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse
joking, which are out of place."

11. Those amusements are unlawful, which
involve the multiplying of worthless words, engaging the participants in
foolish, needless, unprofitable chattering.

12. Those amusements are sinful, which
tend to excite lust in ourselves or others, swearing, cursing and railing, and
fighting and squabbling.

13. Those amusements and recreations are
sinful, which involve covetousness, to win money from others; or that tend to
stir up covetousness in those you play with.

14. Cruel recreations also are unlawful:
such as taking pleasure in watching duellers, fighters, or any that abuse each
other; or any animals that are made to needlessly torment each other.

15. A recreation is unlawful if it is
too costly, for we are God's stewards, and must be accountable to Him for all
we have. It is sinful to spend needlessly on amusement.

16. Lastly, if you have the choice of
various recreations before you, you must choose the fittest. If you choose one
that is less fit and profitable, when a fitter might be chosen, it is sin; even
though that which you chose would have been lawful, if you had no other.

By all this it is easy, for example, to judge
the lawfulness of our common stage plays.

What is a fit recreation? It is either the
body or the mind that needs recreation most. Either you are sedentary people,
or those who work physically. If the former, then it is the body that has most
need of exercise and recreation. In this case, to sit at sedentary amusements
or recreations, instead of exercising your bodies, is to increase the need of
exercising them. It does you much more harm than good.

If, however, you are hard laborers, and need
rest for your bodies and recreation for your minds, or are sick, so that you
cannot use bodily exercise — then surely a hundred profitable 'exercises' are
at hand which are more suitable to your case. You have books to
read (including the Word of God) which can increase your knowledge in history,
geography, and arts and sciences.
Here are some questions to
ask yourself from time to time about your recreations:

1. Do you think that either Christ or
His apostles used stage plays or similar entertainments and amusements, or ever
sanctioned or encouraged addiction to them?

2. Does not your conscience tell you
when your delight is more in your amusements than it is in God? Such
recreations (those we love more than the things of God) in no way increase our
delight in God, but take it away.

Do you not feel what a plague certain
pleasures are to your affections — how they bewitch, befool you, and take you
out of love with holiness, and make you unfit for anything that is good?

3. Do you bestow as much time in praying
and reading the Word of God and meditating on it, as you do in your sports and
recreations? Do you not know the value of those precious hours which you play

4. Would you be found at stage plays or
vain amusements when death comes? Would you not rather be found at some holy or
profitable labor?

5. Will it be any comfort to you when
you are dying, to think of the time which you spent in plays and vanities?

6. Dare you pray to God to bless your
sports and amusements to the good of your soul or body? Would not your
conscience tell you that this would mock God?

7. If you are sure that you sin not in
your games or sports, either by excess or addiction or neglect of spiritual
duties, are you sure that your companions do not? If you say, "We are not
bound to keep all other men from sin," I answer: You are bound to do your
best towards it; and you are bound not to contribute willingly to their sin. If
Paul would never eat meat while he lived rather than make a weak person offend,
should not your sports be subject to as great charity?

If you know what sin is, and what it is to
save or lose one's soul, you will not aid and abet other men's sin, nor so
easily contribute to their plight. In such cases, "we then that are strong
ought to bear the infirmities of the weak [that is, to help them, as we do
children in their weakness], and not to please ourselves [to their hurt]. Let
every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification [that is,
prefer the edifying of another's soul, before our own pleasure]. For even
Christ pleased not himself." If Christ lost His life to
save men from sin, will not you lose your amusements for it?

8. What kind of people are they that are
most addicted to games and plays, and what kind of people are they that avoid
them, and are against them? With whom are these activities most identified?
Judge wisely!
Here are some helpful counsels about choosing
a recreation:

1. When you understand the true nature
and purpose of lawful recreation, try to determine just how much and what sort
of recreation is needful to you in particular. In this you must have respect,
(a) to your bodily strength; (b) to your mind; (c) to your type of work. And
when you haw determined what and how much is needful and appropriate to help
you in your duty, allow it its proper time and place, as you do your meals, and
see that you do not allow it to encroach upon your duty and service.

2. Try normally to join profit and pleasure
together, that you lose no time. It is a sin to idle away any time which we can
turn to better account.

3. Watch against inordinate, sensual
delight, even in the most lawful activity. Excess of pleasure in any such
'small' or lesser activity of life is very corrupting to the mind. It puts it
out of relish with spiritual things; and turns it from God, and Heaven, and
duty. To this end keep a watch upon your thoughts and desires, that they run
not after sports and pleasures. Else you will be like children that are
thinking of their sport, and longing to be at it — when they should be at their
books or business.

4. Avoid the company of revelers, lovers
of pleasure, and similar time-wasters. Come not among them, lest you be
ensnared. Usually, amusements rate as foolishness to serious men; and they say
of this mirth, as Solomon, 'it is mad' (Ecclesiastes 2:2). It is great and
serious subjects which make serious men.

5. Be zealous and apply yourself to your
calling and spiritual service. Laziness breeds a love of
When you must please your flesh with ease — then it must be
further pleased with vanities.

6. The sickly and the melancholy (who
are usually least inclined to sport) have much more need of recreation than
others, and therefore may allow it more time than those in health and strength.

7. Be much more severe in regulating
yourselves in your recreations, than in censuring others for using some sports
which you dislike. For you know not perhaps their case, and reasons, and
temptations. An idle, time-wasting, sensual pleasure-seeker — everyone should
look on with pity as a miserable wretch.

If you are sedentary, walking or
some honest, bodily exertion that joins pleasure and profit, is a fit kind of
exercise for you. If you are a laboring person, and need only
pleasure for your mind, you can take pleasure in Scripture, in holy conference,
or in good books. We have flowers and trees and beasts and birds and other
creatures to behold. We have fields or gardens or meadows or woods to walk in.
We have our near relations to delight in; our wives or children, and our
friends. We may talk with godly, and wise, and cheerful people, about things
that are both pleasing and edifying to us.
God has given us a world of lawful pleasures.
But stage-plays are, at best, very questionable, and most are to be condemned
as unlawful. Should one who fears God and loves his salvation — choose so
doubtful a recreation in preference to so many undoubtedly lawful ones? And you
must know what a time-wasting sin excessive leisure is.
Suppose the activity is lawful — is it lawful to give so many
hours to it, as if you had neither souls, nor families, nor other
responsibilities or service to perform?
For myself, when my mind needs
recreation — I have a variety of relaxing and invigorating books, and friends,
and business to do that. And when my body needs it — the
hardest labor that I can bear is my best recreation. Walking serves instead of
games and sports as profitable to the body, and more to my mind. If I am alone,
I may improve the time in meditation. If I am with others, I may improve it in
profitable, cheerful conference.

I do not condemn all sports or games in
others, but I find none of them all to be best for myself; and when I observe
how far the temper and life of Christ and his best servants were from such
recreations — I avoid them with the more suspicion. And besides, I note that
most people, by instinct, view ministers with distaste when they see them
pursuing frivolous recreations.


Reproducing and linking to the studies on Biblical meditation and on recreation above are not by any means an endorsement of the Calvinism of Baxter and the authors of the studies on meditation referenced.  Calvinism is unscriptural for the reasons mentioned on this webpage.


SUBJECT (Alphabetical Order), As Of August 2019
All Articles and Essays Written by Kent Brandenburg unless otherwise Noted
(J) for Jackhammer article [all of my articles from Aug 2006 to Feb 2011]
(T) for Thomas Ross article

My Biography

A Pilgrimage to a Far Left Land (J)


Abortion Arguments
Obama and Infanticide, Let Alone Obama and Abortion
The Tale of Two Cities: Newtown, CT and West Philadelphia, PA
What NT Churches can Do to Oppose Sodomite Marriage, Abortion, and Economic Theft (T)



My Biblical Take on RAM (Religious Affections Ministries)
The Proper Understanding of Affections
What Is Conservatism in a Church? Is This Good?
You Probably Don’t Really Love Jonathan Edward’s Treatise Concerning Religious Affections If You’re a Conservative Evangelical or Fundamentalist


Brett Kavanaugh: Alcohol and the Party Culture
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part one
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part two
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part three
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part four
The Debate over the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverage part five
Is Prohibition of Alcohol Demonic?
“Not Given to Much Alcohol” and Abstaining from Alcohol
One Stop Shop on Prov 23:31 and “When It Is Red”
Reviews of Two Books on Wine and the Bible (T)
The Hypocrisy of Marijuana Opposition from Alcohol Supporters


An Apology for Anger


Do Animals Have Souls and Spirits? (T)

Armor of God


Apologetics (Defense of Scripture or the Truth)

Andy Stanley Exposed and Crushed in Debate with Jeff Durbin
Archaeological Evidence for the New Testament (T)

Archaeological Evidence for the Old Testament (T)
Archaeological, Historical, and Prophetic Evidence for the Bible (T)
Atheist Compliments on Daniel (T)
Bart D. Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? Useful Quotes for Christians, part 1 of 4 (T)
Bart D. Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? Useful Quotes for Christians, part 2 of 4 (T)
Bart D. Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? Useful Quotes for Christians, part 3 of 4 (T)
Bart D. Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? Useful Quotes for Christians, part 4 of 4 (T)
Bill Nye’s Disqualifying Ignorance or Lies about the Bible
Bock and Wallace, Reliability of the New Testament
Canaanite DNA and Fake News
Dan Barker / Thomas Ross Debate, “Prophecy and Archaeology Validate the Bible as the Word of God.” (T)
Dan Barker – Thomas Ross Debate Transcript, “The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact.” (T)
Did New Testament Christianity Borrow from Mithraism? (T)
The Fallacy of Critical Text Apologetics with Islam: James White and Pooyan Mehrshahi
The Earliest Portions of the Hebrew Bible: the Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls (T)
Getting Past Your Lying Eyes
Things Are Much Worse Now: The Growth of the Nones
Harod Spring in Israel–how God had Gideon Choose his 300 Men; & Masada (T)
Evidence that the Bible and Christianity Are Not Scientific
Initial thoughts on my debate with Shabir Ally at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater (T)
The Inspired Books of Seventh-Day Adventists, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Muslims, and Others (T)
Israel in the Land of Canaan: Perfect Spot to be a Light to the Nations (T)
Is the Bible Enough Evidence?
Is the Canon Really The Most Major Issue in Dealing with Roman Catholics? (T)
Jordan Peterson: The Lowering Standard of Acceptance
Late (post AD 70) dates for the Gospels: The Evidence Examined (T)

Learn About Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and African Tribal Religions in Scholarly Christian Perspective  (T)
The Merneptah Stele: Proof for Israel’s presence in Canaan (T)
Moses: Named in Archaeological Record in a 15th century Hebrew Inscription (T)
Muslim Covering of Women Isn’t a Good Argument against Islam
“The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact”: the Dan Barker – Thomas Ross Debate (T)
Particular Quotes from Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended by Greg Bahnsen with Some Analysis
Presuppositionalism, the Fool, Irony, and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture
Proof that the Bible is the Word of God from the Book of Daniel (T)
The Relationship of Faith and Science or Faith and Thinking
A Review of the Dan Barker – Thomas Ross debate, “The Old Testament is Mainly Fiction, not Fact” (T)
Shabir Ally / Thomas Ross Debate: “The New Testament Picture of Jesus: Is it Accurate?” (T)
Should Naturalistic Explanations Overrule Scriptural Ones?
The Testimonies of Josephus to Jesus Christ Vindicated, part 1 of 2 (T)
The Testimonies of Josephus to Jesus Christ Vindicated, part 2 of 2 (T)
The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible in Arabic (T)
Testimony of the Quran to the Bible  part one (T)
The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible, part two (T)
The Testimony of the Quran to the Bible, part three (T)
Unbelieving Arguments That Don’t Add Up
Why Didn’t Jesus or Paul Try to Stop Slavery?


Art: What Changes?
The Seductive and Destructive Lie of Art as Personal Taste, pt.1
The Seductive and Destructive Lie of Art as Personal Taste, pt.2


American Idol
Apostasy and the Meaning of Stephen’s Sermon in Acts 7 with Special Application to Millennial Apostates

The Biggest Reason Apostasy Is Occurring at a Prolific Rate
A Case Study in Preparations for the False Prophet and the One World Church
Another Jesus (J)
The Apostatizing of Humility for Proud Reasons
Avalanche toward Gomorrah
Concocted Christianity
The Directions Toward Apostasy — How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Getting There
Do Christians Like the Whole Bible?
Doctrine Is Not the Biggest Challenge to the Gospel in the Church Today
THE EJECT BUTTON—Zichterman and Beckwith Learned Their Lessons a Little Too Well
Faith, Epistemology, Worldview, Preservation of Scripture, and Apostasy: They Are Related Closely and How They Are Related
Jesus Isn’t a Rorschach
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
One Christianity and Alternative Forms of Christianity: What Has Happened?
A Paradigm of Evangelical Unbelief (J)
2 Peter 2 and John 13: The Relationship Between Lust, Authority, Heresy, and Apostasy
The Role of the Attack on Spanking in Worldwide Apostasy
The Seeds of Apostasy: A Personification of Heresy
You Know You’re Too Intelligent to Entertain Christianity If….


Archaeological Evidence for the New Testament (T)
Archaeological Evidence for the Old Testament (T)
Archaeological, Historical, and Prophetic Evidence for the Bible (T)
The Earliest Portions of the Hebrew Bible: the Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls (T)
The Merneptah Stele: Proof for Israel’s presence in Canaan (T)
Moses: Named in Archaeological Record in a 15th century Hebrew Inscription (T)
The Most Common Paradigm for Apostasy As Also Related to Making Decisions and Having Discernment

Argument:  Biblical

A True Statement on Dealing with a Disagreement on an Issue
Allegations: Schismatic, a Bad Name, and Arrogance
Can You Prove It From Scripture?
Discourse on Discourse (J)
The Genius of Name-Calling
The They-Just-Talk-About Dodge (Dodge #1 in the Dodge Series)
Today’s Arguing that Isn’t Concerned about the Truth
When a Classification Slanders
Winning through Losing (J)


Doubt, Lack of Willingness to Believe, and Atheism
Things Are Much Worse Now: The Growth of the Nones
Important Thoughts for Human Beings   part one
The Seeds of Delusion


Imagined Monsters

Attributes of God (and the Nature of God)

Applying Holiness, part one
The Covenant Name of God: Jehovah or Yahweh? (T)
Dumbing Unity Down and Excluding God
Expectations of God
God Has to Be God
God Has to Be God, pt. 2
God Has to Be God, pt. 3
God Has to Be God, pt. 4
Jehovah: The Meaning of the Name (T)
Laughter: If Two Galaxies Collide and No One Was There to Hear It, Did They…
Sovereignty over Sovereignty (J)
The Sovereignty People: Actual Trusting in God’s Sovereignty and Not Lipservice
Who Is Sovereign Over Sovereignty


Power Blogging
Power:  Use or Abuse


Baptist Confessions and the Preservation of Scripture: A Video
The Baptist Distinctives Are Not the Bible
The Historic Baptist Doctrine of Receiving Christ as both Savior and Lord and the So-Called Lordship Salvation, or the So-Called Free Grace Gospel (T)
Keswick Preaching and then Practical Perversion: the Unaffiliated
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 1
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 2
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 3
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 4
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 5
An Honest Basic Assessment of Independent Baptists, pt. 6
The Most Divisive of All Independent Baptists: Let’s Think about It
The Problem among Independent Baptists with the Gospel
The Problem among Independent Baptists with the Gospel, pt. 2
Southern Baptist Evangelism and Unregenerate Evangelicals
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis, pt. 2
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis, pt. 3
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches: Analysis of the Emphasis, pt. 4

Baptist History

The Anabaptists Did Not Get the Trinity From Constantine, and the Ancient Arians Were Bloody Persecutors
Baptist the Dog: A Christian Children’s Story
Did Anabaptists Believe in Justification by Faith Alone?
The Falsehood of English Separatism
French Protestants and the Waldenses: The Church and the Text of the New Testament, pt. 1
French Protestants and the Waldenses: The Church and the Text of the New Testament, pt. 2
The Historic Baptist Doctrine of Receiving Christ as both Savior and Lord and the So-Called Lordship Salvation, or the So-Called Free Grace Gospel (T)
Theology and Baptist History As It Dovetails with World History
A Trail of Blood
The Two Book Approach and English Separatism
The Waldenses Controversy

Beauty (Orthopathy)

Art: What Changes?
Beauty, Worldly Lust, Effeminate and Truth in the Real World
An Irretrievable Irony
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
The Revision or Redefinition of Art, Related to False Worship
The “Tabernacle of Witness” and Objective Aesthetic Meaning

Belief and Practice

The Priority of What the Bible Doesn’t Say
Why Believe or Why We Should Believe What We Believe


Are You Stupid If You Believe the Blood of Christ Isn’t Merely Human?
“Blood. . . Part and Parcel of the Programming We Receive as Christians”
How Does the Blood of Christ Come into an Explanation of the Gospel or Salvation?
Is MacArthur Off on the Blood? If So, How Far Off? pt. 1 (J)
Is MacArthur Off on the Blood? If So, How Far Off? pt. 2 (J)
The Story of the Blood Issue (from my Perspective)


How God “Calls” a Man to the Ministry (J)


Are Calvinism and the TULIP Dangerous Errors? (T)
Games Calvinists Play to Keep the System Breathing: Exhibit A – Foreknowledge
Games Calvinists Play to Keep the System Breathing, Part Two
Jockeying for the Most Spiritually Dead or Most Spiritually Unable Position
Limited Atonement or Unlimited Atonement? Calvin Was Right About the Extent Of the Atonement – everyone ought to agree with him on it (T)
Personal Thinking About Calvinism
“Saviour Of All Men”: What Does It Mean?
Who Is Semipelagian? Does Someone Need to Be a Calvinist Not to Be Semipelagian?
The Sovereignty People: Actual Trusting in God’s Sovereignty and Not Lipservice
Trampling the Tulips
WHY I’M NOT A CALVINIST (part one): Romans 9 (J) (Here at WIT, part one)
WHY I’M NOT A CALVINIST (part two): Romans 9 (J) (Here at WIT, part two)
Why I’m Not a Calvinist (part three)


Does Uncertainty Come from Certainty?
Doubt, Lack of Willingness to Believe, and Atheism
Is Certainty Hubris?
The Path to Postmodern Subjectivity Comes Through Fear, Pragmatism, and, Yes, Covenant Theology
The Root of Uncertainty: Not Can’t, Not Don’t, But Won’t
The Self-Centered Hypocrisy of Nuance
The Strategy of Doubt
Uncertainty Now Considered Supreme Form of Christianity
Unattainable: A Certain Very Important Thing that God Promised Is Impossible with God to Evangelicals and Many Fundamentalists

Cessationism-Continuationism (Ecstasy, Soft Continuationism) [See Spirituality]

Actual Sensing of the Holy Spirit or God and then the More Prominent Fake Kind, Which Is a Lie
Does the Holy Spirit Lead Believers by Talking to Them Directly?
Erroneous Reliance on Circumstances as Evidence of the Holy Spirit’s Leading
Exploring Unacceptable Degrees of Normativeness of the Book of Acts
Extra-Scriptural Divine Talk: A Common Ground for Almost All False Religion
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 1 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 2 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “Try the spirits” and the rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 3 of 3 (T)
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God, pt. 2
Greater Works: What Are We to Expect?
Hearing Voices: Extra-Canonical Fallacies (Including James White)
If You Don’t Have God Talking to You, What Then?
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 2
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 3
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 4
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today?
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today? Part Two
The Keswick-Continuationist Prayer Equivalent Everywhere in Christianity
Lead, Guide,and Direct: What is This?
The Oracle of Delphi, Preaching, Power, and Sensing God
Producing Experiences with the Flesh and Calling It the Spirit
Reformed Continuationists: Strange Fire or Not?
Self-Loathing Revivalist Baptist Continuationists
That Which Is Perfect
What Continues Today from Eras of Miracles? Thoughts on the Non-Charismatic Continuationism
Wisdom and Signs: Two Characteristics Rampant in Churches
You Know You’re a Continuationist When….


The Sinful Snooze Button Mortified: The Sheet on Sleep


1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 1 of 3 (T)*
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 2 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “Try the spirits” and the rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 3 of 3 (T)
Producing Experiences with the Flesh and Calling It the Spirit


Overcoming and Chastisement

Christian Liberty

A Biblical Approach to Liberties Versus that of Evangelicals and Many Fundamentalists (J)
Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Church Autonomy and Sola Scriptura
Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Honor of Parents
Disputations about Doubtful Disputations (J)
Evangelicals (and Most Fundamentalists) Are Completely Messed Up About Christian Liberty and Then Mess Everyone Else Up By Pushing Their Perversion
Liberty and Lordship
Moving the Goal Posts on Christian Liberty
The Perversion of God’s Grace from Evangelicals
Romans 14 and Issues Like Social Networking (J)
Taking Liberties that Are Not Ours to Take
The Truth about Christian Liberty
What Is “Freedom in Christ”?


Christmas Carols That Lie (T)*
Christmas: Christians Were Against It Before They Were For It Before They Were Against It
The Encyclopaedia Britannica on Christmas (T)
My Position on Christmas
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Christology:  Death

For Whom Did Christ Die?


An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 2
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 3
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 4
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 5
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 6
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 7: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 8: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.1
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.2
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.3
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.4
As the Church Is Subject Unto Christ
The Baptist Distinctives Are Not the Bible
“Body of Christ” Defined
Church Autonomy, Pastoral Authority, Closed Communion, and the Gospel: The Means Becoming the End
Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
The Conference
Correcting False Doctrine Outside of Your Church: Permissible or Encouraged in Scripture?
The Eclecticism of Today’s Churches
Distinctions in Churches and Characteristics of Churches: I Know What Distinguishes Ours
Enablers of a False Gospel and Bad Church
God’s Evaluation of the Judgment of an Individual Church
Horrible and Yet Typical Ecclesiological Explanation
How to Handle Doctrinal and Practical Problems with Other Churches
I Don’t Choose What Distinguishes Our Church, But It Still Does
Judgment Must Begin in the House of God
Judgment Must Begin in the House of God, pt. 2
A Leaky Container and Its Spoiled Contents
The Meaning of the Word Church According to ReligiousAffections.Org
Missing the Mark: 9 Marks Aren’t Enough (J)
Open Letter on the Integrity of the New Testament Church (Gary Webb)
Pastors and Churches That Accept Our Former Members
Repentance and the Baptist Church Constitution (T)
Scripture Repudiates Innovation in and by the Church
Six Positions on Church Music, pt. 1
Six Positions on Church Music, pt. 2
The Start of the Church: Who, When, and What Difference Does It Make?
Unity Beyond the Church
What About Special Music in the Church?
What NT Churches can Do to Oppose Sodomite Marriage, Abortion, and Economic Theft
Where to Live, Life, and the Choice of a Church
Why Am I in a Church like the One I’m in? pt. 1 (J)
Why Am I in a Church like the One I’m in? pt. 2 (J)
Why Am I in a Church like the One I’m in? pt. 3 (J)
A World of Lies Starting with a Church of Lies

Church:  Authority

How Does a Gathering of People Obtain Church Authority?
Is There Any Spiritual Authority Outside of a Church and Other than the Lord Jesus Christ?

Church:  Autonomy

Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Church Autonomy and Sola Scriptura

Church:  Discipline

Observations about Church Discipline from 1 Corinthians 5
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 1 (J)
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 2 (J)
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 3 (J)
Shameful Alternatives for Church Discipline pt. 4 (J)

Church:  Faithfulness

How Faithful Is Faithful to Church

Church:  Growth

The Apology Owed to Jack Hyles and Jack Schaap (J)
The Apostle Paul and Ethics in Evangelism: Exposing the Corruption of Modern Methods
Blessing, Keswick, and Man-Centered Methods
Bribery and Pandering: Ties that Bind Modern Church Growth (that neither Jesus nor the Apostles Used)
Bribery and Pandering: Ties that Bind Modern Church Growth (that neither Jesus nor the Apostles Used), pt. 2
The Burden of Man Centered Evangelism
The Choice Between Regulating Church Growth Methodology by Scripture or by Silence
Church Decrease Movement (CDM): Faithful Numerical Church Decrease
Church Growth Hypocrisy
Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
Concepts in Church Growth Philosophy Which Dumb Down Love
Did He Invite?
Evangelical Mumbo Jumbo: Ziplines and Worship Wars
The Evil Junction of False Gospel, Distorted Sanctification, Success, Church Growth, Second 
Greater Works: What Are We to Expect?
Halfway Measures
How Does Levi’s Feast for Jesus Apply to Evangelistic Methodology?
How Does Modern Church Growth Not Compare to Church Growth in the Bible, part one
How Giving Up or Stopping Door-to-Door Evangelism Will Grow or Build Your Church
I Don’t Think Most Christians Even Know What the Great Commission Is
John 6: Church Growth Methods and Other Sins
John 6: Church Growth Methods and Other Sins, pt. 2
Key for Evangelistic Church
Lure Them In, pt. 1
Lure Them In, pt. 2
Lure Them In, pt. 3
Lure Them In, pt. 4
Lure Them In, pt. 5
One Particular Corruption of Repentance to Accommodate a Methodology, Success, and Numbers
Pandering: The Actual Tie that Binds Most of American Churches
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: Social Justice Panderers
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: His Antidote to Pandering
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 1
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 2
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 3
The Relationship of How Evangelical and Fundamentalist Churches Operate Today to How Our Government Functions
Rick Warren and Jack Hyles: What’s Changed? (J)
Show Time: Making the Gospel About Us (J)
30, 60, 100: Can We Conclude That More Fruit Was Caused by the One Receiving the Seed?
This Is Not Jack Hyles
What Can We Conclude from How Big Churches Get or How Small They Are?

Church:  History and Historic Teaching

An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 2
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 3
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 4
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 5
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 6
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 7: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 8: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
Baptist Confessions and the Preservation of Scripture: A Video
Calvin 500
Children Scribble Scrabbling: Interpretation of History and Reformed Theology
Comments on Luther’s 95 Theses
Did Anabaptists Believe in Justification by Faith Alone?
Epistemology and the History of the Church
The Falsehood of English Separatism
Halfway Measures
History of Doctrine:  Historic Ecclesiology
The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (T)
Selective Reformation
Selective Reformation, part two
Selective Reformation, part three
Selective Reformation, part four
Selective Reformation, part five
Since Jesus Sang in the Church, Well…
Theology and Baptist History As It Dovetails with World History
A Trail of Blood
Were the Reformers Heretics? part 1 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? part 2 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 3 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 4 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 5 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 6 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 7 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 8 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 9 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 10 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 11 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? Appendix Part 1 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? Appendix Part 2 (T)

Church:  Leadership

All That Is Written: God’s Transference of Leadership to Joshua and What That Leadership Was
Are the Qualifications for the Office of the Pastor Also Disqualifications?
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part one
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part two
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part three
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part four
How Did “Old Time Fundamentalists Act When Their Leaders Did Stupid Things”?
How Much Should Church Leadership Be Involved In Governmental or Political Matters?
Intimidating with Bigness

Church:  Local

An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 2
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 3
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 4
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 5
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 6
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 7: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
An Analysis and Review of Kevin Bauder’s “Landmarkism”, pt. 8: What Marks a True, Actual Church?
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.1
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.2
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.3
Answering David Cloud on the Church, pt.4
“Body of Christ” Defined
Container for Truth
Careful Exegesis
Ekklesia Means “Assembly”
Ekklesia Means “Assembly”, part two
Ekklesia Means “Assembly” pt. 3
Flock Teaching
Horrible and Yet Typical Ecclesiological Explanation
Koine Parallels to Ephesians 5:23 Show That NT Only Provides Invisible Support to the Invisible, 
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism, pt. 2
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism, pt. 3
Local Only Ecclesiology, Baptist History, and Landmarkism, pt. 4
The Meaning of the Word Church According to ReligiousAffections.Org
Thoughts on “People of God: The Church” by Kevin Bauder
Universal Church (T)
The Use of the Singular in the Bible, and the Church

Church:  Membership

Church Membership and the Marriage Covenant

Church:  Ordinances (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper)

Acts 2:38–Baptism Essential to Salvation? (T)
Acts 22:16–Baptism Essential for Salvation? (T)
Baptism:  Why So Far?
Building Tool (J)
Communion (J)
The Lord’s Supper: Close, Closed, or In-Between? (T)
Mark 7:4 & the “washing [baptidzo] . . . of tables:” Baptism is still Immersion in the Baptizing of Tables or Dining Couches
Mark 7:4 & the “washing [baptidzo] . . . of tables:” Baptism is still Immersion in the Baptizing of Tables or Dining Couches, part 2 (T)
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, part 1 of 6, from Wilhelmus a Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (T)
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, part 2 of 6, from Wilhelmus a Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (T)
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, part 3 of 6, from Wilhelmus a Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (T)
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, part 4 of 6, from Wilhelmus a Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (T)
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, part 5 of 6, from Wilhelmus a Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (T)
Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, part 6 of 6, from Wilhelmus a Brakel’s The Christian’s Reasonable Service (T)
Reception of the Elements (J)
Unrestrained Theology (Infant Sprinkling)
What Is the Communion of the Lord’s Table? (J)
Why Closed Communion? (J)

Church:  Pastor

“Having Faithful Children” in Titus 1:6 (J)
Expecting Pastors to Pastor
Unlearned and Ignorant Men

Church:  Planting

Church Planting Foolishness
Our Strategy for Sacramento, California part one
Our Strategy for Sacramento, California part two

Church:  Sufficiency of the Church

Dan, Bethel, and Parachurch Organizations (J)
Looking for Help in All the Wrong Places

Church:  Universal (see Church:  Local)

The Ambiguity, Confusion, Contradiction, and License of Universal Church Practice
Body of Christ Defined
Paul Bunyan in the Bible?
The Use of the Singular in the Bible, and the Church


Are You Obeying the Ninth Commandment in the Blogosphere?
Cutting through the Wrong Messenger to Believe the Right Message
The Engagement of Others on the Modern Versions or King James Version
The Genius of Name-Calling
The Medium and the Message
The Medium and the Message, pt. 2
The Medium and the Message, pt. 3


Gagging at Yukkiness
Is Conscience the Guide for Goodness?
The Absence of Shame in This Country
Vote Your Conscience


Conservatives and Free Speech
Incremental Conservatism?
The Virtue of Nationalism
What Is Conservatism in a Church? Is This Good?


Wonderful Counselor

Covenant Theology

The Covenant of Redemption Should Be a Problem
The Path to Postmodern Subjectivity Comes Through Fear, Pragmatism, and, Yes, Covenant Theology


Attacks or Denials of God’s Creation
Intelligent Design advocate Michael J. Behe’s new book Darwin Devolves with a free video course and other extras by Dr. Behe

Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins in Today’s Modern, Scientific Era? The Ham-Nye Debate
Metaphysical Reality
Origin of the Universe and Life: Random or Designed
A Universe from Nothing
Perfect Preservation of Scripture and Young Earth Creationism
Scan of 100,000 Galaxies and No Alien Life: What’s That Supposed to Mean?
Scrutinizing Scruton in the New York Times


Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 1 (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 2–Ellen White a False Prophet (T)
Luke 23:43: Where Does the Comma Go? Was the Thief in Paradise That Day? “Verily, I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise,” as in the KJV, or “Verily I say unto thee to day, Thou shalt be with me in paradise,” as the Watchtower Society, Seventh Day Adventism, and other annihilationists teach? (T)
Seventh-Day Adventism and Catholicism: Insider Views (T)
Seventh Day Adventism’s Anti-Trinitarianism and its Claim to be the Restored True Church (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 3–SDA anti-Trinitarianism, its teaching that the Father has a body, and its teaching that Jesus Christ had a sinful nature, could have sinned and been annihilated, and is Michael the Archangel (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 4–SDA teaching that Satan, not Christ, pays the final penalty for sin, SDA denial that Christ completed the atonement on the cross, SDA affirmation that people must be saved without Christ as Mediator, and SDA affirmation that people can and must become sinless to be saved (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 5; SDA teaching on an Investigative Judgment and salvation by works; SDA rejection of eternal security and Biblical assurance of salvation; and SDA teaching that the Sabbath, not the Holy Spirit, is the seal of God (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 6; SDA denial of eternal torment in the lake of fire for the heresy of “soul sleep” or annihilationism (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 7: SDA rejection of the Lord’s Day for Saturday Sabbath Worship and its Teaching that Worship on the 1st Day is the Mark of the Beast (T)
Bible Truths for Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA), part 8; SDA rejection of the succession of true (Baptist) churches, SDA Allegorization of Biblical Prophecy, and a Conclusion to the Whole Matter (T)
Questions for Seventh Day Adventists (T)


The Absence of Shame in This Country
Ann Taylor, Wear the Pants Campaign: The World Gets It, Just Like It Gets Rock Music
Beauty, Worldly Lust, Effeminate and Truth in the Real World
Biblical Evangelism and an Approach to the Possible Success of Bill AB 2943 in California
Brett Kavanaugh: Alcohol and the Party Culture
Capitulation to Meaning Obliviousness: A Case of Berkeley and Oakland
Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
Cultural Issues Are Essential for Evangelicals, Just for Bad Reasons
Culture Decay—The Attack on Standards (J)
Culture Decay—But Who Cares? part one (J)
Culture Decay—But Who Cares? part two (J)
The Culture War: Sacred, Common, and Profane Culture (J)
Deconstructing the Destruction of Youth Culture (J)
Discerning the Required Differences between the Cultures of the Saved and the Unsaved (J)
Dishonoring A Game of Honor
The Duggars: Christianity and Hypocrisy
Embarrassment: Leviticus 18, NY Times, and Albert Mohler
Fundamental Stupidity
Have Pastors Been Lying about the Bible’s Application to Cultural Issues? That’s What Tim Jordan Says
Hillary Clinton, Legal Relativism, and the Church
How Much Diversity Should a Christian Allow and What Is His Responsibility to Error?
I Am Not a Cultural Fundamentalist (J)
Is It Gospel Centered to Ignore or Disparage Cultural Applications of Scripture?
Is It Scriptural To Stereotype Certain Cultures or Ethnicities?
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
My Take on the Support of Same Sex Marriage
Nothing Is Weird Anymore
The Now Irrelevance of Cultural Relativity
Perversion of Justice
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part two)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part three)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part four)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part five)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part six)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part seven)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part eight)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part nine)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part ten)
What the Worship War or Music Issue Really Is About (part eleven)
Race and Culture
Reacquiring a Christian Counterculture pt. 1 (J)
Reacquiring a Christian Counterculture pt. 2 (J)
“Redeeming the Culture” (J)
Repudiating the Fake Playboy Manhood, Partly of Trump
Salvation Is Cultural Separation (J)
Scriptural Realism in Application to Television (J)
Scrutinizing Scruton in the New York Times
Some Cultures Are Better Than Others
The Surrender of a Sanctified Culture (J)
Tolkien and Lewis: Preference for Masculine Clothing in Rejection of Dandyism
Transcendence, Immanence, and Culture part one
Vulgarity, Meaning, Evangelicalism, Politics, and Hypocrisy
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 1
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 2
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 3
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 4
We’re Getting our Comeuppance for the Church’s Compromise in the Culture Wars pt. 5
Were We Wrong, Can Something Like This Change, or What?
What Is Diversity and Is It Right Now Welcome in the United States?
What Many Professional Athletes Really Think and Other Observations
What NT Churches can Do to Oppose Sodomite Marriage, Abortion, and Economic Theft (T)
What’s the Protest: NFL and NBA Athletes
Why Didn’t Jesus or Paul Try to Stop Slavery?

Death of Church Members

Carlos Lalisan (part one, part two, part three)

Decision Making

The Most Common Paradigm for Apostasy As Also Related to Making Decisions and Having Discernment


Acts 11:26: All Christians are Disciples (T)
Completing the Prescription
I Don’t Think Most Christians Even Know What the Great Commission Is
What Gospel Did Jesus Say to Preach as Part of the Great Commission?

Divorce and Remarriage

Got Controversy? Divorce and Remarriage (J)
Divorce, Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Remarriage, and New Testament teaching (T)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part one) (J)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part two) (J)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part three) (J)
What God Hath Put Together: The Bible on Divorce and Remarriage (part four) (J)
What I’ve Preached on Deuteronomy 24

Dress:  Gender Distinctions

Ann Taylor, Wear the Pants Campaign: The World Gets It, Just Like It Gets Rock Music
An Apologetic for Men’s Skirts
Concessions As Root Cause of Same Sex Marriage
Does God Require in Dress Visible Symbols of Both Authority and Submission?
Evangelicals Actually (Selective Relativism): Nothing to See Here, Move Along, There Is No Designed Gender Distinction
Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, You Capitulated On Gender Design Distinction, So Is the Male Skirt a Church Discipline Issue?
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members, pt 2
1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Headcoverings, and Historical Doctrine
Gender Distinctions and Professing Christians Not Handling the Truth: Revisiting the Case Study of Bob Jones University
Gender Fluidity: The Destruction of the Symbols That Serve to Distinguish One Gender from Another
God Designed Roles, Their Symbolism, and Sodomy
God Expects or Assumes a Separate Visible Symbol of Authority for Men and Subordination for Women
History and Deuteronomy 22:5 (part one)
History and Deuteronomy 22:5 (part two)
“I Don’t See Man Clothes and Woman Clothes” — Evangelicalism and Most of Fundamentalism Agree
The Issue of Designed Gender Distinction: Answering Comments or Questions
John MacArthur on Deuteronomy 22:5
Justin Bieber Wears Women’s Pants
Kooky Alternatives to the Truth, Spontaneous Inventions, That Lead to Same Gender Abomination and Egalitarianism
Modest & Gender Distinct Swimwear (T)
Muslim Covering of Women Isn’t a Good Argument against Islam
Pants and Bible Versions: Do They Matter?
The Pant-Skirt Issue for Dummies (J)
The Seriousness of the Symbolism for Male Headship (part one) (J)
The Seriousness of the Symbolism for Male Headship (part two) (J)
Tolkien and Lewis: Preference for Masculine Clothing in Rejection of Dandyism
Wear the Pants: The Dockers Campaign
What Does this Verse Mean, and How Does It Apply?  You Tell Me
Why Do Orthodox Jewish Women Exclusively Wear Skirts or Dresses?
Women Wearing Men’s Clothes

Dress:  Modesty

Do Women Bring It On or Ask for It?
Is There An Objective Standard or Line for Modesty from the Bible for Women?
Megyn Kelly and the Concept of the Female Role Model
Modest & Gender Distinct Swimwear (T)

Dress:  Standards

Dress Standards Matter: Case Study Bob Jones University

Dress:  Worldliness

Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members, pt 2
Strange Symptoms


The Bank Crisis for Dummies
Blame for Deficits for Dummies
Christian Mutual Funds With Great Rate of Return
Cut Church Building Program Costs by Thousands of Dollars and, as an Individual, Save Large Sums; or as a Business, Increase Your Profit Margin (T)
Get 2% or More Back On (Almost) All Expenses, Including Tithing, Giving, Business & Personal Bills, etc. (T)
God-honoring and Bible-based Christian Mutual Funds
Health Care Insurance for Dummies
Health Care Insurance for Dummies part two
Health Care Insurance for Dummies  part three
How to Save Money on Groceries
Inexpensive Prepaid Cell Phone Plans
Investing in Clean, Christian Investments: a “How To” Letter (T)
Is a Progressive Tax Code Constitutional?
Jobs Saved?
Maybe the Two Biggest Recent Economic Lies
More on the Healthcare Fiasco
A Nice House with Limited Income in the Most Expensive Housing Market in the United States
Our Bad Economy for Dummies
Pay $0 / month for Cell Phone Service: FreedomPop
Pay $12 For Unlimited Talk & Text on Your Cell Phone
A Potentially High Interest Investment that Can be done with Christian and Socially Conscious Principles — Peer-to-Peer Lending (T)
Recession in the American Economy and the Greed Cycle
Save Money on the Large Majority of Internet Purchases
Sundries, Including the Debt Ceiling and a P90x Update
Tax Break for the Rich
Tax the Poor: The Rich Are Paying Far More Than Their Fair Share

Use Tax, Sales Tax, the Bible, and Other Financial Matters (T)
“We’re on the Verge of a Great, Great Depression”


A Biblical Philosophy of Education (J)
Brief Review of Annual Summer Training at Logos School, Moscow Idaho (by David Sutton)
College for Church Kids, part one
College for Church Kids, part two
College for Church Kids, part three
Education: State, Church, or Home? (part one) (J)
Education: State, Church, or Home? (part two) (J)
Education: State, Church, or Home? (part three) (J)
Graduation Address from our M.Div Recipient (David Warner)


The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part one
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part two
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part three
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part four
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part five
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part six
Faith, Epistemology, Worldview, Preservation of Scripture, and Apostasy: They Are Related Closely and How They Are Related
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 2
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 3
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 4
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 5
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 6
Getting Past Your Lying Eyes

The Means By Which God Does Talk Today
The Relationship of Faith and Science or Faith and Thinking
Revelation Versus Discovery
God and Boxes: Does God Still Speak Audibly to Men?

We Really Did Know

Eschatology:  Heaven and Earth Pass Away

The Big Bang and the Big One
I Happen to Know How the Earth Is Going to End

Eschatology:  Pretribulational Rapture

Amillennialism and Gentile Arrogance
The Convergence of Aliens and the Apocalypse
Is the Doctrine of Major Doctrines a Major Doctrine? The Rapture as a Case Study
The Lord Jesus Christ Will Catch Up the Saints Before the Tribulation Begins (part one)
The Lord Jesus Christ Will Catch Up the Saints Before the Tribulation Begins (part two)
Not a Big Disappearing Act


Be Still
Concocted Christianity
Covering a Bunch-a Stuff at Once Until I Write Something Really Serious
Demagogue: Sausage Maker
Gift Cards, Decorative Soap, and Other Observations
Gilded Not (J)
Is That a Chihuahua?
Judging Heroes
Nursery Rhymes Are Destroying America
Odd Observations:  Edition 1
Open Mindedness: Relatively New In History — Why?
Orientation: This Side of the Glass
Paul Potts: Not to Be Confused with the Cambodian Dictator
Please Stop
Quiet Thunder (J)
A Really Nice, Gentle, Loving Open Letter, Because That’s What I’m Calling It, to Kevin Bouder (sic)
Religious or Biblical Blogs I Read Even though We Don’t Agree
Things Look Good
Wilbur the Pig: A Story for Children
Writing a Blog ‘Nat
You Know You’re Fat When
You Know You’re Too Intelligent to Entertain Christianity If….

Eternal Security (Perseverance)

“Abide in Me,” John 15:1-8: Saved or Unsaved, Not Christian or Better Christian
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 1 of 9, Word Study (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 2 of 9, Word Study (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 3 of 9, Word Study Concluded (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 4 of 9, the Lexica (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 5 of 9, Old Testament Background to the Vine Image of John 15 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 6 of 9: Exposition of John 15:1-3 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 7 of 9: Exposition of John 15:4-5 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 8 of 9: Exposition of John 15:6-11 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 9 of 9: Miscellaneous Notes & Conclusion (T)
The Bible Teaches Permanent Justification, Eternal Security, Unconditional Security, and Once Saved, Always Saved
The Book of Life and Eternal Security–do Revelation 3:5 & Revelation 22:18-19 Teach that a Christian may Lose his Salvation?
Eternal Security or Preservation / Perseverence of the Saints Debate: Kent Brandenburg vs. Larry Hafley (T)
Overcoming and Chastisement

Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism

About “Leaving Fundamentalism”
A Circle and a Graph: Evangelical Excuses for Disobedience to God
Ambiguity and Utility: Fundamentals of Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
Are You Woke? The Truth Behind the Evangelical Woke Movement
Attacking the “Fundamentalists”: Bravo to John MacArthur and David Cloud, Bombarded by C. J. Mahaney and Fred Butler
Between Two Worlds: How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Keep Scripture from the World in Which We Live
Big Talk with Little to Show at Evangelical Textual Criticism
A Case Study for Biblical Separation: James White and Michael Brown, According to Phil Johnson
A Catholicization of Evangelical Christianity
Certain Unscriptural Positions of Bibliology Worth Separating Over: Considering Mark Ward’s Call to Separation at FBFI
The Confusion and Heterodoxy of Modern Version Proponents: Revisited in Light of “FBFI and the KJV,” Its Reasons and Debate
The Confusion and Heterodoxy of Modern Version Proponents: Revisited in Light of “FBFI and the KJV,” Its Reasons and Debate, pt. 2
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part one
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part two
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part three
The Convenient Repudiation of Fundamentalists by Evangelical Leaders Now Less Convenient
Corban: Rearing Its Ugly Head Again in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
A Critique of the 2008 Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, Resolution One pt. 1
A Critique of the 2008 Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, Resolution One pt. 2
Cultural Issues Are Essential for Evangelicals, Just for Bad Reasons
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part one
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part two
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part three
David Brooks of the New York Times on Fundamentalism and Religion
Debriefing the Les Ollila Interview
Destructive Fellowship in Fundamentalism
The Directions Toward Apostasy — How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Getting There
The Dishonesty of the Fundamentalist Idea (J)
Ecstasy Rampant in Evangelicalism (and Fundamentalism)
The Elephant in the Room of the Separation Discussion Between Conservative Evangelicals and Fundamentalists
The Epistle to the Galatians and Evangelicalism or New Evangelicalism: Slaves or Sons
The Evangelical Seduction of Two Truths
Evangelicals (and Most Fundamentalists) Are Completely Messed Up About Christian Liberty and Then Mess Everyone Else Up By Pushing Their Perversion
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism and Why We’re In the Shape We’re In
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: Building Ox Carts to Reach the Conclusions They Desire (J)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: Indifferentism (J)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: The Embrace of Neutrality (J)
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: Man’s Approval and the Fear of Independence (J)
Evangelical Mumbo Jumbo: Ziplines and Worship Wars
Evangelical or Fundamentalist Pharisaism  part one
Evangelical or Fundamentalist Pharisaism  part two
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members
Evangelicals Arguing about Pink Hair Dye on Male Church Members, pt 2
Evangelicals Move the Goalposts on Adiaphora
Extra: An Evangelical Uses the Term “Separatist”
A Follow-Up to Questions for Non-Revivalist Fundamentalism (J)
Fundamentalism Associating with Syncretistic, Pagan Profanity
Fundamentalism, Separation, Charismatics, and Northland
Fundamentalist Floundering, pt. 1
Fundamentalist Floundering, pt. 2
Fundamentalist:  The Movement or the Adjective
The “Fundamentalist Practice of Separation”?
The Fundamentalist Repulsion of Christian Worldview
Fundamentalist Seminary Attacks Centrality of the Church
Fundamentalist Seminary Attacks Centrality of the Church  part two
God Is “Hyper-Fundamental”
Gospel Troubles
Historic Fundamentalism: What is it? (T)
How Did “Old Time Fundamentalists Act When Their Leaders Did Stupid Things”?
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Are Teeming with Ecstatic and Demonic Influence
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Are Teeming with Ecstatic and Demonic Influence part 2
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Have Invented and Continue to Reinvent A Socially Acceptable Impostor and Placebo Christianity
How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Codifying Uncertainty and Doubt (J)
How Would Jesus or Paul Give Evangelicals Their Opportunity to Change?
The Hypocrisy of Contemporary “Conservative” Evangelicalism (J)
I Am Not a Cultural Fundamentalist (J)
“I Don’t See Man Clothes and Woman Clothes” — Evangelicalism and Most of Fundamentalism Agree
Immediate Pop Culture Relevancy
Intimidating with Bigness
The Irony of the Resolved Conference
I Want to Love the Strange Fire Conference — What’s Tough Are Absolute Contradictions
John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Conference
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
Johnny Manziel, Obscenity, and Evangelicalism
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
Lance Armstrong, Yawn: Or the Parallel Between Him and Fundagelicals
Let’s Hear It for an Evangelical Proposal of Separation!
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 1 (J)
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 2 (J)
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 3 (J)
Love-Hate Relationship with Fundamentalism pt. 4 (J)
A Major Part of What’s Wrong with Fundamentalism (and Evangelicalism)
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting: An Introduction
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part one
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part two
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part three
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part four
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part five
My Field Trip to the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting part six
Postscript to the ETS Meeting
The Myth of ECx Internalism and Grace
The Normalization of Aberrant Behavior Now in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
Obvious Disconnects for Evangelicals and Inerrancy
One Stop Shop for Recent Dabblings on Separation Among Evangelicals, and then a Fundamentalist
Opposing Indifferentism: Why Now?
Opposing the Monster He Helped Create
The Pagan Worldview of Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
A Paradigm of Evangelical Unbelief
Placing Myself in Tyler’s Report Card On Baptist Fundamentalism
Popular Evangelical Historian on Truth Serum about the Church
Preaching the Gospel to New Evangelicals?
Psalm 119, The Hate Psalm, and the Practice of Contemporary Christianity
Questions for Non-Revivalist Fundamentalism
Quirks of Fundamentalism Distract from Its Real Problems
Rearranging the Deck Chairs: Negotiating or Managing the Demise of Evangelicalism
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation, part two
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation, part three
Tabletalk, R. C. Sproul, and the Evangelical Foray into Ecclesiastical Separation
The Relationship of How Evangelical and Fundamentalist Churches Operate Today to How Our Government Functions
Separation Confusion in So-Called Classic , Historical, or Traditional Fundamentalism
So Theological Presuppositions Are Fine with Biblical Criticism After All?
Southern Baptist Evangelism and Unregenerate Evangelicals
The Sword of the Lord, Really The Scoop Shovel of Revivalism
Taking the Minnick Article on Separation for a Test
The Indifference of Contemporary Fundamentalism (J)
Three Take-Aways from John MacArthur’s Strange Fire Conference
Thoughtful Fundamentalists?
Two Obvious Contemporary Theological Contradictions and their Meaning part one
Unattainable: A Certain Very Important Thing that God Promised Is Impossible with God to Evangelicals and Many Fundamentalists
What Do You Think Scripturally of Clarence Sexton Speaking at the National Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Meeting? (J)
What Evangelicals Have on Fundamentalists
When a Classification Slanders
When I Left Fundamentalism part one
When I Left Fundamentalism part two
When I Left Fundamentalism part three
When I Left Fundamentalism part four
When I Left Fundamentalism part five
When I Left Fundamentalism part six
When I Left Fundamentalism part seven
When I Left Fundamentalism part eight
When I Left Fundamentalism part nine
When I Left Fundamentalism part ten
Reviewing Why I Can’t Be A Fundamentalist
You Probably Don’t Really Love Jonathan Edward’s Treatise Concerning Religious Affections If You’re a Conservative Evangelical or Fundamentalist


The Apostle Paul and Ethics in Evangelism: Exposing the Corruption of Modern Methods
Biblical Evangelism and an Approach to the Possible Success of Bill AB 2943 in California
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 1 (T)
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 2 (T)
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 3 (T)
The Biblical Mandate for House to House Evangelism, part 4 (T)
The Burden of Man-Centered Evangelism
Church Success:  Evangelism
Complicating Evangelism
Concern over God’s Glory in Evangelism
A Door to Door Evangelism Encounter
Door-to-Door Evangelism: Are There Better Ways to Evangelize than Evangelizing?
Do You Evangelize?
Do You Have to Do Door-to-Door Evangelism?
Does Accommodation to Culture Help Evangelism?
I Don’t Think Most Christians Even Know What the Great Commission Is
A Dust Storm of Evangelism
A Dust Storm of Evangelism, pt. 2
“Evangel”icalism, part two
Evangelizing Biblically (tract by myself posted at faithsaves.net)
Explaining Repentance to an Ignorant Lost Person
Guide to Soulwinning and Personal Evangelism (T)
How Did Jesus Evangelize?  part one (J)
How Did Jesus Evangelize?  part two (J)
How Door-to-Door Evangelism Works
How Does Levi’s Feast for Jesus Apply to Evangelistic Methodology?
How Giving Up or Stopping Door-to-Door Evangelism Will Grow or Build Your Church
I Don’t Like Door-to-Door But I Do Love It
The Ignorance of a Luke 10 Approach
Is the Gospel Being Preached to Everyone Where You Are?
Jack Chick Cartoon Tracts: Use or Not to Use? (T)
Jack Hyles: The Enemy of Soulwinning (part one)
Jack Hyles: The Enemy of Soulwinning (part two)
A Lie to Deny for Evangelism to Thrive
Key for an Evangelistic Church
Nothing Is New In Actual Evangelism: Cleverness Is Bad in and for Evangelism
Personal Motivation to Evangelize
Preaching Repentance
Preaching the Gospel to New Evangelicals?
Questions for Seventh Day Adventists (T)
Reducing Ourselves to Scriptural Evangelism? (J)
Should We Use “Good Things” to Attract Unbelievers for Evangelism?
Should We Use “Good Things” to Attract Unbelievers for Evangelism? part two
Show Time: Making the Gospel About Us (J)
What Can We Conclude from How Big Churches Get or How Small They Are?
What Gospel Did Jesus Say to Preach as Part of the Great Commission?
What Part of “Go” Don’t We Understand? (J)


The Creationist
Evolutionist Science Fair
The Failure of the Naturalistic View of Origins: Not Observable or Repeatable
Goodbye Darwin: Three Prominent Scientists Bury Darwinism
Intelligent Design advocate Michael J. Behe’s new book Darwin Devolves with a free video course and other extras by Dr. Behe
Origin of the Universe and Life: Random or Designed
Political Candidates and the Evolution Question
Scan of 100,000 Galaxies and No Alien Life: What’s That Supposed to Mean?


Depending on God
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 2
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 3
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 4
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 5
Faith the Only Reliable Epistemology: It’s Got to Be Faith, pt. 6
Is Being a Believer, Believing Scripture about Scripture?
Jesus Said, Have Faith in God
The Meaning of Fideism, the Preservation of Scripture, and King James Only
Not Believing God Is and Should Be A Problem in Denying Perfect Preservation of Scripture
The Relationship of Faith and Science or Faith and Thinking

False Teachers

Analysis: Online Video Plan of Salvation – Is It the Gospel?
Postscript to Analysis of Skelly Gospel Video
Bart D. Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? Useful Quotes for Christians, part 1 of 4 (T)
Bill Nye’s Disqualifying Ignorance or Lies about the Bible
A Bigger Tent than God: Douglas Wilson, “Doctrinal Works,” and the Salvation of Roman Catholics
Bishop G. Handley Moule: Keswick Quietist Leader, part 1 of 2 (T)
Bishop G. Handley Moule: Keswick Quietist Leader, part 2 of 2 (T)
A Catholicization of Evangelical Christianity
Commentary on the Steven Anderson–James White Interview, part one
Commentary on the Steven Anderson–James White Interview, part two
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part one
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part two
Cult-Like Tendency in Modern Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, part three
Deconstructing Jack Schaap
Does Shelton Smith and the Sword of the Lord Teach a True Gospel?  part one
Does Shelton Smith and the Sword of the Lord Teach a True Gospel?  part two
Does Shelton Smith and the Sword of the Lord Teach a True Gospel?  part three
Enablers of a False Gospel and Bad Church
False Teachers Are Carnal Warriors Who Use Carnal Weapons
Family Radio: Non Prophet, But Plenty of Profit
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: His conversion (?): Part 1 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: His Education & “Preaching”: Part 2 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: His “Preaching”: Part 3 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: “Inspired Preaching” and Visions, Part 4 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: Visions, Voices, and Hysteria, Part 5 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: Supernatural Spirits & Sleep, Part 6 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: A False Pentecost, Part 7 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: Mrs. Jones of Islawrffordd, Part 8 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: False Conversions, Part 9 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: The Opposite of Jonathan Edwards, Part 10 of 22
Evan Roberts: 100,000 “saved” by his false gospel? Part 11 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Confusion on Assurance of Salvation, Part 12 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: The Translation Message, Part 13 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Date-Setting Deception in the Translation Message, Part 14 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Deceived by Satan, Part 15 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts and the Rise of Pentecostalism in Britain, Part 16 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Rise of American and Continental Pentecostalism I, Part 17 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Rise of American and Continental Pentecostalism II, Part 18 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & Ecumenical Feminism, Part 19 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Enemy of the Welsh Revival, Part 20 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Destroyer of Welsh Baptist Churches, Part 21 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Destroyer of Welsh Christianity, part 22 of 22 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 1 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 2 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 3 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 4 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: Applications from his Keswick Apostasy, part 1 of 2
Frederick B. Meyer: Applications from his Keswick Apostasy, part 2 of 2
Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic, part 1 of 21 (T)
Hannah W. Smith and The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, part 2 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Quakerism, and Self-Examination rejected; part 3 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Sign Gifts and Pentecostal Roots: part 4 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Inner Light and Biblical Misinterpretation; part 5 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Universalism, and an Unholy and Unhappy Life: part 6 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith, Spiritualism, Universalism, and the Rise of Keswick: part 7 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Higher Life patrons, the Mount-Temples: part 8 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith and Keswick Precursor Conventions at Broadlands: part 9 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Haanah W. Smith, occult spiritualism, and the Keswick precursor Conventions at Broadlands: part 10 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith, the Continuation of Miraculous Gifts, and the Root of Keswick at the Broadlands Conventions: part 11 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith, erotic “Spirit baptism” and the occult: part 12 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Broadlands is Keswick: part 13 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith and Catholic Mystical Quietism: part 14 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Higher Life Corruption of Conversion: part 15 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith Learns the Higher Life from a Sexual Predator and Fanatic: part 16 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah and Robert Smith’s Preaching the Higher Life’s Erotic Baptism: part 17 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Mentor in the Sexual Baptism, Dr. Foster; part 18 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Spread of the Erotic Baptism of Post-Conversion Power: part 19 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Robert Pearsall Smith and the Keswick / Higher Life Preaching of Post-Conversion Sexual Baptism: part 20 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Applications from Hannah W. Smith’s Life: part 21 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
The Hyles-Schaap Fallacies
Hyles: Supernatural and Spiritual Fraud (J)
The Inspired Books of Seventh-Day Adventists, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Muslims, and Others (T)
Jack Hyles: The Enemy of Soulwinning (part one) (J)
Jack Hyles: The Enemy of Soulwinning (part two) (J)
John Wesley — heretic or hero? (T)
Jordan Peterson: The Lowering Standard of Acceptance
More on John Wesley, baptismal regeneration and Arminianism (T)
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 1
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 2
Rampant Ideological Hylesism, pt. 3
Response to a Baptist preacher influenced by Zane Hodges’ view of 1 John, part 1 of 2 (T)
Response to a Baptist preacher influenced by Zane Hodges’ view of 1 John, part 2 of 2 (T)
The Roman Catholic “Church”: Now Controlled by Modernists and Sodomites? (T)
Questions for Seventh Day Adventists (T)
Schaap and Hyles and the Presence of God (J)
So Do You Think He Was Saved? Saul, Wesley, Luther, Etc.
Steven Anderson Is a False Teacher Who Believes and Preaches a False Gospel
Were the Reformers Heretics? part 1 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? part 2 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 3 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 4 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 5 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 6 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 7 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 8 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 9 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 10 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics?  part 11 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? Appendix Part 1 (T)
Were the Reformers Heretics? Appendix Part 2 (T)
What Has Happened that the Gospel Has Been So Messed Up by Professing Christians?
What Has Happened that the Gospel Has Been So Messed Up by Professing Christians? pt. 2
Woke: Evangelical Rift Caused or Influenced by Seismic False System of Interpretation of Scripture


Adult Children, pt. 1
Adult Children, pt. 2
Adult Children, pt. 3
Adult Children, pt. 4
Adult Children, pt. 5
American Idol
Book Review: God’s Wisdom for Marriage & the Home by Scott Markle
On Father and Son from Jordan Peterson in His 12 Rules for Life
The Son’s Obedience to the Father in His First Temptation by Satan in the Wilderness as a Model for a Son With His Father

Family:  Elderly

Diminished Value and Shuffleboard Syndrome


I Feel (J)


The Basis of our Fellowship with Others
Correcting False Doctrine Outside of Your Church: Permissible or Encouraged in Scripture?


But I Don’t Know HOW to Forgive
How Can I Forgive? (Colossians 3:13)


And Yet, We Are Friends

Gender or Sex

Ability to Judge, Standard of Judgment, and Judging Effeminate Behavior (and Separating from It)
Act Like Men, Not Like Girls
Biblical Evangelism and an Approach to the Possible Success of Bill AB 2943 in California
The Capitulation of the Church Hastened Transgenderism
Concessions As Root Cause of Same Sex Marriage
Embarrassment: Leviticus 18, NY Times, and Albert Mohler
Gagging at Yukkiness
A Gay Marriage Case Study: Whether It Hurts Someone Else Deciding Whether It Is Right
Gender Fluidity: The Destruction of the Symbols That Serve to Distinguish One Gender from Another
God Designed Roles, Their Symbolism, and Sodomy
“He” vs. “they”: the 3rd Person Singular English Pronoun, Feminism, Patriarchy, and Biblical Christianity in Grammar (T)
How Are Men Supposed to Act?
I am a Pigeon: A Manifesto for Marriage Equality, Animal, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, and Transspecies Rights
The Leaven of Herod, Homosexuality, and Albert Mohler
Masculine Pastors: The Battle They Face and Will Face Even More
Megyn Kelly and the Concept of the Female Role Model
My Take on the Support of Same Sex Marriage
The Myth of Born Homosexuals
Not Ducking the Homosexual Issue
Noticeable Increase in Effeminate Sounding Men
Observations About Men and the Power of Women
Recognizing the Contradictions: Same Sex Marriage and the First Amendment
Refreshing Honesty from “Desiring God” on Men Acting Effeminate
Repudiating the Fake Playboy Manhood, Partly of Trump
Same Gender Intimacy and Coition Is Bad and Worse
The Seriousness of the Symbolism for Male Headship (part one) (J)
The Seriousness of the Symbolism for Male Headship (part two) (J)
Should Homosexuals be Put to Death by the Government? (T)
Sons Need Dads and Same Gender Marriage: Something’s Gotta Give
The Supreme Court Decisions on Same Sex Marriage
To Bring Male and Female Roles Back to their Original Design: WHY JESUS CAME? (J)
Why Should Men Protect or Defend Women If They Aren’t or Can’t Be In Charge of Women?


Is That a Chihuahua?


Is Conscience the Guide for Goodness?
Good, “Evil,” and Evil, “Good”
A Grab Bag On Goodness
Help the Homeless: Buy Them Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco? (T)

Gospel (see Salvation)

Government (see Politics)


The Free Flesh (“Grace”) Movement
The Perversion of God’s Grace from Evangelicals

Great Commission

Completing the Prescription

Hafley-Brandenburg Debate on Eternal Security

Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

Healing and Sickness

A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 1 (T)
A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 2 (T)
A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 3 (T)
A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 4 (T)
A Paradigmatic Example of New Age Medicine and How to Expose and Analyze it, part 5 (T)
James 5:14-20:  The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 1 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 2
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 3 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 4 (T)
James 5:14-20 and Unconventional or Alternative Medicine, part five (T)

Health Issues

Bodily Exercise Profiteth Little
The Budwig Protocol: Deadly Cancer Quackery (T)
Dangers in Samaritan Ministries (T)
Dangers in Samaritan Ministries, Part 2 (T)
Dangers in Samaritan Ministries, Part 3 (T)
Health Threats from Samaritan Ministries, part 1 (T)
Health Threats from Samaritan Ministries, part 2 (T)
Health Threats from Samaritan Ministries, part 3 (T)
Oasis of Hope in Tijuana, Mexico: Scamming Desperate Cancer Patients with Quackery (T)
The Providence of God and Sickness
Samaritan Ministries Election: My Vote

Hell (Lake of Fire)

Is Hell Separation from God?
The Lake of Fire: Eternal Torment or Annihilation / Soul-Sleep?


The Heretical Use of the Label, “Heresy”


A Case Study on Jesus’ Teaching from Scripture
If It’s Not Consistent, It’s Not the Truth (Part One)
If It’s Not the Consistent, It’s Not the Truth (Part Two)
If It’s Not Consistent, It’s Not the Truth (Part Three)
If It’s Not Consistent, It’s Not the Truth (Part Four)


Christianity Is Based On Science and History
Negotiate This

Holy Spirit

Lead, Guide,and Direct: What is This?
The Negativity of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit:  Continuationism or Soft Continuationism

Actual Sensing of the Holy Spirit or God and then the More Prominent Fake Kind, Which Is a Lie
Does the Holy Spirit Lead Believers by Talking to Them Directly?
Everyone Justified by Faith Has the Unction and the Anointing
“God Told Me”
Keswick and Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Experience Over Grammatical Exegesis
The Keswick-Continuationist Prayer Equivalent Everywhere in Christianity
The Oracle of Delphi, Preaching, Power, and Sensing God
Sensing the Presence of God: Is It Biblical?
What Continues Today from Eras of Miracles? Thoughts on the Non-Charismatic Continuationism
What Is the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in John 16:13?
You Know You’re a Continuationist When….

Holy Spirit:  Baptism of the Spirit

Baptism of the Spirit
Baptism of the Spirit Deux
Do You Pray for the Outpouring of the Spirit?
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 1 (T)
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 2 (T)
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 3 (T)
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 4 (T)
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 5 (T)
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 6 (T)
Endnotes to Spirit Baptism, the Historic Baptist view, part 7 (T)
Spirit Baptism–The Historic Baptist view, part 7 (T)
Spirit Baptism, the Historic Baptist View, part 8 (T)
Spirit Baptism, the Historic Baptist View, part 9 (T)
Spirit Baptism, the Historic Baptist View, part 10 (T)
Spirit Baptism, the Historic Baptist View, part 11 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 12; Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 3 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 13; the Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 4 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 14; the Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 5 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 15; the Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 6 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 16; the Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 7 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 17; the Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 8 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 18; the Alleged Reference in 1 Corinthians 12:13, part 9 (T)
Spirit Baptism—the Historic Baptist View, part 19 (T)
Spirit Baptism–the Historic Baptist View, part 20 (T)
Spirit Baptism–the Historic Baptist View, part 21 (T)
Spirit Baptism–the Historic Baptist View, part 22 (T)

Holy Spirit:  Testifying

Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum

Husband-Wife Relationship

Just Due It


The Duggars: Christianity and Hypocrisy
Vulgarity, Meaning, Evangelicalism, Politics, and Hypocrisy


Coherent or Incoherent Imagination, Depending

Intolerance, Tolerance, and Relativism

A Case Study in Fake Tolerance
A Case Study in Fake Tolerance, pt. 2
How Much Diversity Should a Christian Allow and What Is His Responsibility to Error?
Intolerance of Belief
The NFL: Moral Relativism and Violence Against Women
The Now Irrelevance of Cultural Relativity
Toleration and Acceptance Therapy
What Is Diversity and Is It Right Now Welcome in the United States?
Who Can Say Who’s Wrong?
A Wicked Idea, Actually Satanic Lie, That You Cannot Judge Things

Jesus Christ

Another Jesus
Jesus Is Jehovah
Jesus Is Lord (J)
Jesus Isn’t a Rorschach
Mark 13:32: the Son’s Glorious Ignorance of the Day and Hour
The Mission of the Messiah’s Grace: A New Order of Living, Isaiah 42:1-4
Preaching with Power, Like Jesus Christ Did (T)
The Sufficiency of Jesus

Jesus Christ:  Christmas (Birth of Christ)

Happy Hanukkah, I Mean It
Too Many “Coincidences”
We Know What We’re Singing at Christmas, But Do They?

Jordan Peterson

A Fascinating Jordan Peterson Interview and a Genius Account of Media Insanity
Jonah Goldberg and Jordan Peterson: Two Recent Articles Mirroring What I Wrote in Criticism
Jordan Peterson: The Lowering Standard of Acceptance
Modernism Is Not an Acceptable Alternative to Postmodernism: Jordan Peterson
My Liking of Jordan Peterson Is Not Fellowship or an Endorsement of Him: Why?
On Father and Son from Jordan Peterson in His 12 Rules for Life


Fake It Till You Make It
Everybody Draws Lines (It Really Is All About Why)
Jerry Bridges Judges Judgmentalism (J)
Judging People to Be Saved
Social Networking Sites (SNS): A Case Study for Standards of Judgment
A Wicked Idea, Actually Satanic Lie, That You Cannot Judge Things
You Can’t Know My Heart


DOING JUSTICE: Weighing Problems in a Just Manner
Thoughts About What We Want and What We Deserve


Something You’ll All Want to Hear

Law and Grace

Laws About Grace
The Law and Grace: Disastrous Misunderstandings (part one) (J)
The Law and Grace: Disastrous Misunderstandings (part two) (J)


Expectations for the Earning of Respect to Lead


Bondage and Fear: Not the Result of a Higher or “Stricter” Standard
The Left Winged Legalist
The Most Popular Legalism Today: Left-Winged (J)
The Myth and the Hammer of a Second Kind of Legalism
The Pharisaical Practice of Comparing People, Especially Yourself, to Other People
The Pharisees to the Left: Little Faith, Weak Minds, Poor Arguments, But With a Loud Fanfare

License (see Legalism above)

Loophole Theology

Links to Articles or Videos

A Fascinating Jordan Peterson Interview and a Genius Account of Media Insanity
Jonah Goldberg and Jordan Peterson: Two Recent Articles Mirroring What I Wrote in Criticism
Love This Victor David Hansen Article
The Presuppositions for Text and Canon of Scripture, the Same: Jeff Riddle


Listening Skills

Love (and Versus Sentimentalism)

Psalm 119, The Hate Psalm, and the Practice of Contemporary Christianity
Who Loves Jesus?
Selective Relativism: Love Isn’t Acceptance or Toleration


The Deliberate, Convenient Ineptitude of Professing Christians at Applying the Lust Passages of Scripture, pt. 1
The Deliberate, Convenient Ineptitude of Professing Christians at Applying the Lust Passages of Scripture, pt. 2
The Deliberate, Convenient Ineptitude of Professing Christians at Applying the Lust Passages of Scripture, pt. 3

Marriage and Marriage Roles (Complementarianism)

Concessions As Root Cause of Same Sex Marriage
A Gay Marriage Case Study: Whether It Hurts Someone Else Deciding Whether It Is Right
“He” vs. “they”: the 3rd Person Singular English Pronoun, Feminism, Patriarchy, and Biblical Christianity in Grammar (T)
How Are Men Supposed to Act?
Jesus and the Definition of Marriage
Masculine Pastors: The Battle They Face and Will Face Even More
Michele Bachmann and Submission to Husband
Should a Man Ever Be Under the Authority of a Woman? (J)
Should a Wife Ever Disobey Her Husband? (J)
To Bring Male and Female Roles Back to their Original Design: WHY JESUS CAME? (J)
Why Should Men Protect or Defend Women If They Aren’t or Can’t Be In Charge of Women?

Marriage:  Obtaining a Life’s Partner

Do Women Bring It On or Ask for It?
My Online Marriage Service
More My Online Marriage Service
My Online Marriage Service III
Your Online Marriage Service, Part IV
Your Online Marriage Service, V
The Bible Way to Obtain Your Spouse part one (J)
The Bible Way to Obtain Your Spouse part two (J)
The Bible Way to Obtain Your Spouse part three (J)
The Bible Way to Obtain Your Spouse part four (J)


Adjusting to a Meaningless World
Capitulation to Meaning Obliviousness: A Case of Berkeley and Oakland
The Content Of Their Character: Race and Meaning
Johnny Manziel, Obscenity, and Evangelicalism
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today
The Kaufman, Kafkaesque Performance “Art”/Hoax That Is Most of Professing Christianity Today, pt. 2
Vulgarity, Meaning, Evangelicalism, Politics, and Hypocrisy
Weekend Observations: Musical Meaning and Geert Wilders and Racism
Who Can Say Who’s Wrong?


Christian Meditation & Recreation (T)




Miracles Today: Yes or No? The Bible on Continuing Miracles (T)
What Continues Today from Eras of Miracles? Thoughts on the Non-Charismatic Continuationism


Back to the Future of Getting to the Mission Field (J)
A Missionary Prayer Letter: An Evaluation
How Missions Really Does Start At Your Front Door (J)
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today?
Missions Exists Because Worship of God Doesn’t: Psalm 96 (J)
Missions Is Not Church Planting (J)

Modernism and Postmodernism

Modernism Criticizes Post-Modernism: What Of It?
The Trojan Horse of Racial Reconciliation

Morality and Amorality

Amorality Isn’t (J)
The NFL: Moral Relativism and Violence Against Women


Then and Now
As Long as They’re There


Capitulation to Meaning Obliviousness: A Case of Berkeley and Oakland
Is It Scriptural To Stereotype Certain Cultures or Ethnicities?
Multi-Cultural Gobblygook from Young “Fundamentalist”


A Mess: The World’s Music and a Different God — Sing! 2019
Sing Koine Greek (T)
Sing the Nicene Creed in Greek (T)

Music:  Psalm Singing

What About Singing Psalms?

Music:  Standard

Can or Should God Be Worshiped Merely by Musical Instruments without the Words or Lyrics?
Christian Rock Equals Andres Serrano
A Critique: Worship Wars by Robert Bakss
A Critique: Worship Wars by Robert Bakss, pt. 2
A Critique: Worship Wars by Robert Bakss, pt. 3
Does Your Music Check?
Does the Bible Have a Play Button?
The Foundation for Teaching Music to Children: Why Music? (J)
The First Worship War
Fundamentalism Associating with Syncretistic, Pagan Profanity
Hillsong: If Nothing Is Wrong, Then Nothing Is Wrong
Inerrancy Summit, Shepherds Conference, 2015: Keith and Kristyn Getty
Instrumental in Practicing (part one) (J)
The Irony of the Resolved Conference
Judging Music: You Can and Should, Here’s How
Judging Music (Part Two): Blurring the Distinction Between the Sacred and the Profane
The Man from Moscow Misses It On Music
The Musical Style We Offer to God: Can It Be Inherently Sinful? (J)
The Place to Start in Evaluating Music (J)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part two)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part three)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part four)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part five)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part six)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part seven)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part eight)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part nine)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part ten)
What the Worship War or Music Issue Really Is About (part eleven)
Rock and Rap Music Are Becoming a Non-Issue in Fundamentalism part 1
Rock and Rap Music Are Becoming a Non-Issue in Fundamentalism part 2
The Role of Discernment In Music (J)
Reverent Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs–and Handel’s Messiah (T)
Sacred Music
Six Positions on Church Music, pt. 1
Six Positions on Church Music, pt. 2
Toward Your Children Growing Up to Be Excellent Musicians (J)
Updated Music Resources at the “Theological Compositions” website
Was David Cloud Right in His Exposure and Reproof of West Coast Worship?
We Know What We’re Singing at Christmas, But Do They?
What About Special Music in the Church?
What Kind of Music Should Be Used in the Church
Who Is the Audience of the Singing and Playing in Church?
Why Would Rock Music Be Permissible But a Rock Concert Is Horrible?

Pandering (as a Strategy or Technique)

Churches and their Popular Inclusion of Dress Information on their Websites
The Pandering President of America, States of America, Church of America, and the Pandering Party
Pandering: The Actual Tie that Binds Most of American Churches
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: Social Justice Panderers
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: His Antidote to Pandering

Parachurch Organizations

“I’m Gunna Use Worldly Lust to Lure Kids to Christian College”


Abusive Parenting
Children of Obedient Parents Turning Out for God–Certainty or Mere Possibility? Part 1 (T)
Children of Obedient Parents Turning Out for God–Certainty or Mere Possibility? Part 2 (T)
Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Honor of Parents
Proverbs 22:6 and Adoption, part 1 of 2 (T)
Proverbs 22:6 and Adoption, part 2 of 2 (T)
Sons Need Dads and Same Gender Marriage: Something’s Gotta Give
The Foundation for Teaching Music to Children: Why Music? (J)
Toward Your Children Growing Up to Be Excellent Musicians (J)
Why Are We Losing Our Kids? (Bobby Mitchell) (J)

Parenting:  Spanking

The Corporeal Discipline of Children
The Role of the Attack on Spanking in Worldwide Apostasy
The Scoop on Spanking
The War Against Biblical, God-Ordained Child Discipline

Pastoring and Pastoral Qualifications

Are the Qualifications for the Office of the Pastor Also Disqualifications?
Faithful as a Pastor according to the Pastoral Epistles — Separation?
Graduation Address from our M.Div Recipient
“Having Faithful Children” in Titus 1:6 (J)
How God “Calls” a Man to the Ministry (J)
Lack of True Shepherding Instinct to Protect
Lowering the Bar for Preachers: They’re Called! (J)
Making the Old Paradigm the New Paradigm for “Full Time” Ministry
My History with Preaching with a Special Focus on John MacArthur
A Nice House with Limited Income in the Most Expensive Housing Market in the United States+
Pastors and Churches That Accept Our Former Members
A Primer in The Call (to the “Ministry?”) (J)
You Call Me (J)


Abortion, Sodomy, and Economics Tract Updated (Thomas Ross personal)
Availability for Meetings (Thomas Ross personal)
Blog Topic in Newspaper Article
Creationist and Jesus-Mythicist Videos, and a Blog for Women (Thomas Ross personal)
Faithful Flooring (Thomas Ross personal)
For the Rest of This Season, I’m Giving Up NBA Basketball
Free Flight to Europe, Biblical Evangelism, Odds and Ends (Thomas Ross personal)
Harvard Joins the Audience of Brandenburg and What Is Truth
Help Get the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth (Thomas Ross personal)
Kenya Trip, Drama, Literature; Chess: Odds and Ends (Thomas Ross personal)
Learn Greek, Archaeology, and Evangelism (Thomas Ross personal)
Lebron James Reads What Is Truth
My History with Preaching with a Special Focus on John MacArthur
New Work in Sacramento (2010)
Oft Quoted on Economic Matters
Placing Myself in Tyler’s Report Card On Baptist Fundamentalism
Please Stop
Recent Sundries
A Story: Lies, Libel, and Blogdom
Sundries, Including the Debt Ceiling and a P90x Update
Things for Tourists to Do In San Francisco (T)
2014-15 Bethel Christmas Program
When I Left Fundamentalism part one
When I Left Fundamentalism part two
When I Left Fundamentalism part three
When I Left Fundamentalism part four
When I Left Fundamentalism part five
When I Left Fundamentalism part six
When I Left Fundamentalism part seven
When I Left Fundamentalism part eight
When I Left Fundamentalism part nine
When I Left Fundamentalism part ten
Reviewing Why I Can’t Be A Fundamentalist

Personal:  Blogging

The Index for What Is Truth
Should I Blog?
The What is Truth? blog: How Has It Blessed You? (T)

Personal:  Church

Distinctions in Churches and Characteristics of Churches: I Know What Distinguishes Ours

Personal:  College

What Do You Think? (Maranatha and Preservation Issue)

Personal:  Family

Big 50:  Mom and Dad
Brandenburg-Wilhite Wedding (Now Mr. and Mrs. Derek Wilhite)
Julia and Derek: The Engagement

Personal:  Trip to Europe (UK, Italy, France — May/June 2018)

A Few Wrap-Ups of Our Trip to Europe — number one
A Few Wrap-Ups of Our Trip to Europe — number two
A Few (Now More than a Few) Wrap-Ups of Our Trip to Europe — number three
Blogging Our Europe Trip: Days One and Two — Travel and Arrival
Blogging Our Europe Trip: Days Three and Four — Cotswolds, Bath, and to London
Blogging Our Europe Trip: Days Five and Six — London
Blogging Our Europe Trip: Day Seven
Blogging Our Europe Trip: Day Seven, Part Two
The Trip to Europe Continued (Ninth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Tenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Eleventh Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twelfth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Thirteenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Fourteenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Fifteenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Sixteenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Seventeenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Eighteenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Nineteenth Post In Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twentieth Post in Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twenty-First Post in Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twenty-Second Post in Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twenty-Third Post in Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twenty-Fourth Post in Total)
The Trip to Europe Continued (Twenty-Fifth Post in Total)
Europe Trip.  Photos.


The Dialectic Three Step
The End Justifies the Means
Open Mindedness: Relatively New In History — Why?
The Path to Postmodern Subjectivity Comes Through Fear, Pragmatism, and, Yes, Covenant Theology


My Sikh Issue: Pluralism Versus Relativism


My Peace of Mind (David Warner)
Poem by David Warner

Politics (Government)

The Absence of Shame in This Country
A Biblical Way to Influence Politics (T)
Brett Kavanaugh: Alcohol and the Party Culture
Against Trump
America Is NOT A Christian Nation
Another Take on This Year’s Presidential Election
Are Passages on Old Testament Strangers A Legitimate Basis for Taking Refugees into the Country?
The Birth Certificate: Why It Remains an Issue
The Bible, Separation of Powers, and a Do Nothing Congress
Brexit Validation
Can Islam Assimilate Into American Society or Is Islam Protected by the First Amendment?
Can Islam Assimilate Into American Society or Is Islam Protected by the First Amendment?  pt. 2
A Case Study on Fake Tolerance (part one, part two)
Change You’ll Regret (J)
Check These Out (Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele)
Clarity As to What This Election Is About
Complicit: The World’s Knowledge of and Hypocrisy In the Doctrine of Separation
Conservatives and Free Speech
The Content Of Their Character: Race and Meaning
Contraception, Sandra Fluke, and the Rush Limbaugh Controversy
Delusional Disconnect and Legitimate Demonstration
Demagogue: Sausage Maker
DOING JUSTICE: Weighing Problems in a Just Manner
Donald Trump Doesn’t Care That Your Feelings Are Hurt
Ebola: Government Failure Stems from a Shift in Worldview
Election 2012: Do Rich People Like Romney Really Pay Less Taxes?
Ferguson and Changing Social Structure or Infrastructure
Final 2016 Presidential Argument — Anti-Anti Trump
Final 2016 Presidential Argument — Anti-Anti Trump, pt. 2
For Crying Out Loud
Forward or Backward?
Free Speech and Diversity That Isn’t, And Half the Country Knows It
Free Trade, Putin, and Other Takes on the Geopolitical Scene
Fundamental Stupidity
God-Given Rights: A Crucial Denial of a Foundation of Conservatism at National Review
Good Article on Hillary Clinton at National Review
A Handy Explanatory Guide for Hillary Clinton’s Basket of Deplorables
Hillary Clinton, Legal Relativism, and the Church
Historic, Unprecedented Political Strangeness
Honoring Joshua Bernard, Marine Corporal, and Bringing Awareness to Rules of Engagement
How Much Should Church Leadership Be Involved In Governmental or Political Matters?
How To Keep Children Safe
Interesting and Important Article in Jerusalem Post Regarding This Election
The Interpretation of Trump’s Travel Ban and the Interpretation of Scripture
Interpreting Trump and the Never or Anti Trumpers
Interpreting Violence
Is a Progressive Tax Code Constitutional?
Islam in America: Violent and Bloodthirsty, or Peaceful? (T)
Judging the 2016 Presidential Election as of Today, October 9
Kim Davis, Gavin Newsom, and the Christian’s Obedience to Unlawful Laws
Land of Liberty
Liberty and Equality: Adducing the Protests
The Limitations of Government in Private Business and First Amendment Freedom of Religion
Moral Narcissist*
My Take on the Support of Same Sex Marriage
Nationalism and Conservatism: Nations Are God’s Will
Obama and Infanticide, Let Alone Obama and Abortion
Obama = Scary for Israel
Palin and Paul Revere
Permission or Ability…To Speak Freely
Perversion of Justice
Political Candidates and the Evolution Question
Donald Trump Can’t Make America Great Again
The Pope, Stephen Colbert, Hillary’s Apology, and Truth
Postmodernism Meets Islam Meets Danger and Destruction
President Obama’s “Great” Health Care “Victory”
Recognizing the Contradictions: Same Sex Marriage and the First Amendment
Share Your Own Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Obama
Should Homosexuals be Put to Death by the Government? (T)
Some Common Sense on the Fort Hood Murders
Some Thoughts on the Zimmerman Trial
The Obama Vote
The Only One Bible Belief
The Supreme Court Decisions on Same Sex Marriage
The Supreme Court Ruling on the Second Amendment
The “As Long As It Doesn’t Hurt Somebody” Argument
The Tale of Two Cities: Newtown, CT and West Philadelphia, PA
This Woman Is Running for Re-election In My State
Thoughts on Single Federal Judge Overturning State Constitution on Marriage
A Tipping Point and a New America
Today’s Arguing that Isn’t Concerned about the Truth
Travel Ban Roll-Out Versus Oroville Dam Evacuation
Trump Follow-Up
Trump, Meaning, and Evangelicalism
Trump Rumors
Trump Win
Two Big Observations on America’s News: First, Trump’s Lies
Two Scoops: Word of Truth, 2012, and Romney
Two Things in the Realm of Current Events that Seem Obvious
The Ungovernable Will Not Be Governed
Update on the Obama “Bitter” Comment
Use Tax, Sales Tax, the Bible, and Other Financial Matters (T)
The Virtue of Nationalism
Vote Your Conscience
Vulgarity, Meaning, Evangelicalism, Politics, and Hypocrisy
Weekend Observations: Musical Meaning and Geert Wilders and Racism
Weekend Observations: What I Think Is the True Narrative on the 2016 Presidential Election and the Russia Connection
We’re Going to Get What We Deserve
What’s Being Missed in the Obama “Bitter” Comment
When All Lives and Their Things Don’t Matter
Who Is Killing Who? The Real Issues in the Trayvon Martin Situation
The Worldview of Romney and Ryan and the 2012 Presidential Election
What Is Diversity and Is It Right Now Welcome in the United States?
What Many Professional Athletes Really Think and Other Observations
What’s the Protest: NFL and NBA Athletes
Why Does this President of the United States Remain Popular?
Yes to McCain Is No to Obama (J)
You Should Consider Very Strongly How Bad A Clinton Administration Will Be
You Should Vote for Romney, the Basic Argument


The Apostle Paul and Ethics in Evangelism: Exposing the Corruption of Modern Methods
Are We Practical or Just Pragmatic? (J)
Bribery and Pandering: Ties that Bind Modern Church Growth (that neither Jesus nor the Apostles Used)
Bribery and Pandering: Ties that Bind Modern Church Growth (that neither Jesus nor the Apostles Used), pt. 2
The Destructive Instinct of Evangelicalism and Now Fundamentalism for and with Celebrity
It Isn’t Digging Ditches
Lance Armstrong, Yawn: Or the Parallel Between Him and Fundagelicals
One Particular Corruption of Repentance to Accommodate a Methodology, Success, and Numbers


A Valid Prayer Request (Colossians 1:9) (J)
The Definition of Faith or Belief and Prayer
The Definition of Faith or Belief and Prayer, pt. 2
Evangelistic Prayers (Colossians 4:2-6) (J)
Group Praying
Jesus Said, Have Faith in God
The Keswick-Continuationist Prayer Equivalent Everywhere in Christianity
More About How to Pray
More On Prayer
More About Prayer II
More About Prayer III
More On Prayer IV
More About Prayer V
More About Prayer VI
More About Prayer VII
Ought We to Pray to the Person of the Holy Spirit?
Ought We to Pray to the Person of the Holy Spirit?  part two
James 5:14-20:  The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 1 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 2 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 3 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 4 (T)
James 5:14-20 and Unconventional or Alternative Medicine, part five (T)
Prayer: Does the Bible Teach Not Knowing Until the “No” Answer?
The Prayer for Power (J)
Prayer Versus a Wish
Praying for Revival or Not Praying for Revival
The Providence of God and Sickness
Revivalism and the Prayer That “the Word of the Lord May Have Free Course”
Should We Pray for the Sick?
The Way to Pray
What is the New Testament Basis for Praying for the Sick? (J)


Laid on My Heart? (J)
How Does the Power Work through the Words? (J)
How Much of Preaching Should Be Interpretation and How Much Application? (J)
How Much of Preaching Should Be Interpretation and How Much Application? part two (J)
Keswick Preaching and then Practical Perversion: the Unaffiliated
My History with Preaching with a Special Focus on John MacArthur
Preaching Is WORSHIP (Well, Should Be) (J)
Preaching with Power, Like Jesus Christ Did (T)
The Most Important Trait for the Expositor:  Boldness (J)
The Superiority of Exposition (J)
What Is Preaching? And What Is Not
When is Bad Preaching a Separating Issue?


Priesthood: Privilege or Responsibility
The Kleenex Argument
The Offense Card


The Providence of God and Sickness


The Falsely So-Called Science, Yet Popular Psychobabble: Introduction
The Falsely So-Called Science, Yet Popular Psychobabble: “Daddy Issues”


The Content Of Their Character: Race and Meaning
Race and Culture
Reflecting on My White Privilege


Relationship, pt. 1
Relationship, pt. 2
Relationship, pt. 3
Relationship, pt. 4
Relationship, pt. 5
Relationship, pt. 6
Relationship, pt. 7
Relationship, pt. 8
Relationship, pt. 9
Relationship, pt. 10
Relationship, pt. 11
Relationship, pt. 12
Relationship, pt. 13
Two Bad Reactions When the Truth Hits Target: Shoot the Messenger or Doctor Shopping


It’s All Relative


David Brooks of the New York Times on Fundamentalism and Religion
Can Islam Assimilate Into American Society or Is Islam Protected by the First Amendment?
Can Islam Assimilate Into American Society or Is Islam Protected by the First Amendment?  pt. 2
Grace through the Word: the Lutheran and Reformed Doctrines Contrasted (T)
I’m Not Reformed: Why Not?
Initial thoughts on my debate with Shabir Ally at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater (T)
Islam in America: Violent and Bloodthirsty, or Peaceful? (T)
Islam: Modernist or Rationalist Critique (T)
Islam, Terror, and Phobia
Learn About Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and African Tribal Religions in Scholarly Christian 
Lutherans and Anglicans: True Gospel?
Muslim Covering of Women Isn’t a Good Argument against Islam
Perspective (T)
The Pope and Islam:  Friends?
Postmodernism Meets Islam Meets Danger and Destruction
The Roman Catholic “Church”: Now Controlled by Modernists and Sodomites? (T)
Selective Reformation
Selective Reformation, part two
Selective Reformation, part three
Selective Reformation, part four
Selective Reformation, part five
Were Moslems Practicing their Religion on 9/11?

Religious Freedom

Kim Davis, Gavin Newsom, and the Christian’s Obedience to Unlawful Laws
A One Stop Shop of Recent Religious Freedom Articles (and a Short One by Me)


A Primer on Revival

Salvation (the Gospel)

“Abide in Me,” John 15:1-8: Saved or Unsaved, Not Christian or Better Christian
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 1 of 9, Word Study (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 2 of 9, Word Study (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 3 of 9, Word Study Concluded (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 4 of 9, the Lexica (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 5 of 9, Old Testament Background to the Vine Image of John 15 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 6 of 9: Exposition of John 15:1-3 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 7 of 9: Exposition of John 15:4-5 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 8 of 9: Exposition of John 15:6-11 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 9 of 9: Miscellaneous Notes & Conclusion (T)
Acts 2:38–Baptism Essential to Salvation? (T)
Acts 11:26: All Christians are Disciples (T)
Acts 22:16–Baptism Essential for Salvation? (T)
Analysis: Online Video Plan of Salvation – Is It the Gospel?
Postscript to Analysis of Skelly Gospel Video
Are All Believers Disciples? part 1 (T)
Are All Believers Disciples? part 2 (T)
Are All Believers Disciples? part 3 (T)
Ask Jesus into your Heart? 14 Reasons not to, part 1 of 3 (T)
Ask Jesus into your Heart? 14 Reasons not to, part 2 of 3 (T)
Ask Jesus into your Heart? 14 Reasons not to, part 3 of 3 (T)
Christians Not Impressed with Christianity
Church Autonomy, Pastoral Authority, Closed Communion, and the Gospel: The Means Becoming the End
The Covenant of Redemption Should Be a Problem
Damning Danger in Asking Christ into Your Heart: The Testimony of Baptist Pastor Ovid Need, part 1 of 4 (T)
Damning Danger in Asking Christ into Your Heart: The Testimony of Baptist Pastor Ovid Need, part 2 of 4 (T)
Damning Danger in Asking Christ into Your Heart: The Testimony of Baptist Pastor Ovid Need, part 3 of 4 (T)
Damning Danger in Asking Christ into Your Heart: The Testimony of Baptist Pastor Ovid Need, part 4 of 4 (T)
Enablers of a False Gospel and Bad Church
Everyone Justified by Faith Has the Unction and the Anointing
Free Grace and Lordship Salvation: Rival Hermeneutics for a Biblical Soteriology
Gospel-Centeredness and Moralism
The Gospel and Simplicity
The Gospel Doesn’t Change What God Expects
The Gospel, Stupid (J)
Gospel Troubles
The History of the Doctrine of Justification (J)
How the Gospel Gets Changed (J)
Is It Gospel Centered to Ignore or Disparage Cultural Applications of Scripture?
Jesus Is Lord (J)
Judging People to Be Saved
A Leaking Gospel
Let’s Think about Romans 6:23 in Its Context for a “Gospel Presentation”
Lordship Salvation for “Dummies”
Lutherans and Anglicans: True Gospel?
The Most Important Problem: Part 1 of 4 in The Most Important Message Gospel series of Gospel videos (T)
Omissions From the Gospel, Important to Consider
Omissions From the Gospel, Important to Consider, pt. 2
Omissions From the Gospel, Important to Consider, pt. 3
Omissions From the Gospel, Important to Consider, pt. 4
One of the Two Primary Distortions of the Gospel in the New Testament, and The Most Prominent Today
A Post Among a Series of Posts by John MacArthur about Social Justice and the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel to New Evangelicals?
The Problem among Independent Baptists with the Gospel
The Problem among Independent Baptists with the Gospel, pt. 2
Luke 18:18-30:  The Rich Young Ruler: Tell-Tale Passage for Soteriology, Number One
Luke 18:18-30:  The Rich Young Ruler: Tell-Tale Passage for Soteriology, Number Two
Luke 18:18-30:  The Rich Young Ruler: Tell-Tale Passage for Soteriology, Number Three
Salvation Is Cultural Separation (J)
“Saviour Of All Men”: What Does It Mean?
Separation with the Gospel as an Essential: Imagination of and about Jesus Dipping Below a Saving Quality
Show Time: Making the Gospel About Us (J)
So Do You Think He Was Saved? Saul, Wesley, Luther, Etc.
A Statement Carefully Crafted to Leave Out the Parts of the Gospel Most Disagreeable to Sinners
A Statement Carefully Crafted to Leave Out the Parts of the Gospel Most Disagreeable to Sinners, pt. 2
Unbiblical Salvation Language, pt. 1
What Does It Mean to Believe in Jesus Christ? (J)
What Has Happened that the Gospel Has Been So Messed Up by Professing Christians?
What Has Happened that the Gospel Has Been So Messed Up by Professing Christians? pt. 2
Winning through Losing (J)
There Are Two Sides, You Have To Choose One, Not Straddle Both, And This Has To Do With Everything

Salvation:  Atonement

Atonement (Part One):  An Old Testament Term
Atonement (Part Two):  Less Excellent Than Christ

Atonement (Part Three):  Less Excellent Than Christ (continued)
“Blood. . . Part and Parcel of the Programming We Receive as Christians”
Limited Atonement or Unlimited Atonement? Calvin Was Right About the Extent Of the Atonement – everyone ought to agree with him on it (T)

Salvation:  Lordship and Repentance

Corrupting Gospel Repentance: the FBFI and Minci’s Response (T)
Does 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 Describe Conversion or Some Post Conversion Sanctification Experience?
Does Saving Faith Involve Surrender to Christ as Lord? (T)
Does Shelton Smith and the Sword of the Lord Teach a True Gospel?  part one
Does Shelton Smith and the Sword of the Lord Teach a True Gospel?  part two
Does Shelton Smith and the Sword of the Lord Teach a True Gospel?  part three
The Evil Junction of False Gospel, Distorted Sanctification, Success, Church Growth, Second Blessing, Keswick, and Man-Centered Methods
The Evil of Anti-Lordship Teaching
Except Ye “Repent,” More Sword Aberration
Explaining Repentance to an Ignorant Lost Person
The Historic Baptist Doctrine of Receiving Christ as both Savior and Lord and the So-Called 
Liberty and Lordship
Lordship Salvation, or the So-Called Free Grace Gospel (T)
Mutually Inclusive:  Lordship Salvation
One Particular Corruption of Repentance to Accommodate a Methodology, Success, and Numbers
Preaching Repentance
Questions on Repentance from a Prominent Preacher (T)
Repentance and the Baptist Church Constitution (T)
Repent of Original Sin? Yes! (T)
Repentance Debate Challenge (T)
Repentance Defended Against Antinomian Heresy: A Brief Defense of the Indubitable Biblical Fact that Repentance is a Change of Mind that Always Results in a Change of Action, part 1 (T)
Repentance Defended Against Antinomian Heresy: A Brief Defense of the Indubitable Biblical Fact that Repentance is a Change of Mind that Always Results in a Change of Action, part 2 (T)
Repentance Defended Against Antinomian Heresy: A Brief Defense of the Indubitable Biblical Fact that Repentance is a Change of Mind that Always Results in a Change of Action, part 3 (T)
Repentance Defended Against Antinomian Heresy: A Brief Defense of the Indubitable Biblical Fact that Repentance is a Change of Mind that Always Results in a Change of Action, part 4 (T)
Repentance Isn’t This Nor Is It This Complicated — Please
Sad Strawman: A Critique of David Cloud’s “Repentance and Lordship Salvation Revisited”
A Statement Carefully Crafted to Leave Out the Parts of the Gospel Most Disagreeable to Sinners
A Statement Carefully Crafted to Leave Out the Parts of the Gospel Most Disagreeable to Sinners, pt. 2
Steven Anderson Is a False Teacher Who Believes and Preaches a False Gospel
What Gospel Did Jesus Say to Preach as Part of the Great Commission?

Salvation:  Old Testament

How Were People Saved Before Jesus Died?

Salvation:  Saving Faith

Does Saving Faith Involve Surrender to Christ as Lord? (T)
Faith Is Not A Work
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 1 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 2 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 3 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 4 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 5 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 6 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 7 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 8 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 9 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 10 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 11 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 12 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 13 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 14 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 15 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 16 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 17 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 18 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 19 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 20 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 21 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 22 (T)
“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 23 (T)
Applications of the Truth that the Just Shall Live by Faith, part 1–“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 24 (T)
Applications of the Truth that the Just Shall Live by Faith, part 3–“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 25 (T)
Applications of the Truth that the Just Shall Live by Faith, part 3–“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 26 (T)
Applications of the Truth that the Just Shall Live by Faith, part 4–“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 27 (T)
Applications of the Truth that the Just Shall Live by Faith, part 4–“The just shall live by faith”— A Study of the Relationship of Faith to Salvation in its Justifying, Sanctifying, and Glorifying Fulness, part 28 (T)
They Say They Are Believers, But They Don’t Get It


The Absence of Shame in This Country
Applying Holiness, part one
The Bible Is the Red Pill
Bondage and Fear: Not the Result of a Higher or “Stricter” Standard
Books on Christian Sanctification for Baptist Separatists: My Recommendations (T)
The Carnal Christian
Christians Not Impressed with Christianity
Do Christians Like the Whole Bible?
Don’t Fix Stupid: Stupid Doesn’t Need Fixing
The Free Flesh (“Grace”) Movement
The Gospel Doesn’t Change What God Expects
How Biblical Change Looks When It Happens — And the Opposite
Is Being a Believer, Believing Scripture about Scripture?
Is Our Practice to Be Regulated by Scriptural Example? (J)
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
The Priority of What the Bible Doesn’t Say
The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (T)
Response to a Baptist preacher influenced by Zane Hodges’ view of 1 John, part 1 of 2 (T)
Response to a Baptist preacher influenced by Zane Hodges’ view of 1 John, part 2 of 2 (T)
Revival, believer’s baptism, and personal conversion vs. baptismal regeneration and traditional Reformed theology (T)
“Scandalous Grace,” “Jesus Plus Nothing,” and Very, Very Dangerous Christian GobbledyGook, pt. 1
“Scandalous Grace,” “Jesus Plus Nothing,” and Very, Very Dangerous Christian GobbledyGook, pt. 2
Should Christians Change?
Somebody Did Something Bad So I’ll Do Something Just as Bad or Worse
The Sovereignty People: Actual Trusting in God’s Sovereignty and Not Lipservice
Way of Approval
When I Would Do Good
Which Comes First, Theology or Lifestyle?
Who Loves Jesus?
You Are What You Allow
There Are Two Sides, You Have To Choose One, Not Straddle Both, And This Has To Do With Everything

Sanctification:  Keswick/Revivalism (Perfectionism)

Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 1 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 2 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 3 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 4 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 5 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 6 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 7 of 7 (T)
Applications from Keswick Theology–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 1 of 2 (T)
Applications from Keswick Theology–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 2 of 2 (T)
The Carnal Christian
Does Christ live the Christian Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined, part 1 of 4 (T)
Galatians 2:20–the Keswick “Christ-life”? part 2 of 4 in Does Christ live the Christian Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined (T)
“I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” Examined: part 3 of 4 in Does Christ live the Christian Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined (T)
The Keswick Christ-life-other alleged Scriptural support: part 4 of 4 in Does Christ live the Christian 
Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined (T)
Do Keswick Critics Routinely Misrepresent Keswick Theology? Part 1 of 3 (T)
Do Keswick Critics Routinely Misrepresent Keswick Theology? Part 2 of 3 (T)
Do Keswick Critics Routinely Misrepresent Keswick Theology? Part 3 of 3 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: His conversion (?): Part 1 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: His Education & “Preaching”: Part 2 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: His “Preaching”: Part 3 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: “Inspired Preaching” and Visions, Part 4 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: Visions, Voices, and Hysteria, Part 5 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: Supernatural Spirits & Sleep, Part 6 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: A False Pentecost, Part 7 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: Mrs. Jones of Islawrffordd, Part 8 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: False Conversions, Part 9 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905: The Opposite of Jonathan Edwards, Part 10 of 22
Evan Roberts: 100,000 “saved” by his false gospel? Part 11 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Confusion on Assurance of Salvation, Part 12 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: The Translation Message, Part 13 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Date-Setting Deception in the Translation Message, Part 14 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Deceived by Satan, Part 15 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts and the Rise of Pentecostalism in Britain, Part 16 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Rise of American and Continental Pentecostalism I, Part 17 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & the Rise of American and Continental Pentecostalism II, Part 18 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts & Ecumenical Feminism, Part 19 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Enemy of the Welsh Revival, Part 20 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Destroyer of Welsh Baptist Churches, Part 21 of 22 (T)
Evan Roberts: Destroyer of Welsh Christianity, part 22 of 22 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 1 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 2 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 3 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: “Baptist” Kewsick Advocate & Apostate False Teacher, part 4 of 4 (T)
Frederick B. Meyer: Applications from his Keswick Apostasy, part 1 of 2
Frederick B. Meyer: Applications from his Keswick Apostasy, part 2 of 2
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 1 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 2 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 3 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 4 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 5 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 6 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 7 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 8 of 22) (T)
Jessie Penn-Lewis: Conversion (?) and Higher Life (part 9 of 22) (T)
John 12:24-25: The Corn / Grain of Wheat Dying in the Ground: A Second Blessing? (T)
Keswick’s Biblical Strengths: where Keswick is Scriptural, in an Analysis and Critique of So Great )Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 1 of 4 (T)
Keswick’s Biblical Strengths: where Keswick is Scriptural, in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 2 of 4 (T
Keswick’s Biblical Strengths: where Keswick is Scriptural, in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 3 of 4 (T)
Keswick’s Biblical Strengths: where Keswick is Scriptural, in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 4 of 4 (T)
Keswick’s Errors: Ecumenicalism & Summary of Other Errors, in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 1 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Ecumenicalism #2, in Keswick’s Errors: an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 2 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Quakerism, Rejection of Doctrine and Rejection of Studying Scripture: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 3 of 17 (T)
Keswick Testimonials Over Exegesis: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 4 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Low View of Sin: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 5 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Perfectionism: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 6 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Corrupt Gospel: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 7 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Confusion on the Holy Spirit: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 8 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Bungled Sanctification: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 9 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Misrepresentation of Orthodox Sanctification: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 10 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Mere Counteraction Doctrine: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 11 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Rejection of Effort: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 12 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Crisis, Process, Gift Confusion: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 13 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Incoherent Surrender Doctrine: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 14 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Passivity: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 15 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Unintelligibility: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 16 of 17 (T)
Keswick’s Unintelligibility #2 & Summary: in Keswick’s Errors–an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 17 of 17 (T)
Keswick Preaching and then Practical Perversion: the Unaffiliated
The Evil Junction of False Gospel, Distorted Sanctification, Success, Church Growth, Second Blessing, Keswick, and Man-Centered Methods
Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic, part 1 of 21 (T)
Hannah W. Smith and The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, part 2 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Quakerism, and Self-Examination rejected; part 3 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Sign Gifts and Pentecostal Roots: part 4 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Inner Light and Biblical Misinterpretation; part 5 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic (T)
Hannah W. Smith, Universalism, and an Unholy and Unhappy Life: part 6 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith, Spiritualism, Universalism, and the Rise of Keswick: part 7 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Higher Life patrons, the Mount-Temples: part 8 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith and Keswick Precursor Conventions at Broadlands: part 9 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Haanah W. Smith, occult spiritualism, and the Keswick precursor Conventions at Broadlands: part 10 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith, the Continuation of Miraculous Gifts, and the Root of Keswick at the Broadlands Conventions: part 11 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith, erotic “Spirit baptism” and the occult: part 12 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Broadlands is Keswick: part 13 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith and Catholic Mystical Quietism: part 14 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Higher Life Corruption of Conversion: part 15 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith Learns the Higher Life from a Sexual Predator and Fanatic: part 16 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah and Robert Smith’s Preaching the Higher Life’s Erotic Baptism: part 17 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Mentor in the Sexual Baptism, Dr. Foster; part 18 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Hannah W. Smith’s Spread of the Erotic Baptism of Post-Conversion Power: part 19 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Robert Pearsall Smith and the Keswick / Higher Life Preaching of Post-Conversion Sexual Baptism: part 20 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Applications from Hannah W. Smith’s Life: part 21 of 21 in Hannah W. Smith: Keswick Founder, Higher Life Preacher, Quaker Quietist and Universalist Heretic
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 2
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 3
Is It That You’re Really Missing Something? Forms of Second Blessing Theology, pt. 4
Keswick and Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Experience Over Grammatical Exegesis
Keswick is Perfectionism: A. T. Pierson and W. H. Griffith Thomas agree. (T)
Keswick’s History: Keswick Theology’s Rise and Development in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 1 of 5 (T)
Keswick’s History: Keswick Theology’s Rise and Development in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 2 of 5 (T)
Keswick’s History: Keswick Theology’s Rise and Development in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 3 of 5 (T)
Keswick’s History: Keswick Theology’s Rise and Development in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 4 of 5 (T)
Keswick’s History: Keswick Theology’s Rise and Development in an Analysis and Critique of So Great Salvation by Stephen Barabas, part 5 of 5 (T)
Lutherans and Anglicans: True Gospel?
A Modern Revival That Wasn’t (J)
More Power
Planning a Revival
Praying for Revival or Not Praying for Revival
Reports of Revival in America
Revivalism and Fraudulent Faith (J)
Revivalism and the Prayer That “the Word of the Lord May Have Free Course”
Self-Loathing Revivalist Baptist Continuationists
Side Effects of Revivalism part one (J)
Side Effects of Revivalism part two (J)
Studies in Perfectionism by Benjamin B. Warfield Available for Free Dowload
The Sword of the Lord, Really The Scoop Shovel of Revivalism
Thoughts on “‘Keswick’ and the Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification” by J. I. Packer (T)
What Is Revival Anyway and Should We Be Looking For It?

Sanctification:  Means or Instrumentality

False Teachers Are Carnal Warriors Who Use Carnal Weapons

Sanctification:  Motivation

How Did Jesus Motivate?

Sanctification:  Reformation

Children Scribble Scrabbling: Interpretation of History and Reformed Theology
I’m Not Reformed: Why Not?
Reformed What?

Sanctification:  Sin

Embracing Unfairness
The Fear of “Externalism” In Preaching against Worldliness and for Personal Separation
Immoral and Unhappy: Fornication Does Not Make Teens Happy

The Normalization of Aberrant Behavior Now in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
The Self-Centered Hypocrisy of Nuance
Where Sin Gets Defeated

Sanctification:  Time

This Is the Time On Which My Endless Life Dependeth
When Would Ye Receive Your Good Things?


The Ministry of Satan as Caused or Allowed by God


A Critique


The Bible As Scientific Challenge to Climate Change Speculation
Christianity Is Based On Science and History
An Early Fundamentalist of Science
Evidence that the Bible and Christianity Are Not Scientific
The Falsely So-Called Science, Yet Popular Psychobabble: “Daddy Issues”
God, the Bible, & Science: Friends or Enemies? A New Tract (T)
Goodbye Darwin: Three Prominent Scientists Bury Darwinism
The Relationship of Faith and Science or Faith and Thinking
Trusting Science


The Bible and Circular Reasoning
Brainwashed Bibliology
A Case Study in the Practical Consequences of Evangelical Bibliology
Certain Unscriptural Positions of Bibliology Worth Separating Over: Considering Mark Ward’s Call to Separation at FBFI
Comparative: Amending the U. S. Constitution and Amending the Bible
A Confession of Faith on the Inspiration and Preservation of Scripture, part 1

A Confession of Faith on the Inspiration and Preservation of Scripture, part 3
Daniel Wallace and Bart Ehrman: We Don’t Really Know For Sure

Ehrman-White Debate
Evidence that the Bible and Christianity Are Not Scientific
First Impressions of the Ehrman-White Debate
God does NOT speak through the Bible (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 1 (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 2 (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 3 (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 4 (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 5 (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 6 (T)
How Long Were the Original Manuscripts Around? Considerations on the NT Autographa and Early NT Apographa from Scripture and Patristic Writers, part 7 (T)
Is Being a Believer, Believing Scripture about Scripture?
The Jackhammer (J)
Liar, Liar….James White and AOM
The Means By Which God Does Talk Today
An Obvious Bibliological Contradiction: Canon — Theological, Text — “Scientific”
Proof that the Bible is the Word of God from the Book of Daniel (T)
The Septuagint (LXX) Chronology in Genesis 5 and 11: Corrupt and Indefensible
The Swinging Scripturalists (J)
Theistic or Divine Correction to the Man-Centered Trajectory of Modern Bibliology
Thus Probably or Possibly Saith the Lord: The Ehrman-Wallace Debate

Scripture:  Application

Are Passages on Old Testament Strangers A Legitimate Basis for Taking Refugees into the Country?
An Attempted Shell Game with God: Classifying Scriptural Issues of Practice as Non-Scriptural

Convenient Use of Scripture
David’s Killer Census as a Paradigm for Applying Scripture
The Deliberate, Convenient Ineptitude of Professing Christians at Applying the Lust Passages of Scripture, pt. 1
The Deliberate, Convenient Ineptitude of Professing Christians at Applying the Lust Passages of Scripture, pt. 2
The Deliberate, Convenient Ineptitude of Professing Christians at Applying the Lust Passages of Scripture, pt. 3
The Destructive Charge of “Legalism” Pinned on Rightful Application of Scripture pt. 1 (J)
The Destructive Charge of “Legalism” Pinned on Rightful Application of Scripture pt. 2 (J)
Exploring Unacceptable Degrees of Normativeness of the Book of Acts
How Biblical Change Looks When It Happens — And the Opposite
Is It Gospel Centered to Ignore or Disparage Cultural Applications of Scripture?
A Paradigm for Taking a Biblical Position that Makes Sense of Everything God Says In the Bible
The Modern Fear or At Least Repulsion of Applying Scripture

Scripture:  Authority

The Bible and Circular Reasoning
The Bible As Scientific Challenge to Climate Change Speculation
The Earliest Portions of the Hebrew Bible: the Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls (T)
How Is the Bible the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice?
How Is the Bible the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice? pt. 2
A Primer on the Two Book Approach: Rejection of Sola Scriptura
Should Naturalistic Explanations Overrule Scriptural Ones?
The Two Book Approach and English Separatism

Scripture:  Canonicity

Canonicity: How Does It Work?
Hearing Voices: Extra-Canonical Fallacies (Including James White)
Is the Canon Really The Most Major Issue in Dealing with Roman Catholics?
The Gospel of Judas
Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum

Scripture:  Inerrancy

Bock and Wallace, Reliability of the New Testament
The Idea of the Inerrancy of Scripture
Obvious Disconnects for Evangelicals and Inerrancy
A SAFE PLACE: Biblical Inerrancy and Perfect Preservation
The Septuagint (LXX) Chronology in Genesis 5 and 11: Corrupt and Indefensible
Summit on Inerrancy: Not a Consistent, Therefore, Christian Worldview
Those Who Deny Warfieldian Inerrancy
The Truth about a Few Key Questions on the History of the Doctrine of Inerrancy

Scripture:  Inspiration

Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 1
Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 2
Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 3
Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 4
Inspiration: How and What?

Scripture:  Interpretation

Case Study in the Rise of a False Doctrine or Misinterpretation of Scripture: Preservation Passages
The Historic Christian Response of Presuppositionalism to Biblical Criticism: Classic Harmonization
How to Come to Positions on Issues (link to sermon by Kent Brandenburg)
The Interpretation of Trump’s Travel Ban and the Interpretation of Scripture
Keswick and Pentecostal Hermeneutics: Experience Over Grammatical Exegesis
The Malleability of Old Testament Narratives
A Paradigm for Taking a Biblical Position that Makes Sense of Everything God Says In the Bible
Reconstruction or Liberation
Was the Church Wrong about the Meaning of Verbs in Scripture?
Woke: Evangelical Rift Caused or Influenced by Seismic False System of Interpretation of Scripture
You Might Need to Study More! (Bobby Mitchell)

Scripture:  Perspecuity

Big and Ambiguous
Hard to Be Understood
Perspecuity and an Emerging Corollary
The Self-Centered Hypocrisy of Nuance

Scripture:  Preservation

A Sniff Test on the Preservation of Scripture
The Actual History of King James Onlyism
Answering Aaron Again on the Doctrine of Preservation of Scripture
Answering Aaron on the Doctrine of Preservation—Part Two
Aaron on TSKT, part three —- Introduction
Aaron on TSKT, part four
The Ancient Text of the New Testament, part one
Answering the SharperIron Article on Preservation part one
Answering the SharperIron Article on Preservation part two
Answering the SharperIron Article on Preservation part three
Answering the SharperIron Article on Preservation part four
Answering the SharperIron Article on Preservation part five
Answering the TR (Textus Receptus), Perfect Preservation of Scripture Question. One More Time.
Answers to Questions about the Doctrine of Preservation of Scripture
Any Fault in Fideism
Assessing Comments on Thou Shalt Keep Them
Assessing Comments on Thou Shalt Keep Them, part two
Baptist Confessions and the Preservation of Scripture: A Video
Can We Separate a Miracle of Inspiration from a Miracle of Preservation?
Case Study in the Rise of a False Doctrine or Misinterpretation of Scripture: Preservation Passages
Certainty or Uncertainty: Perfect Preservation or Multiple Versions (J)
Churches: The “How” of Perfect Preservation (J)
Commentary on the Steven Anderson–James White Interview, part one
Commentary on the Steven Anderson–James White Interview, part two
Criticizing Professor Wallace (Part One)
Criticizing Professor Wallace (Part Two)
Criticizing Professor Wallace (Part Three)
Criticizing Professor Wallace (Part Four)
Debate on the Preservation of Scripture
The Doctrine of the Preservation of Scripture and the Idea of Acceptable Multiple Versions of Scripture
Does DBTS Theological Journal Present a Biblical Theology of Preservation?
Eclectic, Critical Text, and MVO on Truth Serum (J)
Editions of the TR Argument and Excellent Preservation Versus Perfect Preservation
The Embarrassing History of the Doctrine of Preservation for the Multiple Versionists
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part one
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part two
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part three
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part four
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part five
The Erroneous Epistemology of Multiple Version Onlyism part six
The Devil in the Details? Matthew 5:18, 19 and the Authority of Scripture
The Devil in the Details? Matthew 5:18, 19 and the Authority of Scripture, part two
The Dishonesty over the Version or Preservation of Scripture Issue
Explaining the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Perfect Preservation Doctrine or Sacred Text Position So that Anyone Really, Really Will Understand It
The Fallacy of Critical Text Apologetics with Islam: James White and Pooyan Mehrshahi
Fideistic Fakes
Kent Brandenburg and Frank Turk Debate on the Preservation of Scripture
Kent Brandenburg and Frank Turk Debate on the Preservation of Scripture — Part One
Kent Brandenburg and Frank Turk Debate on the Preservation of Scripture — Part Two
Kent Brandenburg and Frank Turk Debate on the Preservation of Scripture — Part Three
Kent Brandenburg and Frank Turk Debate on the Preservation of Scripture — Part Four
French Protestants and the Waldenses: The Church and the Text of the New Testament, pt. 1
French Protestants and the Waldenses: The Church and the Text of the New Testament, pt. 2
Gender Discord and Psalm 12:6-7
Historiography, Bible Doctrine, and the Text of Scripture
Honesty About the Historical Position on Preservation
If You Believe in Canonicity, You Can and Should Believe in Preservation
If You Believe in Canonicity, You Can and Should Believe in Preservation part 2
Is it True That No Two NT MSS Are Exactly the Same?
Is KJVO a Great Danger to Historic Fundamentalism?
Is KJVO a Great Danger to Historic Fundamentalism?  Part Two
Is KJVO a Great Danger to Historic Fundamentalism?  Part Three
Isaiah 59:21 and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture (J)
Jerome’s Preface to the Canonical Epistles–Ancient Evidence for 1 John 5:7 (T)
John 10:35, the Scripture Cannot Be Broken, and Perfect Preservation of Scripture
John Owen Again on the Septuagint (LXX) Issue Related to the Presuppositions for the Preservation of Scripture, Meanwhile Answering James White
Jon Gleason’s Series on Preservation of Scripture:  part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7, part 8
Kay Jay Vee Potpourri
Kethiv / Qere and King James Only (KJVO) or Perfect Preservation (T)
The Latin Vulgate and the King James Version
The Lie about the History of One Bible Onlyism
More James White on the Version Issue: Either He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About or He’s Lying
More James White on the Version Issue: Either He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About or He’s Lying, pt. 2
More James White on the Version Issue: Either He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About or He’s Lying, pt. 3
More James White on the Version Issue: Either He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About or He’s Lying, pt. 4
More on “It Is Written”
Multiple Versions Only (MVO): No Scripture, So Invent a Fake History (J)
My Precise Agreement with a Prominent Liberal Theologian
The Paradigm for Preservation of Scripture
Perfect Preservation of Scripture and Young Earth Creationism
Perfect Tense Preservation (by David Sutton)
Polygraphing the Words of James White, Pt. 1
Polygraphing the Words of James White, Pt. 2
Polygraphing the Words of James White, Pt. 3
Presuppositionalism, the Fool, Irony, and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture
Preservation:  Does It Seem Like They Care?
Psalm 12:6–7 and Gender Discordance: the anti-KJV and anti-preservation argument debunked (again) (T)
Psalm 12:6-7 Commentaries and the Preservation of Words (T)
Quotes, Quotes, Quotes: We Take the Historic Position (J)
The Real History of the One Bible Doctrine (J)
Reasoned Preservation of Scripture
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 1
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 2
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 3
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 4
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 5
Revelation 22:18-19 and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture (J)
Revisionist History on the Perfect Preservation of Scripture
Richard Muller and the History of the Preservation of Scripture pt. 1
A SAFE PLACE: Biblical Inerrancy and Perfect Preservation
Scrambling for an Explanation: The LXX Argument
The Sharper Iron Crowd Ignores the Peter Van Kleeck, Jr. Post
The Sister Presuppositions of Palaeography and Paleontology
So Does the Bible Mean What It Says About Itself, Or?
Sola Scriptura, the Norming Norm, and the Doctrine of Preservation
Standard Conversation Between Multiple Versionist with Perfect Preservationist
Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum
The Third Rail of Fundamentalist Politics
The Tomato Truck
The Two Most Important Facts about the Bible Version Issue — Ignored or Covered Up
Two Obvious Contemporary Theological Contradictions and their Meaning part two
The Wackiness of Opposition to the Only Possible Biblical and Logical Position on the Preservation of Scripture
Various Editions of the “Which TR?” Question in a Debate about the Preservation of Scripture
Verbal, Plenary Inspiration and Preservation of Scripture: A Video (T)
What About Logic and King James Onlyism?
What’s In the Bible? (J)
What’s Worse? This Kind of Bad or That Kind of Bad
What’s Worse? This Kind of Bad or That Kind of Bad, part two
Where Are the Words?
Where Is the Bible?
Where Is the Bible?  Part Two:  Answering the Questions
Whose Beliefs Aren’t Taught In Scripture and Have No History Before the Nineteenth Century?
Why I Keep Talking about the Text/Preservation Issue
The Word Is Words:  Dishonesty About Preservation (J)
The Word Is Words:  Honesty About Preservation (J)
You Know the Critical Text Position Is In Trouble When It’s Propped Up by Blatant Lies

Scripture:  Sola Scriptura

Christian Liberty and Its Relationship to Church Autonomy and Sola Scriptura
Is the Bible Enough Evidence?
A Primer on the Two Book Approach: Rejection of Sola Scriptura
So Long, Sola: Convenient Evangelical Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura, the Norming Norm, and the Doctrine of Preservation
Sola Scriptura:  Tests

Scripture:  Sufficiency

The Bible Is the Red Pill
Do Christians Like the Whole Bible?
Does the Holy Spirit Lead Believers by Talking to Them Directly?
Erroneous Reliance on Circumstances as Evidence of the Holy Spirit’s Leading
Extra-Scriptural Divine Talk: A Common Ground for Almost All False Religion
God does NOT speak through the Bible (T)
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God, pt. 2
If You Don’t Have God Talking to You, What Then?
Is the Bible Enough Evidence?
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today?
Is the Macedonian Call Normative for Missions Today? Part Two
The Means By Which God Does Talk Today
Scripture Repudiates Innovation in and by the Church
Scripture Talks To Us and It Says Everything We Need to Hear

Scripture:  Textual Criticism

Big Talk with Little to Show at Evangelical Textual Criticism
No Two Biblical Manuscripts Are The Same? Old and New Testament Evidence
Should Naturalistic Explanations Overrule Scriptural Ones?
The Sister Presuppositions of Palaeography and Paleontology

Scripture:  Versions

Comparative: Amending the U. S. Constitution and Amending the Bible
Analyzing King James Version Revision or Update Arguments, pt. 1
Analyzing King James Version Revision or Update Arguments, pt. 2
The Bird Bible: ‘Saturday Night Live’ Gets It — Do the People Doing It?
The Confusion and Heterodoxy of Modern Version Proponents: Revisited in Light of “FBFI and the KJV,” Its Reasons and Debate
The Confusion and Heterodoxy of Modern Version Proponents: Revisited in Light of “FBFI and the KJV,” Its Reasons and Debate, pt. 2
The Connection Between One’s World View and the Version Issue
The Dean Burgon Society and King James Bible Research Council: Would I Join Them?
The Dishonesty over the Version or Preservation of Scripture Issue
The Doctrine of the Preservation of Scripture and the Idea of Acceptable Multiple Versions of Scripture
The Engagement of Others on the Modern Versions or King James Version
Kay Jay Vee Potpourri
Kethiv / Qere and King James Only (KJVO) or Perfect Preservation (T)
The King James Version and the Doctrine of Separation
King James Version:  Elizabethan English?
The Latin Vulgate and the King James Version
Let’s Be Very Clear: Not All King James Version Views Are the Same
McWhorter, Ward, Tyndale, and a KJV Update
Multiple Versions Only (MVO): No Scripture, So Invent a Fake History (J)
The NKJV—Just “Easier to Read,” or an Inferior Translation that, Among other Problems, is Weaker on Sodomy? (T)
NKJV Different from KJV and the Textus Receptus (versus Mark Ward), pt. 1
NKJV Different from KJV and the Textus Receptus (versus Mark Ward), pt. 2
NKJV Different from KJV and the Textus Receptus (versus Mark Ward), pt. 3
NKJV Different from KJV and the Textus Receptus (versus Mark Ward), pt. 4
Pants and Bible Versions: Do They Matter?
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 1
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 2
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 3
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 4
Recent James White Videos and the Bible Version Issue, pt. 5
Revising the King James Version and Pleasing Absolutely No One
The Two Most Important Facts about the Bible Version Issue — Ignored or Covered Up
The Wackiness of Opposition to the Only Possible Biblical and Logical Position on the Preservation of Scripture
Was the King James Version the Standard for the English Speaking People for 300 Years?
What Do the Multiple Version Men Leave Us With?
What Do the Multiple Version Men Leave Us With? pt. 2
What’s the Scoop on the New King James Version?
Why I’m King James and the Contrast with a Dangerous King James Version Position

Separation Or Unity

Al Mohler’s Mention of Separation at the Shepherds Conference
Applying Biblical Texts to Ecclesiastical Separation?
The Attraction and the Lie of Not Separating
A Circle and a Graph: Evangelical Excuses for Disobedience to God
A Confused Stand
Bibliology and Separation
Bibliology and Separation  part two
Bibliology and Separation  part three
Can Someone Be Consistent in the Matter of Separation? (J)
A Case Study for Biblical Separation: James White and Michael Brown, According to Phil Johnson
A Catholicization of Evangelical Christianity
Certain Unscriptural Positions of Bibliology Worth Separating Over: Considering Mark Ward’s Call to Separation at FBFI
Complicit: The World’s Knowledge of and Hypocrisy In the Doctrine of Separation
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part one
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part two
Conservative Evangelicals Explore the Doctrine of Separation, part three
Darkness Hating Light Practices a Kind of Separation Different Than What God Requires
The Dean Burgon Society and King James Bible Research Council: Would I Join Them?
Destructive Fellowship in Fundamentalism
Dialogue about Separation: The 2008 Dever-Minnick 9Marks Interview part one
Dialogue about Separation: The 2008 Dever-Minnick 9Marks Interview part two
Dumbing Unity Down and Excluding God
Essential and Non-Essential Critique
Everybody Separates: It’s Just Why and How
Extra: An Evangelical Uses the Term “Separatist”
Faithful as a Pastor according to the Pastoral Epistles — Separation?
The Former Pharisee, the Apostle Paul, the Theologian of Separation
The “Fundamentalist Practice of Separation”?
God’s Kind of Separation over the Gospel (J)
Going Too Far with Separation?
The Gospel and Separation: What’s Worth Separating Over?
The Gospel and Separation: What’s Worth Separating Over?  pt. 2
How Big Is Disobedience to 2 Corinthians 6:14?
Is It Impossible to Be Consistent in the Practice of the Separation?
The King James Version and the Doctrine of Separation
Let’s Hear It for an Evangelical Proposal of Separation!
MacArthur and Piper and Driscoll: Case Study on God Wanting Ecclesiastical Separation and That It Should Matter
The Most Divisive of All Independent Baptists: Let’s Think about It
Not Believing God Is and Should Be A Problem in Denying Perfect Preservation of Scripture
One Stop Shop for Recent Dabblings on Separation Among Evangelicals, and then a Fundamentalist
Opposing Indifferentism: Why Now?
Pastors and Churches That Accept Our Former Members
Point of 2 John: Truth the Boundary of Acceptance
Popular Evangelical Historian on Truth Serum about the Church
Real Unity, Biblical Unity, Which Is Required, Versus Fake Unity, The Overwhelmingly Most Common Today
Real Unity, Biblical Unity, Which Is Required, Versus Fake Unity, The Overwhelmingly Most Common Today — pt. 2
Real Unity, Biblical Unity, Which Is Required, Versus Fake Unity, The Overwhelmingly Most Common Today — pt. 3
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation, part two
Reductio Ad Absurdum: Conservative Evangelicalism Meets the Doctrine of Separation, part three
R.I.P. Separation in Fundamentalism
2 John 7-11: Case Study or Comprehensive?
Seeking Unity with James White
Separation 101: Associations and Separation from Those Who Call Themselves Brothers, part one
Separation 101: Associations and Separation from Those Who Call Themselves Brothers, part two
Separation 101: Associations and Separation from Those Who Call Themselves Brothers, part three
Separation 101: Associations and Separation from Those Who Call Themselves Brothers, part four
Separation and Patience
Separation and Sectarianism, An Article Review
Separation Confusion in So-Called Classic , Historical, or Traditional Fundamentalism
Separation Is An Indispensable Message You Should Pick Up from the Whole Bible, But Let’s Start with Genesis
Separation with the Gospel as an Essential: Imagination of and about Jesus Dipping Below a Saving Quality
Tabletalk, R. C. Sproul, and the Evangelical Foray into Ecclesiastical Separation
Taking the Minnick Article on Separation for a Test
The Scriptural Problem of Kevin Bauder’s Definition of “Fellowship”
Is This Statement Scriptural? “Strictly speaking, biblical “separation” is refusing to extend Christian fellowship to someone who denies the gospel.”
Thoughts and Questions about the Doctrine of Separation
Ties that Bind….Really Bind
Unity Beyond the Church
When is Bad Preaching a Separating Issue?
Who Causes Division? The Claim for the High Ground of Unity
Why I’m Not Participating With The IBFI (Bobby Mitchell) (J)
You Are What You Allow

Separation:  Primary or Secondary Doctrine (Ranking Doctrines, Adiaphora)

The Apostle Paul and His View of Unity and “Non-Essentials”
The Artificially Manufactured ‘Majoring on Minors’ Controversy
The Artifically Manufactured “Major-Minor” Controversy pt. 2
The Artifically Manufactured “Major-Minor” Controversy pt. 3
The Damage of the Non-Essential Doctrine to the Gospel
Deconstructing Fugate and Schaap and a Conclusion about Ranking Doctrines (J)
The Delusion of the Fundamental of the Faith: Relating It To Rocky Top at Bob Jones University
En Protois and 1 Corinthians 15:3: First of All, First In Order
The “Essential Doctrine” Doctrine Is Just Being Assumed with No Proof (J)
Essential Truths, Secondary Issues
Evangelicals Move the Goalposts on Adiaphora
1 Corinthians 15:3: En Protois, First in Order or First in Importance, and Ranking Doctrines
Gospel Minimization: Is Paul Saying in 1 Corinthians 15 that the Gospel Is Merely the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ?
Hard to Be Understood
Incremental Conservatism?
Is Sanctification a Secondary Doctrine?
Is the Doctrine of Major Doctrines a Major Doctrine? The Rapture as a Case Study
Majoring on the Minors
A Majorly Minor Break
“Negotiable Matters of Indifference”
Phil Johnson: Tertiary Doctrines Dovetailing with the King James Version Issue
The Point and Presumptuousness of Ranking Doctrines (J)
“Primary” and “Secondary,” Biblical Separation, and Application of Scripture: Johnson, MacArthur, Driscoll, and Murray pt. 1
“Primary” and “Secondary,” Biblical Separation, and Application of Scripture: Johnson, MacArthur, Driscoll, and Murray pt. 2
Ranking Doctrines (J)
Secondary, Tertiary, or Essential?
Secondary, Tertiary, or Essential?  Part Two
Secondary, Tertiary, or Essential?  Part Three
Secondary, Tertiary, or Essential?  Part Four
Secondary, Tertiary, or Essential?  Part Five
Separation and Ranking Doctrines
Separation with the Gospel as an Essential: Imagination of and about Jesus Dipping Below a Saving Quality
What Did Charles Spurgeon and H. A. Ironside Say About the Tertiary or Primary Doctrine View?
When An Exegetical Fallacy Becomes a Translation and then a Philosophy

Service (Ministry)

Does God Accept Unscriptural Service or Work? (J)
Making the Old Paradigm the New Paradigm for “Full Time” Ministry

Service:  Faithfulness

What Dad Expects When He Returns

Shame (see Conscience)

Social Gospel, Social Issues

Are Passages on Old Testament Strangers A Legitimate Basis for Taking Refugees into the Country?
Are You Woke? The Truth Behind the Evangelical Woke Movement
Contraception, Sandra Fluke, and the Rush Limbaugh Controversy
Help the Homeless: Buy Them Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco? (T)
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: Social Justice Panderers
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: His Antidote to Pandering
Perversion of Justice
A Post Among a Series of Posts by John MacArthur about Social Justice and the Gospel
Race and Culture
Reflecting on My White Privilege
Russell Moore, Exhibit One in Ingratiation of Gospel Hipsterness
The Trojan Horse of Racial Reconciliation
When All Lives and Their Things Don’t Matter
Woke: Evangelical Rift Caused or Influenced by Seismic False System of Interpretation of Scripture

Social Networking and the Internet

The Blind Spots of www.Christian  part one
Brainless Damaging Social Networking
Christian Internet Filtering, part 1 of 2
Christian Internet Filtering, part 2 of 2
Internet Filtering for Churches: High Quality, Low Price, Christian Influence: Covenant Eyes
Maybe the Worst Thing about Social Media
Putting the Web in Web
Romans 14 and Issues Like Social Networking (J)
Social Networking Sites (SNS): A Case Study for Standards of Judgment
Why You Should Get Rid of Yahoo! E-Mail and Avoid Yahoo! Entirely
Why to Delete a Facebook Account
You Need Filtered and Accountable Electronic Devices, part 1 of 2 (T)
You Need Filtered and Accountable Electronic Devices, part 2 of 2 (T)

Soul and Spirit (the nature of Man)

Do Animals Have Souls and Spirits? (T)


Selective Sovereignty
Sovereignty over Sovereignty (J)
Who Is Sovereign Over Sovereignty


A Case Study in Hypocritic Discourse: Sharper Iron (J)
Conversation Boggles
A Failure to Communicate (J)
Discourse on Discourse (J)
Is He a Scorner or Not?
Mein Kampf (J)
The Myth of the Harshness of Right Wing Tone or Hypocrisy from the Left on Tone or Attitude
Old School (J)
Scorners and Scorning

Spirit Filling

A Time and a Place

Spirituality (Ecstasy, Soft Continuationism)

Actual Sensing of the Holy Spirit or God and then the More Prominent Fake Kind, Which Is a Lie
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 1 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 2 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 3 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 4 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 5 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 6 of 7 (T)
Andrew Murray, Mystical Quietist and Higher Life / Keswick Writer, part 7 of 7 (T)
Deep and Very Warm Spirituality
Detection of True Spirituality — part one (J)
Detection of True Spirituality — part two (J)
Distortion of True Spirituality , pt. 1 (J)
Distortion of True Spirituality, pt. 2 (J)
Ecstasy Rampant in Evangelicalism (and Fundamentalism)
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Are Teeming with Ecstatic and Demonic Influence
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Are Teeming with Ecstatic and Demonic Influence part 2
Lead, Guide,and Direct: What is This?
The Oracle of Delphi, Preaching, Power, and Sensing God
Producing Experiences with the Flesh and Calling It the Spirit
Rampant Fake Spirituality
Rampant Fake Spirituality, part two
Schaap and Hyles and the Presence of God (J)
Sensing the Presence of God: Is It Biblical?
What Continues Today from Eras of Miracles? Thoughts on the Non-Charismatic Continuationism
Wisdom and Signs: Two Characteristics Rampant in Churches


Coaches and Referees
A Defense of Barry Bonds: My One and Only Defense
A Good Sign the NFL Season Is Here




2 Corinthians 2:12-17: An Imperative Passage for a Right View of Ministry Success
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part one
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part two
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part three
The Deceit and Tragedy of the Wrong Attribution of Success or a Wrong View of Success in Church Leadership, part four


Explaining Why
Major Message in Scripture: Suffering for Evil Doing Isn’t Actually Suffering
Not God’s Problem: The Bible Does Answer the Question of Suffering in Lamentations

Suing Other Christians

Christians Suing Christians: Is it Biblical? (T)


“Blood. . . Part and Parcel of the Programming We Receive as Christians”
Dishonoring A Game of Honor
God of the Thoughts
Interesting and, I Think, True Historical Take on What Happened to Hollywood
Scriptural Realism in Application to Television
Television: My Story
Television: My Story part second


What We are Thankful to God the Father For (Colossians 1:14) (J)

Theology:  Historical

Historical Theology and the Majority Position (J)
The History of the Doctrine of Justification (J)

Theology:  Proper

The Covenant Name of God: Jehovah or Yahweh? (T)
Expectations of God
God Has to Be God
God Has to Be God, pt. 2
God Has to Be God, pt. 3
God Has to Be God, pt. 4
The Ministry of Satan as Caused or Allowed by God
The Wrath of God



Tithing (Giving, Offering)

The New Testament Teaches Tithing pt. 1 (J)
The New Testament Teaches Tithing pt. 2 (J)
The New Testament Teaches Tithing pt. 3 (J)

Trials, Temptations, and Tests

Trials and Temptations — Different and Yet the Same (J)


The Anabaptists Did Not Get the Trinity From Constantine, and the Ancient Arians Were Bloody Persecutors
Did the Trinity Come From Paganism? part 1 (T)
Did the Trinity Come From Paganism? part 2 (T)
Did the Trinity Come From Paganism? part 3 (T)
Did the Trinity Come from Paganism? part 4 (T)
How is your growth in the knowledge of your Triune God? (T)
How well do you know your Triune God? (T)
Knowing the Trinity: Practical Thoughts for Daily Life, by Ryan M. McGraw: A Review (T)
Representative Quotations from the Earliest Christian Writings— Are These Men Trinitarians or Arians?
Trinitarianism College Course Now Complete on YouTube (T)
The Trinity: How Well Do You Know the true God? (T)
Who Is God? Trinity the Identity of God


Adjusting to a Meaningless World
Doubt, Lack of Willingness to Believe, and Atheism
The Eclecticism of Today’s Churches
The Evangelical Seduction of Two Truths
The Height of Postmodern or Two Truth Folly
How Bifurcation of Truth Became and Stays Acceptable
How Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Are Codifying Uncertainty and Doubt (J)
How Much Diversity Should a Christian Allow and What Is His Responsibility to Error?
The Job of Keeping
The Lie of Two Worlds
The Lie of Two Worlds, pt. 2
Mark These Words: Capitulation on the Diversity of Truth and Beauty Yields Apostasy, Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
A Means of Protection
Open Mindedness: Relatively New In History — Why?
Point of 2 John: Truth the Boundary of Acceptance
The Pope, Stephen Colbert, Hillary’s Apology, and Truth
The Root of Uncertainty: Not Can’t, Not Don’t, But Won’t
The Strategy of Doubt
Uncertainty Now Considered Supreme Form of Christianity
The War Against Certainty
A World of Lies Starting with a Church of Lies

United States History

America Is NOT A Christian Nation
The Fifth American War: Uniquely Good Analysis By Victor David Hanson
Powdered Wigs and Wooden Teeth
Preying for Power
Reports of Revival in America

Will of God

Erroneous Reliance on Circumstances as Evidence of the Holy Spirit’s Leading
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God
God Speaking and the Individual Will of God, pt. 2
The Magic Rings

Word of Truth Conference (Bethel Baptist Church)

All Audio and Video Up for 2017 WORD OF TRUTH CONFERENCE
Audio and Video of 2018 Word of Truth Conference — The Gospel (Part Four)
I-MAGINATION: The God of Truth Replaced in an Age of Apostasy
The Very First Word of Truth Conference
Word of Truth Conference Line-Up 2018
Word of Truth Conference: the 2018 Sermons are Online (T)

World History

Where Did the Mess Begin?


The Capitulation of the Church Hastened Transgenderism
Complicit: The World’s Knowledge of and Hypocrisy In the Doctrine of Separation
Crossing Over:  Proving the Resolved Trailer
A Defense of the Peter Masters’ Article with Criticism of its Bad Reviews
A Defense of the Peter Masters’ Article with Criticism of its Bad Reviews  part two
The Destructive Instinct of Evangelicalism and Now Fundamentalism for and with Celebrity
Doctrine Is Not the Biggest Challenge to the Gospel in the Church Today
The Fear of “Externalism” In Preaching against Worldliness and for Personal Separation
Highway Work
Hillsong: If Nothing Is Wrong, Then Nothing Is Wrong
How Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism Have Invented and Continue to Reinvent A Socially Acceptable Impostor and Placebo Christianity
The Hypocrisy of Contemporary “Conservative” Evangelicalism pt. 2: Dovetailing with ‘Reacquiring a Christian Counterculture, pt. 2’ (J)
“I’m Gunna Use Worldly Lust to Lure Kids to Christian College”
John Piper, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, and Aesthetic, Cultural, Entertainment, and Attire Consistency
Join Me in the Campaign against BABEL: Bigotry Against the Bible Executed Legally
Join the Campaign against BABEL: Bigotry Against the Bible Executed Legally
The Myth of ECx Internalism and Grace
The Myth of Only Internal Worldliness (J)
The Normalization of Aberrant Behavior Now in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
Nothing Is Weird Anymore
The Pot and the Kettle:  MacArthur and Driscoll
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part two)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part three)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part four)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part five)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part six)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part seven)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part eight)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part nine)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part ten)
What the Worship War or Music Issue Really Is About (part eleven)
Russell Moore, Exhibit One in Ingratiation of Gospel Hipsterness
Schemes That Avoid Consequences Scripture Guarantees for True Followers of the Lord
Schemes That Avoid Consequences Scripture Guarantees for True Followers of the Lord, pt. 2
Schemes That Avoid Consequences Scripture Guarantees for True Followers of the Lord, pt. 3
The “Tabernacle of Witness” and Objective Aesthetic Meaning
Were We Wrong, Can Something Like This Change, or What?
Why Doesn’t Tim Keller Include the Younger Son?
Avalanche toward Gomorrah


Adjusting to a Meaningless World
Arctic Ice Sheets Melting, So Ocean Level Rising (Snicker)
Canaanite DNA and Fake News
Concocted Christianity
The Connection Between One’s World View and the Version Issue
The Content Of Their Character: Race and Meaning
Did New Testament Christianity Borrow from Mithraism? (T)
Ebola: Government Failure Stems from a Shift in Worldview
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism: The Embrace of Neutrality (J)
The Failure of the Naturalistic View of Origins: Not Observable or Repeatable
Global Warming
God-Given Rights: A Crucial Denial of a Foundation of Conservatism at National Review
Government, Family, Church:  Why More?
The Height of Postmodern or Two Truth Folly
“He” vs. “they”: the 3rd Person Singular English Pronoun, Feminism, Patriarchy, and Biblical Christianity in Grammar (T)
How Much Diversity Should a Christian Allow and What Is His Responsibility to Error?
Johnny Manziel, Obscenity, and Evangelicalism
Jordan Peterson: The Lowering Standard of Acceptance
The Lie of Two Worlds
The Lie of Two Worlds, pt. 2
The Lure of the Left
Metaphysical Reality
Modernism Criticizes Post-Modernism: What Of It?
Origin of the Universe and Life: Random or Designed
The Pagan Worldview of Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
Perfect Preservation of Scripture and Young Earth Creationism
Population Explosion
Question Authority
Scan of 100,000 Galaxies and No Alien Life: What’s That Supposed to Mean?
Should Naturalistic Explanations Overrule Scriptural Ones?
The Sister Presuppositions of Palaeography and Paleontology
Summit on Inerrancy: Not a Consistent, Therefore, Christian Worldview
The Virtue of Nationalism
Who’s Worse
The Worldview of Romney and Ryan and the 2012 Presidential Election


The “Altar Call”: James 1:21 and the Circumstances of Worship
Can or Should God Be Worshiped Merely by Musical Instruments without the Words or Lyrics?
A Critique: Worship Wars by Robert Bakss
A Critique: Worship Wars by Robert Bakss, pt. 2
Evangelical Mumbo Jumbo: Ziplines and Worship Wars
The First Worship War
Images and Pictures of Jesus Christ Forbidden by Scripture
I Thought They Believed This?
A Modern Perversion of the Temple
The Necessity of Poetry in the Praise of God
On Paper or In Practice
“On Spiritual Worship,” Stephen Charnock (1628-1680)
Oxymorons (Joy in Worship)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part two)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part three)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part four)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part five)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part six)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part seven)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part eight)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part nine)
Proving the Music Issue in the Worship War: Is there Holy Hip Hop?  (part ten)
What the Worship War or Music Issue Really Is About (part eleven)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 1 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 2 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 3 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 4 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 5 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 6 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 7 of 8 (T)
Reverence and Solemnity: Essential Aspects of Biblical Worship, part 8 of 8 (T)
The Revision or Redefinition of Art, Related to False Worship
Trinity Doctrine or Worship Music, Which Is More Important?
Was David Cloud Right in His Exposure and Reproof of West Coast Worship?
What Is Worship?
Who Can Say Who’s Wrong?
Why “Blended Worship”?
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 1
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 2
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 3
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 4
Worship and the Ark Narrative of 1 Chronicles, pt. 5


SCRIPTURE PASSAGE (Order of Books of the Bible)


Separation Is An Indispensable Message You Should Pick Up from the Whole Bible, But Let’s Start with Genesis


Embarrassment: Leviticus 18, NY Times, and Albert Mohler


Divorce, Deuteronomy 24:1-4, Remarriage, and New Testament teaching (T)
What I’ve Preached on Deuteronomy 24 (T)

1 Chronicles

Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 1
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 2
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 3
Worship and the Ark Narrative in 1 Chronicles, pt. 4
Worship and the Ark Narrative of 1 Chronicles, pt. 5


Gender Discord and Psalm 12:6-7
Psalm 12:6–7 and Gender Discordance: the anti-KJV and anti-preservation argument debunked (again) (T)
Psalm 12:6-7 Commentaries and the Preservation of Words (T)
Missions Exists Because Worship of God Doesn’t: Psalm 96
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 119, The Hate Psalm, and the Practice of Contemporary Christianity
A Meditation upon Psalm 119:148: “My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes.” (T)


Proverbs 22:6 — Children of Obedient Parents Turning Out for God–Certainty or Mere Possibility? Part 1 (T)
Proverbs 22:6 — Children of Obedient Parents Turning Out for God–Certainty or Mere Possibility? Part 2 (T)
Proverbs 22:6 and Adoption, part 1 of 2 (T)
Proverbs 22:6 and Adoption, part 2 of 2 (T)
One Stop Shop on Prov 23:31 and “When It Is Red”

IsaiahIsaiah 59:21 and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture (J)
The Mission of the Messiah’s Grace: A New Order of Living, Isaiah 42:1-4


Not God’s Problem: The Bible Does Answer the Question of Suffering in Lamentations


Daniel 3:25: “the Son of God” or “a son of the gods”? (T)
Proof that the Bible is the Word of God from the Book of Daniel (T)


The Devil in the Details? Matthew 5:18, 19 and the Authority of Scripture
The Devil in the Details? Matthew 5:18, 19 and the Authority of Scripture, part two
30, 60, 100: Can We Conclude That More Fruit Was Caused by the One Receiving the Seed?
A Meditation upon Matthew 25:21, 23: “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. . . . His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (T)


Mark 7:4-5:  Mark 7:4 & the “washing [baptidzo] . . . of tables:” Baptism is still Immersion in the Baptizing of Tables or Dining Couches (T)
Mark 7:4-5:  Mark 7:4 & the “washing [baptidzo] . . . of tables:” Baptism is still Immersion in the Baptizing of Tables or Dining Couches, part 2 (T)
Mark 7:7, Corban: Rearing Its Ugly Head Again in Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism
About Mark
Mark 7:13:  The Pharisees to the Left: Little Faith, Weak Minds, Poor Arguments, But With a Loud Fanfare
Mark 11:  Jesus Said, Have Faith in God
Mark 13:32: the Son’s Glorious Ignorance of the Day and Hour


The Ignorance of a Luke 10 Approach (J)
Luke 14:15-24: What It Means (part one)
Luke 14:15-24: What It Means (part two)
Luke 15:  Why Doesn’t Tim Keller Include the Younger Son?
Luke 18:18-30:  The Rich Young Ruler: Tell-Tale Passage for Soteriology, Number One
Luke 18:18-30:  The Rich Young Ruler: Tell-Tale Passage for Soteriology, Number Two
Luke 18:18-30:  The Rich Young Ruler: Tell-Tale Passage for Soteriology, Number Three
Luke 23:43: Where Does the Comma Go? Was the Thief in Paradise That Day? “Verily, I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise,” as in the KJV, or “Verily I say unto thee to day, Thou shalt be with me in paradise,” as the Watchtower Society, Seventh Day Adventism, and other annihilationists teach? (T)


John 6: Church Growth Methods and Other Sins
John 6: Church Growth Methods and Other Sins, pt. 2
The Truth Shall Make You Free, pt. 1 (John 8:32)
The Truth Shall Make You Free, pt. 2 (John 8:32)
John 10:35, the Scripture Cannot Be Broken, and Perfect Preservation of Scripture
John 12:24-25: The Corn / Grain of Wheat Dying in the Ground: A Second Blessing? (T)
“Abide in Me,” John 15:1-8: Saved or Unsaved, Not Christian or Better Christian
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 5 of 9, Old Testament Background to the Vine Image of John 15 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 6 of 9: Exposition of John 15:1-3 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 7 of 9: Exposition of John 15:4-5 (T)
Abiding in Christ: What Does it Mean? part 8 of 9: Exposition of John 15:6-11 (T)
What Is the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in John 16:13?


Acts 2:38–Baptism Essential to Salvation? (T)
Acts 11:26: All Christians are Disciples (T)
Acts 22:16–Baptism Essential for Salvation? (T)
Apostasy and the Meaning of Stephen’s Sermon in Acts 7 with Special Application to Millennial Apostates
Exploring Unacceptable Degrees of Normativeness of the Book of Acts

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1:19-22:  Wisdom and Signs: Two Characteristics Rampant in Churches
1 Corinthians 2:7:  Don’t Fix Stupid: Stupid Doesn’t Need Fixing
1 Corinthians 6:1-4 — God’s Evaluation of the Judgment of an Individual Church
1 Corinthians 6:9-10:  Ability to Judge, Standard of Judgment, and Judging Effeminate Behavior (and Separating from It)
1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Headcoverings, and Historical Doctrine
Proof-Text Perversions: 1 Corinthians 12:13 (part one)
Proof-Text Perversions: 1 Corinthians 12:13 (part two)
Proof-Text Perversions: 1 Corinthians 12:13 (part three)
Proof-Text Perversions: 1 Corinthians 12:13 (part four)
Proof-Text Perversions:  1 Corinthians 12:13 (part five)
Proof-Text Perversions:  1 Corinthians 12:13 (part six)
A Review of Kevin Bauder’s Article on 1 Corinthians 12:13
En Protois and 1 Corinthians 15:3: First of All, First In Order
1 Corinthians 15:3: En Protois, First in Order or First in Importance, and Ranking Doctrines
1 Corinthians 15:1-4:  When An Exegetical Fallacy Becomes a Translation and then a Philosophy
Gospel Minimization: Is Paul Saying in 1 Corinthians 15 that the Gospel Is Merely the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ?

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 2:12-17: An Imperative Passage for a Right View of Ministry Success
How Big Is Disobedience to 2 Corinthians 6:14?RomansRomans 1:18 (Operation Suppression)
Let’s Think about Romans 6:23 in Its Context for a “Gospel Presentation”
Romans 8:14-16:  Bondage and Fear: Not the Result of a Higher or “Stricter” Standard
Romans 10:9-13: Are “Confess” and “Call” Post-Justification?
Romans 10:9-13: Are “Confess” and “Call” Post-Justification?  (part two)
Romans 10:9-13: Are “Confess” and “Call” Post-Justification?  (part three)
Romans 10:9-13: Are “Confess” and “Call” Post-Justification?  (part four)
Romans 10:9-13: Are “Confess” and “Call” Post-Justification?  (part five)
Romans 14:  Disputations about Doubtful Disputations (J)


The Epistle to the Galatians and Evangelicalism or New Evangelicalism: Slaves or Sons
Does Christ live the Christian Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined, part 1 of 4 (T)
Galatians 2:20–the Keswick “Christ-life”? part 2 of 4 in Does Christ live the Christian Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined (T)
Do Keswick Critics Routinely Misrepresent Keswick Theology? Part 3 of 3 (T)
The Keswick Christ-life-other alleged Scriptural support: part 4 of 4 in Does Christ live the Christian Life for the Christian? The Keswick View of Galatians 2:20 Examined (T)
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: Social Justice Panderers
Paul Obliterates Pandering in Galatians: His Antidote to Pandering


As the Church Is Subject Unto Christ
Ephesians 6:19-20, Open My Mouth Boldly


Philippians 2:14-16, Serious Griping


Solution to All Human Problems (Colossians 1:1-2) (J)
A Valid Prayer Request (Colossians 1:9) (J)
If Ye Continue (Colossians 1:23) (J)
The Essential for Ministry (Colossians 1:24-25) (J)
Hearts Comforted (Colossians 2:1-2a) (J)
Keeping Rank, Holding the Line, and Marching Forward (Colossians 2:4-7) (J)
The Sufficiency of Jesus (Colossians 2:8-10) (J)
Spiritual Bullies (Colossians 2:16-17) (J)
Massively Exaggerated to the Point of Dishonest Applications of Colossians 2:20-23
A Way Into Heaven Before You Die (Colossians 3:1-4) (J)
Kill Yourself (Colossians 3:5) (J)
The New Refusal to Put Off the Old Man (Colossians 3:6-10) (J)
How Can I Forgive? (Colossians 3:13) (J)
Three Imperatives for the New Man (Colossians 3:15-17) (J)
The Relationships of the New Man (Colossians 3:18-4:1) (J)
Evangelistic Prayers (Colossians 4:2-6) (J)
A Brother, A Help, and A Fellow Slave of the Lord (Colossians 4:7) (J)

1 Thessalonians

Does 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 Describe Conversion or Some Post Conversion Sanctification Experience?

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 4:10:  “Saviour Of All Men”: What Does It Mean?

2 Timothy

Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 1
Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 2
Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 3
Are Accurate Copies and Translations of Scripture-Such as the KJV-Inspired? A Study of 2 Timothy 3:16, part 4


When Someone Is Said to Be Divisive [Titus 3:10-11]
“Having Faithful Children” in Titus 1:6 (J)Hebrews
Hebrews 10:24-25:  How Faithful Is Faithful to Church

The “Altar Call”: James 1:21 and the Circumstances of Worship
James 5:14-20:  The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 1 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 2 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 3 (T)
The Pentecostal Doctrine of Faith-Healing and James 5:14-20, part 4 (T)
James 5:14-20 and Unconventional or Alternative Medicine, part five (T)
What Is The New Testament Basis For Praying For The Sick?  James 5:14-201 Peter

Judgment Must Begin in the House of God
Judgment Must Begin in the House of God, pt. 2

2 Peter

2 Peter 3:16:  Hard to Be Understood

1 John

Understanding 1 John and Also Its Misuse, Misinterpretation, and Perversionhttps://kentbrandenburg.com/2019/01/28/understanding-1-john-and-also-its/
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 1 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “try the spirits” and the Rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 2 of 3 (T)
1 John 4:1-3: The Command to “Try the spirits” and the rise of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Word of Faith Doctrine of Exorcism, part 3 of 3 (T)

2 John

Point of 2 John: Truth the Boundary of Acceptance
2 John 7-11: Case Study or Comprehensive?

RevelationThe Book of Life and Eternal Security–do Revelation 3:5 & Revelation 22:18-19 Teach that a Christian may Lose his Salvation? (T)
Revelation 12, Christmas in the Apocalypse
Revelation 22:18-19 and the Perfect Preservation of Scripture (J)

Jesus Isn’t a Rorschach

The Rorschach Test is named after Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach  and it involves inkblots.  The inkblots are sufficiently ambiguous for someone to see whatever he wants to see in them.  I doubt the reliability of the test itself, but I use it now for its illustrative value, because people treat Jesus like a Rorschach Test, that is, Jesus is Himself sufficiently ambiguous to see whatever Jesus one wants to see in Him.

An actual Jesus most reject.  However, an inkblot sort of Jesus, that allows someone to see the Jesus he wants — that Jesus would be acceptable.  We do understand Jesus in our imaginations.  We know Him in our minds, also called our hearts in the Bible.  What we know is real or concrete with definite boundaries.  Another way of saying that is “He is Who He is.”  When He is turned into someone or something else, He isn’t Jesus anymore.

People are more comfortable with an inkblot Jesus upon whom they can see what they want.  He gives them what they want.  He makes them feel how they want.  They accept him, even if he isn’t actual Jesus.  Since Jesus died, was buried, rose- again, and ascended into Heaven, this has been a problem.  People impose on Jesus Who they want Him to be. In that sense, He becomes their servant, delivering to them a Jesus who is satisfactory to them.  They think their personal perception of Jesus is Jesus.  Paul wrote about this in 2 Corinthians 11:34:

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

He says “your minds should be corrupted.”  People prefer a malleable Jesus, who they can turn into whatever they want him to be in their minds.  They accept him, and he saves them, also in their minds, even if he isn’t Jesus.  He gives them a false sense of security.

The interpretation of the Rorschach Jesus is shaped in the imagination by various means, including entertainment, recreation, and music.  He is not shaped by a thorough exposition of scripture.  He is formed by varied means and false teaching or the acceptance of a counterfeit Jesus by others.  They might see something He isn’t, but the toleration of variations of him bolster the error.

Subjects view the same inkblot and they see two humans, a four-legged animal, a dog, an elephant, or a bear.  No one is corrected.  Whatever they see can’t be wrong.  The perception should be accepted without criticism.  There isn’t anything specific in the inkblot.  It is designed to provide ample ambiguity for a range of perception.  Jesus is treated the same way today by the world and now by evangelicalism.  The only problem are those who require specificity and condemn for insufficient limitations on the true Jesus.  He should be a craft or vessel in which to pour whatever it is someone needs him to be, which is the beauty of him.  He doesn’t have to be one thing.  He can be what you want or what you need in your own imagination.

A great threat exists for the corruption of thinking.  The unbeliever under the wrath of God has a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28).  Paul calls certain unbelieving men “of corrupt minds” (2 Timothy 3:8) and “men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness” (1 Timothy 6:5).  For this reason, the epistle contain regular prayer concerning what someone “knows.”  Paul writes to the Ephesians (1:15-20, bold print mine for emphasis):

Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.

The brunt of Paul’s prayer is that those members of the church of Ephesus would have knowledge through revelation and have the eyes of their understanding enlightened so that they would know certain things (what and what and what).  For them not to know rightly was intolerable for him.  His prayer centered on their knowledge, in a major way because that’s how they could become messed up the most in their lives.  Peter writes in 2 Peter 1:2-3 (bold mine for emphasis):

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, 3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.

The wrong or false or lack of knowledge risks grace and peace and all things that pertain unto life and godliness.  For salvation, someone needs the knowledge of Jesus our Lord and receives salvation through the knowledge of him.  If someone doesn’t have the knowledge of Him, the right knowledge of Him, or sufficient knowledge of Him, he easily could be left in a lost condition, even while thinking he is already acceptable.  This is how someone is deceived.  Very often, a person convinced of partial truth is inoculated against all of the truth.

How does Jesus become a Rorschach?  I will deal with one, even though I touched on several means above that are also worth exploring.  A chief means is conforming the Jesus of the imagination into one’s own lust.  This is a message of 2 Peter.  Men walk after their own lusts and then conform Jesus or the entire Godhead to what they want Jesus or God to be.  Every false worshiper shapes God into his own lust.  In so doing, he isn’t serving God, but himself (cf. Romans 1:25).

A man knows he is in trouble.  He knows death is coming.  At the same time, he wants what he wants.  He loves himself.  He needs Jesus for the former, but the true Jesus clashes with the latter.  The Rorschach Jesus works, except that He isn’t Jesus, so He doesn’t really work at all.

The Virtue of Nationalism

Wikipedia says concerning Yoram Hazony:

Yoram Hazony is an Israeli philosopher, Bible scholar and political theorist. He is President of The Herzl Institute in Jerusalem. Hazony is known for founding The Shalem Center in Jerusalem in 1994, and leading it through its accreditation in 2013 as Shalem College, Israel’s first liberal arts college.

Hazony’s book, The Virtue of Nationalism, released on September 4, 2018, a few months before French President Macron used the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I to bash nationalism in contrast to the views of President Donald Trump.  He said:

Nationalism is rising across Europe, the nationalism that demands the closing of frontiers, which preaches rejection of the other.  It is playing on fears, everywhere. Europe is increasingly fractured.

I wrote the following for our bulletin for Veteran’s Day, Sunday, November 11:

Scripture shows stable and cohesive national  identities are the will of God.  This is one means God has used to preserve the truth and His way of living in this world.  There is no unifying factor in the whole world and there never will be until the Antichrist takes it by force, and then more preferably, Jesus rules over the entire world according to His will.  Our soldiers fought for our nation and for principles that Americans had in common, which were worth dying for.  We can be thankful for them and those men and what privileges we still hold dear, that allow us to meet in freedom to worship God today as a church.

Christians should never be “country first,” but also should support nationalism.  God separated men into distinct lands at the Tower of Babel in response to something close to globalism.  Genesis 11:8-9:

So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.  Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

The founding fathers of the United States saw wisdom in separation reflected in God’s divisions into nations.  Hazony in an October 19 interview said:

Nationalism is a principled standpoint that sees the world as governed best when nations are given their independence and freedom to chart their own course on the basis of their own unique national, religious, and constitutional traditions.

I believe that nationalism is one of the most fundamental conservative ideals.  It is foundational to the protection of life, liberty, and property.  Conservation of ideals occurs within the borders of a nation.  I call on all professing Christians to support nationalism and reject globalism.


I noticed at RCP today an article with the exact same name as this on The Atlantic, which isn’t a review of Hazony’s book, just making the same point with the same title.  Interesting.

Judging Music (Part Two): Blurring the Distinction Between the Sacred and the Profane

Part One

Salvation distinguishes one thing from another.  Sanctification distinguishes one thing from another.  Righteousness distinguishes one thing from another.  Worship distinguishes one thing from another. Wisdom distinguishes one thing from another.  When distinctions are blurred, someone cannot distinguish one thing from another.  Sometimes it is as simple as who is God and who or what is not.

Qualities of God, heavenly things, in accordance with the divine, sacred ones, are laid out in God’s Word.  The qualities of the world, the system set against God, the flesh, and the devil, profane ones, are different than those of God.  The qualities of God and the qualities of the world, the flesh, and the devil should be distinguished one from another.  Blurring the distinctions between the qualities of one from the other affect salvation, sanctification, righteousness, worship, and wisdom.

When it comes to judging music, what I hear is, you really can’t tell the difference between the sacred and profane or there just is nothing sacred or profane.  That would be to say that music really can’t be sexy, for instance, even though I don’t know anyone who says music can’t be sexy. One would think that if someone could judge music to be sexy, than one could judge more than that, even a lot, about musical style.

Because music does have message and meaning, music is used very often for movie scores or the soundtracks of movies, to state something obvious.  The message and the meaning isn’t just neutral.  It can be immoral.  It can be moral.  It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the world produces mainly immoral music.

The idea that art itself cannot be moral or immoral originates from the world.  For instance, the world might think its music is sexy, but that doesn’t make the music itself immoral or the artist committing immorality  — to the world.  This is moral relativism.  The world doesn’t judge itself next to God or His Word.  It has its own standards of morality that are very flexible and adaptable.  It can call what it wants whatever it wishes.  Churches and church leaders have picked up on this practice.

On the other hand, there is a long record of significant historical figures saying that music itself is moral.  Both Plato and Aristotle, Greek philosophers, believed there was intrinsic moral or character qualities to music itself.  Plato wrote in his Republic:

[E]ducation in music is most sovereign, because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the inmost soul and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grace.

The actions of moral agents are either good or evil — people can do good things (Lk 6:33; Rom 2:14-15) and sinful things (1 Jn 1:8).  Music is an action of moral agents, so it must be either moral or immoral, but it is easy to see through scriptural examples.  From purely instrumental music in 1 Samuel 16:23, “the evil spirit departed from [Saul].”

Even though music doesn’t communicate like the spoken word, it does communicate.  Scripture implies that music communicates and people know it.

Acclaimed music critic at National Public Radio, Ann Powers writes in her 2017 book, Good Booty, a history of popular music in the United States:

Popular music’s very form, its ebb and flow of excitement so closely resembling the libido, drew people to it as a way to speak what, according to propriety, couldn’t be spoken.

In the journal, Soundrack, in 2011 Erik Hedling  of Lund University writes in his paper, Music, lust and modernity: Jazz in the films of Ingmar Bergman:

What is significant here is how jazz is employed to evoke feelings of alienation, lack of control and sexual threat, the latter particularly pertaining to the  women. . . . [One character who plays jazz] is made to personify the ‘wicked’ aspects of modernity: the moral decay of the big city, and the emotional emptiness and the undisguised and animal sexuality of jazz music.

When music, which communicates a message incongruous with the nature of God, is used in church or worship of God, it blurs the distinction between the sacred and profane.  What’s happening?

People may not understand music.  They are deceived.  They could be lying too.  Maybe they’re right and music is amoral.  The latter, I reject, so I’m left with deceived or lying.

If people are deceived, they are also deceived as to the nature of God.  They are giving God something not in His nature.  Whether someone is deceived or lying, God is still blasphemed.  People then are deceived as to the nature of God.  They don’t know God.

The priestesses of the goddess Diana in Ephesus, like others in the history of false religion, worshiped their god with sexuality and ecstasy.  Turning worship into ecstasy is in fitting with that god and gods like that one.  The feeling they have fools them with an experience.  They correspond that experience to some genuine communion with God.

It’s not like the ecstasy of mystery Babylon cannot be incorporated into a church.  It occurred at Corinth.  They corrupted true spirituality, not able to distinguish between the Holy Spirit and fleshly lust.  Doctrines were affected. It started with inculcating the worship aspect of pagan religion into the church.  People didn’t know they could have it both ways.  They can’t, but they now think they can, because it has been accepted.

I’ve talked to many people who trust their sincerity and their feeling.  They don’t know what love is.  They’ve replaced it with sentimentalism.  Instead of affection for God, they feel passion.  They think that is the Holy Spirit.  None of it is true, so it is a lie.  Their worship is a lie.  God is worshiped in truth.

The music of true worship distinguishes between the true God and false gods.  The music of true worship distinguishes between true love and sentimentality.  The music of true worship distinguishes between the church and the world.


  • Kent Brandenburg
  • Thomas Ross
